Texas Governor Insane


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
BROWNWOOD – Gov. Rick Perry today signed into law House Bill 3, legislation that provides comprehensive business tax reform but also helps deliver the largest property tax cut in the state’s history.

“Today I am proud to sign into law landmark business tax reforms that will provide greater fairness for employers, reliable funding for our school classrooms and revenue that will help deliver a record $15.7 billion property tax cut for the people of Texas,” Perry said.

Perry thanked state Rep. Jim Keffer, R-Eastland, who authored the legislation and participated in the bill signing, for shepherding the bill through the Texas House. Sen. Troy Fraser, R-Marble Falls, also attended the bill signing.

Perry noted that the old tax system has gaping loopholes that allows businesses with good accountants to avoid paying their share while other employers got stuck carrying an unfair tax load and schools struggled as revenue from the business tax steadily dwindled... and millions of homeowners who have been forced to make up the difference with skyrocketing local property taxes.

“When I put my signature on House Bill 3, that will all change,” he said. “Employers will benefit with a tax system that is fairer, a tax base that is broader and a tax rate that is substantially lower than the one we have today.

“And as the centerpiece of our school finance plan, House Bill 3 will help us lower school property taxes by 33 percent for every homeowner and every other property owner in Texas.”

House Bill 3:

Rewards employers for creating jobs and investing in employee benefits. Every time a business puts a Texan to work, pays for health insurance or invests in a pension plan... their tax liability will go down.
Protects small employers so that they can continue to drive Texas’ economic growth.
Exempts sole proprietors and general partnerships from the tax, as well as businesses whose gross receipts total $300,000 or less, and those whose tax bill is less than $1,000.
Rewards employers that create jobs and contribute to our economy, but also mandates that.
Businesses that hire illegal immigrants will pay the price with higher taxes.
Oh ya--lets become dependent on money received because of illegal aliens.

Great solution, Rick.

An indirect benefit of Richardson/Napolitano’s public catharsis might be to give courage to notorious Republican immigration wafflers Texas Governor Rick Perry and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. They too are up for re-election in 2006. Both did well among Latino voters in their last elections. Hence, both tiptoe around illegal immigration.


Additional Govt aiding and abetting.
dilloduck said:
Oh ya--lets become dependent on money received because of illegal aliens.

Great solution, Rick.

An indirect benefit of Richardson/Napolitano’s public catharsis might be to give courage to notorious Republican immigration wafflers Texas Governor Rick Perry and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. They too are up for re-election in 2006. Both did well among Latino voters in their last elections. Hence, both tiptoe around illegal immigration.


Perry's working REALLY hard at not being reelected. I'd say he's doing a good job of it too.
Is any Governor in Texas wise to take into account the Latino vote in Texas? If so, then wouldn't Perry taking that into account be simple good politics? - (forgetting the issue of good policy for a moment)
Diuretic said:
Is any Governor in Texas wise to take into account the Latino vote in Texas? If so, then wouldn't Perry taking that into account be simple good politics? - (forgetting the issue of good policy for a moment)

The political atmosphere here is like this: You BETTER take into account the Hispanic vote. They can make you or break you here. Part of Bush's problem. He's still catering to the Hispanic crowd as if he was still running for governor here.

However, this Bill is just a shell game. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Right in line with the Clinton "sin taxes" of the early 90s. Price luxury items right off the market in some lame attempt to fund schooling. We already have one of the most archaic and unfair school systems in the US.

Taxpayers in each district pay school taxes for THAT district. Meaning wealthy schools get all the goodies while poorer schools that need more, get less. I'm paying out the gazoo in school taxes just so my daughter could go to one of the best schools in the city. She's graduated and gone, but I STILL get the bill.

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