texas drying up and in a few years will blow away

Drought scare bombs have been being dropped by the climate alarmists for 20 years now.........but they never want to compare the present with the past because then, the whole ruse crashes and burns!!

Drought comes and goes.............always has...............always will.

Have you never heard of the dust bowl of the 1930's? ... Or black Sunay?

And do you know what one of the greatest factors in the cause of the dust bowl of the thirties?
Scuze me, but now that we know that Glowball Wirming causes SNOW, SLEET and RAIN, we should all expect the Texas drought to end in a bounty of liquid salvation.

You should probably stay away from the liquid salvation until after dinner.

I can understand how you find bathing to be horrifying, but as God as My Witness, I will never give up my herbal bubble baths!

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