Texas deputy shot execution style by blacks

You're one pathetic sob, that is a factual statement. The man is pumping gas and gets executed after some feral animal calls for cops to be executed. 2 + 2 = 4
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

Hey this thread was opened on the premise that this was a black on white crime.

We don't know why he shot him. But this is the second time this week when a black person shoots a white person and someone one this board tried to make it a race hate crime.

We are saying we don't know, but we do this speculation is a dick move... I can do it as well but hey I think I am better than that hopefully

You babble much

He's Irish so he's probably drunk.
Being Irish and drunk isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

Hey this thread was opened on the premise that this was a black on white crime.

We don't know why he shot him. But this is the second time this week when a black person shoots a white person and someone one this board tried to make it a race hate crime.

We are saying we don't know, but we do this speculation is a dick move... I can do it as well but hey I think I am better than that hopefully

You babble much

He's Irish so he's probably drunk.
Being Irish and drunk isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Neither is being Dutch and drunk....as I can attest right now.
liberals coming to the defense of cold blooded racist murderers.

liberals defending killing babies by the millions

you cant make this stuff up. There is something seriously wrong with them in the head. In my humble opinion its because they, for the most part do not believe in God.
liberals coming to the defense of cold blooded racist murderers.

liberals defending killing babies by the millions

you cant make this stuff up. There is something seriously wrong with them in the head. In my humble opinion its because they, for the most part do not believe in God.

That and some of them serve Satan who has come to steal, kill and destroy. Still, the right response is to pray for them. What they do not realize (or they would run to Jesus Christ this very second) is the sheer horror of hell, the suffering and torment that awaits them there, that they will never receive what they have been promised because Satan cannot give what is not his to give. What can he not give? He cannot give immortality, he cannot life, he has no power to "reincarnate anyone" or promote them to "god status", he cannot give forgiveness of sin, he cannot give positions in hell because he himself will one day in the future be bound with a chain by one angel (one angel will be sufficient) and cast into the lake of fire where he will suffer tremendous torments. If Satan cannot save himself how is he going to save his servants? He does not have the keys to hell and death. Jesus Christ has those keys. Satan is a master deceiver and those who have believed him have been deceived. People are perishing because of lack of knowledge. Had they studied the scriptures they would know the truth.

It is written:
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
Revelation 1:18

Satan was defeated at the cross over 2,000 years ago. He is a defeated foe and those who are serving him have been deceived by him because their reward will never come. Whatever pleasure, whatever money, fame, rewards for a brief time they may enjoy on this earth by serving him will not be worth an eternity of suffering in the fires of hell.

It is written:

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Mark 8:36
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I''m not seeing anything in the text saying the shooter was responding to what the group said or what his motive was.

Maybe we can wait for an investigation before drawing conclusions.

Deputy ambushed and killed in NW Harris County; Suspect arrested after intense manhunt

Yo, Guilty!!!


I realize you are a typical inbred right winger, but go back and read what I said...

I''m not seeing anything in the text saying the shooter was responding to what the group said or what his motive was.

And from the link you just posted.

Hickman said the motive for the killing had not been determined

so again, all you guys have is wild speculation.
All you cop haters getting excited now?


HOUSTON, Texas — A Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy was shot execution style at a gas station while reportedly in full uniform. The deputy was filling up his patrol car. Witnesses told Breitbart Texas the shooter shot the deputy in the back of the head and then three times in the back. This tragedy comes within days of a group of Black radicals calling for “lynching whites and killing cops,” as Breitbart Texas recently reported. Witnesses also told Breitbart Texas that the shooter was a black male.

The shooting occurred late Friday evening in Northwest Harris County just outside of Houston. One witness who spoke to this writer said he knew the deputy personally and had just spoken with him about five minutes before the shooting.

He said he saw the man shoot his friend and speed off in a red pickup truck. He said he followed the truck for about two miles until he lost it at a major highway intersection. The truck turned onto Highway 6 from West Road and disappeared.

Deputies in the area confirmed they were indeed searching for a red Ford Ranger pickup truck.

Two teenage girls told Breitbart Texas they saw the shooter fire one shot into the back of the head of the deputy who was simply getting gas for his vehicle. After the deputy fell, they heard three or four other shots. According to the first witness, those shots were fired into the deputy’s back.

Texas Deputy Executed Days After Black Radical Group Calls for Killing Cops
White racist hate talk got that white guy to go kill those black people in church. He wanted to start a race war. Maybe he succeeded?

Or maybe the homo that shot the newscasters wanted a race war and he succeeded? See how that garbage works?
You know what? I'm surprised blacks have taken our shit for so long. I can't believe no slaves ever massacred their master and their families. I can't believe no black ever had the balls to go to a kkk rally with a machine gun.

Considering they vote for the democrats, the racist party in this country that has done more to harm black Americans than any other organization, and that young black men are the most dangerous factor for other young black men...what exactly are they putting up with? It isn't whites killing blacks, it is blacks killing other blacks and it isn't cops killing blacks, it is blacks killing blacks. If they want to stop the killing....they just have to stop the killing....
I''m no seeing anything in the text saying the shooter was responding to what the group said or what his motive was.

Maybe we can wait for an investigation before drawing conclusions.

Deputy ambushed and killed in NW Harris County; Suspect arrested after intense manhunt

Yo, Guilty!!!

I'd love to Joey's theories. Bad hair day?

I'd love to see you write a coherent sentence, EuroTrash...
Wouldn't you time be better spent saving thugs' lives in that cesspool you call home?
29 Black People Have Been Killed by Police/Security Since Jan 2012: 16 Since Trayvon
29 Black People Have Been Killed by Police/Security Since Jan 2012: 16 Since Trayvon - Hip-Hop and Politics

I'm surprised they waited this long after the first one to seek revenge.
You scared white trash need to get a grip. You started this fight and black men just may well end it on the street, or in the trailer park where you live.
Do you know how many whites have been shot by police during that same period? I know for example the county I live in there has been only 1 black shot by police since 1975. There have been at least a dozen whites shot during that same period. 23% of the population is black in this county.


Black males 21x more likely to die in police shootings than whites
by theGrio | October 11, 2014 at 8:30 AM

"""A recent analysis of federal data on fatal police shootings by investigative non-profit ProPublica showed that young black males were 21 times more likely than their white peers to be shot and killed by police. The analysis, conducted over a study of more than 12,000 accounts of police homicides from the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Report during 1980–2012, focused in on the 1,1217 fatal shootings occurring between 2010–2012.

An analysis of these homicides indicated that black teens between the ages of 15–19 were killed at a rate of 31.17 per million. Just 1.47 per million white males in the same age range were killed, according to the ProPublica findings.""""
Considering they vote for the democrats, the racist party in this country that has done more to harm black Americans than any other organization, and that young black men are the most dangerous factor for other young black men...what exactly are they putting up with? It isn't whites killing blacks, it is blacks killing other blacks and it isn't cops killing blacks, it is blacks killing blacks. If they want to stop the killing....they just have to stop the killing....

The preceding was a another installment in "How Fucking Clueless are White People, Anyway?"

Guy, if you don't understand what these black folks are upset about, you are being intentionally obtuse.

Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

Hey this thread was opened on the premise that this was a black on white crime.

We don't know why he shot him. But this is the second time this week when a black person shoots a white person and someone one this board tried to make it a race hate crime.

We are saying we don't know, but we do this speculation is a dick move... I can do it as well but hey I think I am better than that hopefully

You babble much

He's Irish so he's probably drunk.
Being Irish and drunk isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Neither is being Dutch and drunk....as I can attest right now.
Being an American Indian and drunk?

Coroner and forensic evidence proved Garner and Brown case. Video proved Rice and Bland case. Sorry

Yes, the cops are always right and the darkies always had it coming.

And you wonder why they are just shooting you.

Racist cops like you make it harder for the good ones.
You should prove how much you love these chimps and how harmless you think they are by taking one of them into your home. Somehow you Leftists never put your money where your mouth is.
While all of you spout your tripe about what caused this or is it somehow a result of a broken society or whatever - you're forgetting the main point.

What the hell are we going to do when those who signed up to protect the law and innocent civilians fear so much for their lives that they stop doing their jobs?

Or come up with Blue Flue?

Or stop responding to calls they think might be dangerous?

Or simply quit?

So, remove your crania from your anuses and see what's really happening.
Considering they vote for the democrats, the racist party in this country that has done more to harm black Americans than any other organization, and that young black men are the most dangerous factor for other young black men...what exactly are they putting up with? It isn't whites killing blacks, it is blacks killing other blacks and it isn't cops killing blacks, it is blacks killing blacks. If they want to stop the killing....they just have to stop the killing....

The preceding was a another installment in "How Fucking Clueless are White People, Anyway?"

Guy, if you don't understand what these black folks are upset about, you are being intentionally obtuse.

I know what they are upset about, they just don't realize that their problem is they keep voting for democrats who only care about them on election days....other than that.....as long as they only kill each other and stay in their neighborhoods, the rich, white democrats and their allies could not care less what happens to them.

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