Texas Demolishes USDOJ's Case Against Voter I.D.


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Texas Demolishes USDOJ's Case Against Voter I.D.

Testimony has concluded in the trial of Texas 'Voter I.D.' law, after attorneys for the state demolished the main arguments raised against the law by the Obama Administration, and got the key witness for the Justice Department to admit he got his information from Wikipedia, 1200 WOAI news reports.

The Justice Department presented what it said was evidence that as many as 1.5 million Texans don't have the government issued photo i.d. required to vote, but Attorney General Greg Abbott says of the people on that roll, 50,000 are dead, 330,000 are over the age of 65 and can vote by mail, where a photo i.d. is not required, and more than 800,000 are on the list improperly.


Which brings us to Victoria Rodriguez. The San Antonio teenager was the only individual in a flurry of 'experts' the Department of Justice called to the stand to represent the 1.5 million allegedly set to be disenfranchised under the Texas law. Rodriguez testified that she not only lacks a photo i.d., but lacks the documentation need to obtain one, and State Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer said requiring her to pay to obtain those documents would amount to an illegal 'poll tax.' Under cross examination, Rodriguez admitted that she has a birth certificate, a voter registration card, and a Social Security Card, and only two of those three forms of i.d. are required to obtain a free voter i.d. card offered by the DPS. Rodriguez testified that she 'doesn't have time' to go the DPS office to obtain the voter i.d. card, but she testified she had plenty of time to fly more than 1500 miles to Baltimore, catch a train to Washington DC, and sit for hours in a federal courtroom to testify about how unfair the Texas voter i.d. law is.


Another Department of Justice 'expert' testified that the Legislature 'intended' to discriminate against minorities when it passed the Voter I.D. bill. But J. Morgan Kousser's comments under cross examination show he knows little to nothing about the Texas Legislature (he referred to State Sen. Leticia Van De Putte as the enate Minority Leader, a position that doesn't exist in the Texas Legislature) and lawyers for the state pointed out that he said the U.S. Supreme Court ruling which upheld a similar voter i.d. law in Indiana, a decision which was written by Justices O'Connor, Kennedy, Scalia, Rehnquist, and Thomas, was written so the five, laughably, could 'promote white supremacy.'


In fact, Kousser admitted that he got many of the 'facts' used to buttress these bizarre claims from 'Wikipedia,' an on line encyclopedia that anybody, including Kousser himself, can upload information onto.
Which brings us to Victoria Rodriguez. The San Antonio teenager was the only individual in a flurry of 'experts' the Department of Justice called to the stand to represent the 1.5 million allegedly set to be disenfranchised under the Texas law. Rodriguez testified that she not only lacks a photo i.d., but lacks the documentation need to obtain one, and State Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer said requiring her to pay to obtain those documents would amount to an illegal 'poll tax.' Under cross examination, Rodriguez admitted that she has a birth certificate, a voter registration card, and a Social Security Card, and only two of those three forms of i.d. are required to obtain a free voter i.d. card offered by the DPS. Rodriguez testified that she 'doesn't have time' to go the DPS office to obtain the voter i.d. card.


First it's "I don't have an ID and the documents necessary to get one". Then she changes her story to "Okay..i have the documents necessary. I just don't have time to get an ID".

The perfect Obama "witness": A complete and utter FRAUD!

What we have here is nothing more than an opinion piece from a San Antonio media station: San Antonio's Breaking News, Weather, Traffic
Really, boy? You think DoJ's tactic of bringing in an expert witness who got his information from Wikipedia was a winning one? Or how about the witness who said she couldn't get a voter ID...then testified she had one?

You can pout and cry and stamp your feet all you like, but it won't change the simple fact that DoJ was appallingly incompetent.

What we have here is nothing more than an opinion piece from a San Antonio media station: San Antonio's Breaking News, Weather, Traffic
Really, boy? You think DoJ's tactic of bringing in an expert witness who got his information from Wikipedia was a winning one? Or how about the witness who said she couldn't get a voter ID...then testified she had one?

You can pout and cry and stamp your feet all you like, but it won't change the simple fact that DoJ was appallingly incompetent.

You used Wiki, my unfortunate buddy, as well, and then have the nerve to attack me for calling you out on the lack of quality of your sources.

daveman alter: ALWAYS open his sources to see the junk at the bottom.
What we have here is nothing more than an opinion piece from a San Antonio media station: San Antonio's Breaking News, Weather, Traffic
Really, boy? You think DoJ's tactic of bringing in an expert witness who got his information from Wikipedia was a winning one? Or how about the witness who said she couldn't get a voter ID...then testified she had one?

You can pout and cry and stamp your feet all you like, but it won't change the simple fact that DoJ was appallingly incompetent.

You used Wiki, my unfortunate buddy, as well, and then have the nerve to attack me for calling you out on the lack of quality of your sources.

daveman alter: ALWAYS open his sources to see the junk at the bottom.

So, in summary:

An anonymous message board poster using Wiki = bad.

Obama's Department of Justice using Wiki = good.

Y'know, Skippy, it won't hurt you to criticize Obama once in a while. You won't burst into flame -- although the people paying you to worship Obama on line might be a little upset.
Really, boy? You think DoJ's tactic of bringing in an expert witness who got his information from Wikipedia was a winning one? Or how about the witness who said she couldn't get a voter ID...then testified she had one?

You can pout and cry and stamp your feet all you like, but it won't change the simple fact that DoJ was appallingly incompetent.

You used Wiki, my unfortunate buddy, as well, and then have the nerve to attack me for calling you out on the lack of quality of your sources.

daveman alert: ALWAYS open his sources to see the junk at the bottom.

So, in summary: An anonymous message board poster using Wiki = bad. Obama's Department of Justice using Wiki = good.

daveman alert: check the sources. You can't tell the truth to save your soul, can you?
You used Wiki, my unfortunate buddy, as well, and then have the nerve to attack me for calling you out on the lack of quality of your sources.

daveman alert: ALWAYS open his sources to see the junk at the bottom.

So, in summary: An anonymous message board poster using Wiki = bad. Obama's Department of Justice using Wiki = good.

daveman alert: check the sources. You can't tell the truth to save your soul, can you?
That depends. Is it a mainstream Republican position to call for your political enemies to be executed without trial?
So, in summary: An anonymous message board poster using Wiki = bad. Obama's Department of Justice using Wiki = good.

daveman alert: check the sources. You can't tell the truth to save your soul, can you?
That depends. Is it a mainstream Republican position to call for your political enemies to be executed without trial?

alert: daveman is lying. He supported armed insurrection against the government, now he is saying he is only a political enemy. Very wise of him.

Since daveman is trolling, it is time to get back to the OP. Davis is correct in supporting her principles, and unlike daveman, I believe Palin does believe in hers. Both have made marks in politics. WD may go much further than SP
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alert: daveman continues trolling. Simply read his posts above.

Wendy Davis is being true to her principles, as has Sarah Palin from the beginning.

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