Texas clean energy megaprojects get underway


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2020

Hydrogen fuel for vehicles is much more preferable than lithium batteries, and can use current IC engine technology with some minor tweaking, which will keep working people in their cars instead of condemning them to non-existent 'green mass transit'. EV cars are never going to be cheap enough for most people, no matter what bullshit the liars keep spreading.

The drawback here is they will try and power the plants with wind and solar, which have already proved to be inconsistent and unreliable. Hopefully the new fusion research lives up to its claims.
Wind & solar are both dead ends without a giant technology leap in both efficiency & battery storage capacity.
Unless they can approve a sufficient number of the new hot salt nuke reactors or get the new fusion going, fossil fuels are the only feasible way to keep our economy going for a long time to come.

Anything else is a pipe dream

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