Texas Border Patrol Chief Begs For Help as Over 12,000 Illegals Caught in Last Three Weeks

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border tell them of you do it again. You'll be shackled live in a tent city in the desert, and perform HARD LABOR 12 hours a day repairing roads for 6 months!

Thousands of illegal aliens are swarming the Texas border this month in advance of the migrant caravan marching through Mexico, prompting Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla, Jr., the Customs and Border Patrol Sector Chief of the Rio Grande Valley, to beg for help dealing with the onslaught of illegal aliens, gang members and drug cartel smugglers. Just on Saturday over 700 illegal aliens were caught, with over 12,000 caught in the past three weeks. In addition, safe houses have been busted and drug smugglers intercepted by the overstretched CBP in the Rio Grande Valley.

16,000 “family units” were reported caught in the last month in the RGV sector by CBP. All these illegals take manpower and resources to detain, process, house, clothe, feed, and give medical treatment.

Padilla sent out several tweets this weekend with the message, “We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure“, in conjunction with video reports by on scene Fox News Channel reporter Griff Jenkins. “Another busy day with @GriffJenkins in #RGV South Texas. Over 12,700 illegal alien arrests in past 3 weeks. nearly 800 pounds of marijuana & almost 70 pounds of peyote just yesterday We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure #HonorFirst“…”Our #BorderPatrol Agents face challenges daily while focusing on our #BorderSecurity mission and our #HumanitarianEfforts #RGV South Texas is in need of #personnel #technology & #infrastructure for both mission sets #HonorFirst @GriffJenkins @FoxNews #DayInTheLife“

Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...
Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border

You just answered your own question. Any illegals caught crossing the border:
  • Under age: taken and turned right back over to Mexican authorities immediately given only minimal food and care as absolutely needed.
  • Adults: no food, no care. Arrested, beaten head to toe, tagged with an ID chip and thrown back to the Mexican authorities with the understanding that if caught on US soil again, they will be immediately shot as a repeat offending enemy combatant.
  • A bill for $10,000 for each person processed sent to Mexican authorities to be added to trade debt.
The USA must be removed as an option for 3rd world people to turn to to dump their problems on just because they don't like where they live before our nation is bankrupted.
It's not quite that bad in Arizona but it's getting worse every week. I'm sure they are seeing the same in California. So all of our border personnel and shelters are already overwhelmed and that group of thousands keeps getting bigger and advancing. Democrats say NOTHING and all the media does is interview poor mothers with how hard their lives are. This is insanity, Democrats better wake the fuck up this is NOT immigration business as usual.
The Democrats are organizing this fake wave of 'refugees'; start fining them for their organized criminal activities. Follow the money. Oh right, we have still have Sessions running interference for the Democrats and Bushes and wanting to be Eric Holder II, so never mind ...
Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border tell them of you do it again. You'll be shackled live in a tent city in the desert, and perform HARD LABOR 12 hours a day repairing roads for 6 months!

Thousands of illegal aliens are swarming the Texas border this month in advance of the migrant caravan marching through Mexico, prompting Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla, Jr., the Customs and Border Patrol Sector Chief of the Rio Grande Valley, to beg for help dealing with the onslaught of illegal aliens, gang members and drug cartel smugglers. Just on Saturday over 700 illegal aliens were caught, with over 12,000 caught in the past three weeks. In addition, safe houses have been busted and drug smugglers intercepted by the overstretched CBP in the Rio Grande Valley.

16,000 “family units” were reported caught in the last month in the RGV sector by CBP. All these illegals take manpower and resources to detain, process, house, clothe, feed, and give medical treatment.

Padilla sent out several tweets this weekend with the message, “We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure“, in conjunction with video reports by on scene Fox News Channel reporter Griff Jenkins. “Another busy day with @GriffJenkins in #RGV South Texas. Over 12,700 illegal alien arrests in past 3 weeks. nearly 800 pounds of marijuana & almost 70 pounds of peyote just yesterday We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure #HonorFirst“…”Our #BorderPatrol Agents face challenges daily while focusing on our #BorderSecurity mission and our #HumanitarianEfforts #RGV South Texas is in need of #personnel #technology & #infrastructure for both mission sets #HonorFirst @GriffJenkins @FoxNews #DayInTheLife“

Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...

Just as Trump said. Send the US military to the border.
Send the State NG to the border. Give them the authority to kick the illegals back across the border if they make it into the US.

Being military they don't have to act like law enforcement and take them into custody.

Kick em back across the border.
The Democrats are organizing this fake wave of 'refugees'; start fining them for their organized criminal activities. Follow the money. Oh right, we have still have Sessions running interference for the Democrats and Bushes and wanting to be Eric Holder II, so never mind ...

Sure, the Democrats really want Republicans to win in November and organized their own defeat. :rolleyes:
The Democrats are organizing this fake wave of 'refugees'; start fining them for their organized criminal activities. Follow the money. Oh right, we have still have Sessions running interference for the Democrats and Bushes and wanting to be Eric Holder II, so never mind ...

Sure, the Democrats really want Republicans to win in November and organized their own defeat. :rolleyes:
Evidently so. Either that or they have gone full lunatic.
Mexico needs us to take control of their government, unless they just want us to start shooting the families they send our way. Those assholes are laughing their way to the bank every time they get rid of a hardened criminal they no longer have to pay for, a welfare victim they no longer have to support with pesos, and malcontents their neighbors to the south send up north to them, they just dump 'em near their own northern border for us to take care of.

Lemmie see, back in the 10s-30s, an occasional border crosser was shot, and that stopped the flow. Now, if 16,000 of them were caught in a week at one locus, and there are thousands of points along the Mexico-US border, that could creep up to several hundred thousand chicanos per month crossing the US Border for us to house, feed, educate, build more garbage dumps for, hospitalize, and wait for the final outcome of them outvoting us so they can convert this society into the precisely same government as Mexico has with a gap between the small number of super rich billionaires and the lower caste they schedule for dumping on somebody else's border just as soon as they can. Do we really want to be Mexico? Well, that's where we are headed if this crap keeps going on.

I liked it better when we were just neighbors with Mexico and not the huge patsies Mexico has succeeded in making us be today. It's a passive-aggressive war Mexico has waged against this country, and we are just sleeping right straight through it with feel-good slogans and the deranged idea there will be no consequences for our failure to control our own border. Get ready to be evicted by Mexicans just as soon as they have that stranglehold vote of 67%. They're already over 40+% in just 10 short years of being a minority for 4 centuries.

Oh, but "wake up and smell the coffee" is just words and don't mean anything anymore. What I want to know is why doesn't Mexico cede some of their northern borderlands and the peninsula of baja to the USA to have extra room to put people they with malice aforethought want to get rid of. We need that land if we are going to be called on to do as much prison-emptying, nuthouse-emptying, and welfare cases Mexico is demanding that we build more prisons on our side of the border to host their criminals, more hospitals, and of course, another hit on our national debt to feed people they could but just don't want to feed, since they can get rid of people so easily on dummies like us?

Fair is fair. You send a million people every quarter over here, you pay a price for what we have to do in order to take care of them. It's not right to burden taxpayers with another society's mistakes. We're still paying for our mistake of the seventeenth through nineteenth century of bringing slaves over here and doling out the freebies their NAACP members are demanding for vapid accusations after a century and a half of failure to educate them into full equality that these people were never given until years after the Civil War's final shot. The postwar homes built for those living in impoverished squalor didn't work out, because no pride was taken in living in government housing that bred gangs and self-loathing that segregation seemed to engender. Welfare replaced that stuff, but it simply enabled single black women to have as many fatherless children as they could have in order to increase their monthly checks from the government. That did not go over well with those footing the bill through excessive taxes in areas where babies were created just to enrich a single mother so she'd never have to work for 18 years. Taxpayers voted in anger, so those who sponsored the give-aways (liberals) decided to open the border to torture conservatives with yet one more big free give-away that merely was an irresponsible way to get more votes when more foreigners than our landfills could handle were brought in. So in order to fix the landfill bit, I remember years where barges took garbage out to the open ocean a thousand miles out, and dumped garbage from cities on either coast. Whales started beaching themselves, but liberals, instead of blaming themselves for destroying the beauty and freshness of the open oceans, they blamed the mean old conservatives for not "doing something about it." They took the onus of their bad decisions out and converted it into blame as they smarmed conservatives with being mean, cruel, uncaring, and a few other adjectives, when the purses just didn't open wide to fixing this insidious foisting of everything onto the expedient political retribution for anger their earlier demands brought about upon this nation.

It boils down to one group saying "you don't appreciate what we did to make life easy on the poor" and "you don't appreciate us for footing one bill after another of what you brought to us earlier about our responsibilities, when it's you who were irresponsible." It's the never-ending folly of the failure to leave charity to individuals, as the founders thought would work, and that eye on reserves for our own people's elder care in social security that got tapped so nowadays with inflation included, old people can't cover their expenses nor protect their savings for when they get older yet, when they won't have any rainy day funds left.

So, everybody feels the same way as Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire," and the system our founders gave us has been cheerfully abused/discarded by some and angrily defended by others. It seems to me, the best course of action is just to forgive each other for errors, put up a fence on the southern border, where it is needed to stop the aggravation it is causing taxpayers who know our national debt needs to be paid off, and try to carry on in friendship with people of different perspectives, getting rid of schools who promote anarchy, and try to live in peace and respect if that is at all possible. From the looks of just one forum that tries to treat everybody fairly, we have our challenges, and right now, we need to make peace with each other, and quit electing people to office who are so invested in picking people's pockets on tax day, and replace them with the kind of Senators and representatives who will repeal all income taxes and let the government and schools become voluntary again. It's just not right to snoop around and look into people's savings accounts and have politicians at any level decide that money is dammit, gonna be given away to whoever we please to give it to because the person who worked all his life to put aside a nest egg doesn't deserve it.

But since nobody listens to me, what can I do but express my disenchantment with the political divorcing of the founders' wisdom in a little smilie > :lame2:
Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border tell them of you do it again. You'll be shackled live in a tent city in the desert, and perform HARD LABOR 12 hours a day repairing roads for 6 months!

Thousands of illegal aliens are swarming the Texas border this month in advance of the migrant caravan marching through Mexico, prompting Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla, Jr., the Customs and Border Patrol Sector Chief of the Rio Grande Valley, to beg for help dealing with the onslaught of illegal aliens, gang members and drug cartel smugglers. Just on Saturday over 700 illegal aliens were caught, with over 12,000 caught in the past three weeks. In addition, safe houses have been busted and drug smugglers intercepted by the overstretched CBP in the Rio Grande Valley.

16,000 “family units” were reported caught in the last month in the RGV sector by CBP. All these illegals take manpower and resources to detain, process, house, clothe, feed, and give medical treatment.

Padilla sent out several tweets this weekend with the message, “We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure“, in conjunction with video reports by on scene Fox News Channel reporter Griff Jenkins. “Another busy day with @GriffJenkins in #RGV South Texas. Over 12,700 illegal alien arrests in past 3 weeks. nearly 800 pounds of marijuana & almost 70 pounds of peyote just yesterday We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure #HonorFirst“…”Our #BorderPatrol Agents face challenges daily while focusing on our #BorderSecurity mission and our #HumanitarianEfforts #RGV South Texas is in need of #personnel #technology & #infrastructure for both mission sets #HonorFirst @GriffJenkins @FoxNews #DayInTheLife“

Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...
You can get the Gov, to activate the National Guard, he has the right to do so. That takes care of manpower, Tents can be used to live in I did in the Army for two years so it should be ok for a Mexican to live in.
Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border tell them of you do it again. You'll be shackled live in a tent city in the desert, and perform HARD LABOR 12 hours a day repairing roads for 6 months!

Thousands of illegal aliens are swarming the Texas border this month in advance of the migrant caravan marching through Mexico, prompting Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla, Jr., the Customs and Border Patrol Sector Chief of the Rio Grande Valley, to beg for help dealing with the onslaught of illegal aliens, gang members and drug cartel smugglers. Just on Saturday over 700 illegal aliens were caught, with over 12,000 caught in the past three weeks. In addition, safe houses have been busted and drug smugglers intercepted by the overstretched CBP in the Rio Grande Valley.

16,000 “family units” were reported caught in the last month in the RGV sector by CBP. All these illegals take manpower and resources to detain, process, house, clothe, feed, and give medical treatment.

Padilla sent out several tweets this weekend with the message, “We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure“, in conjunction with video reports by on scene Fox News Channel reporter Griff Jenkins. “Another busy day with @GriffJenkins in #RGV South Texas. Over 12,700 illegal alien arrests in past 3 weeks. nearly 800 pounds of marijuana & almost 70 pounds of peyote just yesterday We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure #HonorFirst“…”Our #BorderPatrol Agents face challenges daily while focusing on our #BorderSecurity mission and our #HumanitarianEfforts #RGV South Texas is in need of #personnel #technology & #infrastructure for both mission sets #HonorFirst @GriffJenkins @FoxNews #DayInTheLife“

Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...
Sounds like the trump GOP border control plan is failing. It's not the congressional minority's fault. If you want the votes you gotta compromise, no where is it expected that the minority bends over for the majority. Congress is supposed to be a check on the president and so far only the minority has done that.
Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border

You just answered your own question. Any illegals caught crossing the border:
  • Under age: taken and turned right back over to Mexican authorities immediately given only minimal food and care as absolutely needed.
  • Adults: no food, no care. Arrested, beaten head to toe, tagged with an ID chip and thrown back to the Mexican authorities with the understanding that if caught on US soil again, they will be immediately shot as a repeat offending enemy combatant.
  • A bill for $10,000 for each person processed sent to Mexican authorities to be added to trade debt.
The USA must be removed as an option for 3rd world people to turn to to dump their problems on just because they don't like where they live before our nation is bankrupted.
You think it's the illegal immigrants, refugees bankrupting america? Oh hunny... no.
Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border tell them of you do it again. You'll be shackled live in a tent city in the desert, and perform HARD LABOR 12 hours a day repairing roads for 6 months!

Thousands of illegal aliens are swarming the Texas border this month in advance of the migrant caravan marching through Mexico, prompting Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla, Jr., the Customs and Border Patrol Sector Chief of the Rio Grande Valley, to beg for help dealing with the onslaught of illegal aliens, gang members and drug cartel smugglers. Just on Saturday over 700 illegal aliens were caught, with over 12,000 caught in the past three weeks. In addition, safe houses have been busted and drug smugglers intercepted by the overstretched CBP in the Rio Grande Valley.

16,000 “family units” were reported caught in the last month in the RGV sector by CBP. All these illegals take manpower and resources to detain, process, house, clothe, feed, and give medical treatment.

Padilla sent out several tweets this weekend with the message, “We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure“, in conjunction with video reports by on scene Fox News Channel reporter Griff Jenkins. “Another busy day with @GriffJenkins in #RGV South Texas. Over 12,700 illegal alien arrests in past 3 weeks. nearly 800 pounds of marijuana & almost 70 pounds of peyote just yesterday We need #personnel #technology #infrastructure #HonorFirst“…”Our #BorderPatrol Agents face challenges daily while focusing on our #BorderSecurity mission and our #HumanitarianEfforts #RGV South Texas is in need of #personnel #technology & #infrastructure for both mission sets #HonorFirst @GriffJenkins @FoxNews #DayInTheLife“

Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...

And this is where an actual wall would help a lot.....
Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border

You just answered your own question. Any illegals caught crossing the border:
  • Under age: taken and turned right back over to Mexican authorities immediately given only minimal food and care as absolutely needed.
  • Adults: no food, no care. Arrested, beaten head to toe, tagged with an ID chip and thrown back to the Mexican authorities with the understanding that if caught on US soil again, they will be immediately shot as a repeat offending enemy combatant.
  • A bill for $10,000 for each person processed sent to Mexican authorities to be added to trade debt.
The USA must be removed as an option for 3rd world people to turn to to dump their problems on just because they don't like where they live before our nation is bankrupted.
You think it's the illegal immigrants, refugees bankrupting america? Oh hunny... no.
Fine. We'll take the tab outta your wages, hunny. You're loaded, right? :lmao:
Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border

You just answered your own question. Any illegals caught crossing the border:
  • Under age: taken and turned right back over to Mexican authorities immediately given only minimal food and care as absolutely needed.
  • Adults: no food, no care. Arrested, beaten head to toe, tagged with an ID chip and thrown back to the Mexican authorities with the understanding that if caught on US soil again, they will be immediately shot as a repeat offending enemy combatant.
  • A bill for $10,000 for each person processed sent to Mexican authorities to be added to trade debt.
The USA must be removed as an option for 3rd world people to turn to to dump their problems on just because they don't like where they live before our nation is bankrupted.
You think it's the illegal immigrants, refugees bankrupting america? Oh hunny... no.

Learn to read, sweetums. I didn't say that illegals were bankrupting our country. Learn to read what the words say, not what you read into the words.
Trump should call Congress back...see which DemonRATS VOTE FOR INVASION and who stands up for law, order, and THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.....it cost taxpayers approx. $150 BILLION a year now for illegals just think of the INCREASED COST TO YOU!!!
Help?...Shit. kick them back across the border

You just answered your own question. Any illegals caught crossing the border:
  • Under age: taken and turned right back over to Mexican authorities immediately given only minimal food and care as absolutely needed.
  • Adults: no food, no care. Arrested, beaten head to toe, tagged with an ID chip and thrown back to the Mexican authorities with the understanding that if caught on US soil again, they will be immediately shot as a repeat offending enemy combatant.
  • A bill for $10,000 for each person processed sent to Mexican authorities to be added to trade debt.
The USA must be removed as an option for 3rd world people to turn to to dump their problems on just because they don't like where they live before our nation is bankrupted.
You think it's the illegal immigrants, refugees bankrupting america? Oh hunny... no.
Fine. We'll take the tab outta your wages, hunny. You're loaded, right? :lmao:
You want to go down that road? You can pay for the Pentagons missing 6t dollars - aka the GOP's welfare gravy train. You can cover the tax scams 500b+ shortfall - aka rich people subsidy..you fkin fool lol.

Vet the illegals, let them get one of the millions of open jobs no one here wants to do, let them pay taxes. Boot some of them. Documenting them all with temp visas and booting or blocking the bad ones is the way to go, the document can show they are not legal to vote for all I care. All around add more control. The bad guys will find a away in either way.

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