Testing Democrat Honesty

Maybe we should ban being muslim.

Thats the ticket.

Trying to educate you is akin to shouting into the Grand Canyon....but did you know that General MacArthur forced the Japanese to make changes to their religious beliefs?

See....another reason you should have stayed in school beyond the third grade.
So you support forced changes to religions?



Hey keep swinging for the sweet spot girl, youll hit a single some day.

T ball, anyone?

Only one religion, gerb....
Maybe we should ban being muslim.

Thats the ticket.

Trying to educate you is akin to shouting into the Grand Canyon....but did you know that General MacArthur forced the Japanese to make changes to their religious beliefs?

See....another reason you should have stayed in school beyond the third grade.
So you support forced changes to religions?



Hey keep swinging for the sweet spot girl, youll hit a single some day.

T ball, anyone?

Only one religion, gerb....
Oh so you do support it.

Pretty neat.

So we can mark you down for banning speech, as opposed to the actions it may incite.

thats not freedom. You fail. As usual.

Ill bet you fart when you spoon you slovenly beast.

Please swear to me that an adult did not write the above post.

Pc is anti free speech.

Maybe based upon a thread or two of her own, shed classify herself as a leftist? Who knew.
Still waiting for someone to provide example of honest politician...I hear crickets..a 76 year old male is now kicking all of your butts.... cowards.

There are two kinds of people in the world: those afraid of terrorism, and those afraid of second hand smoke.

I have a feeling I can guess where you reside.
Of the two do you care to guess which one is far more likely to cause a person actual harm?

Kinda' late in the day for you to make the attempt....but, even so, you have my vote for "Most Stupid Post of the Day."
You're the one that wanted to pretend that a person could only either choose to be concerned about terrorism or second hand smoke. Im just pointing out that of those two, you're far more likely to be negatively impacted by second hand smoke.

But then the premise that it's an either/or choice is a special kind of retarded.

There is no danger from second hand smoke.
It's one of those article of faith drummed into Liberal, you know...to keep them in a perpetual state of fear.

You know...as you are.
Well, FYI....whether or not you acquiesce to my wont.....I will continue to expose same.

Honest people recognize your daily dishonesty on this forum...

Beneath the miles of flab, PC has no honesty in her body.

Have you ever seen my pic?
So....you wrote that because of the thrashings I have had the pleasure of administering to you neigh on these several months?

Got it.
Ive seen your pic.

Your b.m.i. is too high. Especially in your face

and id never say that to any nice woman

You happen to be a vile enough human to deserve it
Sorry. I couldn't help but laugh. FYI - Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. The header "Testing Democrat Honesty" is really stretching the meaning of honesty, to the nth degree. Professional politicians and the word "honesty" do NOT belong in the same sentence, nor in the same breathe.

Sorry, had to laugh. You must be new here because...

most everyone agrees PoliChic and honesty mix like water and oil
Pc is anti free speech.

Maybe based upon a thread or two of her own, shed classify herself as a leftist? Who knew.

Another teachable moment.

When the leader of a skinhead cult preaches hatred, and some member of his group then splits some stranger's head with a base ball bat.....the leader is held responsible.
Even though he wasn't there.

You OK with that, gerb?
Pc is anti free speech.

Maybe based upon a thread or two of her own, shed classify herself as a leftist? Who knew.

Another teachable moment.

When the leader of a skinhead cult preaches hatred, and some member of his group then splits some stranger's head with a base ball bat.....the leader is held responsible.
Even though he wasn't there.

You OK with that, gerb?
No. Not in a legal sense.

In a moral sense, yea.

Legally? No. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink.

Banning speech is fascist. And yes, i know we ban some and no, i dont agree with said banning.
Do the whack jobs who shot up abortion clinics in the name of God represent Christianity when they call themselves Christian and say they act in the name of God?? No, they do not. Political diplomats are merely trying to draw the same sort of distinction out of respect for peaceful Muslims..

Well it certainly didn't take long for someone to bring out that bit of BS. When was the last time an abortion doctor was killed? When?

The police officer reportedly begged for his life before they killed him and YOU try and defend that, you are like the Germans that sat on their hands outside the concentration camps.

it's an analogy to illustrate a point... i defended no such thing. :rolleyes:

Oh my, what in the hell is your point? Do you even have one?
Pc is anti free speech.

Maybe based upon a thread or two of her own, shed classify herself as a leftist? Who knew.

Another teachable moment.

When the leader of a skinhead cult preaches hatred, and some member of his group then splits some stranger's head with a base ball bat.....the leader is held responsible.
Even though he wasn't there.

You OK with that, gerb?
No. Not in a legal sense.

In a moral sense, yea.

Legally? No. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink.

Banning speech is fascist. And yes, i know we ban some and no, i dont agree with said banning.

" After David Duke, Tom Metzger is one of the most notorious living white supremacists in the United States.
Using the doctrine of vicarious liability, plaintiffs' attorneys argued that the Metzgers should be found liable for intentionally inciting the skinheads to engage in violent confrontations with minorities. A jury agreed, returning a record $12.5 million verdict against the Metzgers and WAR. Tom Metzger was personally responsible for $5.5 million of that sum.
In 2009, Metzger got caught up in a federal indictment involving two longtime white supremacists, Dennis Mahon and his twin brother, Daniel. The Mahons were arrested in June after an Arizona federal grand jury indicted them for allegedly conspiring to damage and destroy buildings and property, stemming from a 2004 mail bomb explosion in Scottsdale's diversity office. Diversity Director Don Logan needed extensive surgery to repair injuries to his hands and arms. His secretary suffered injuries to her face and eyes. A third employee was treated on the site."
Tom Metzger Southern Poverty Law Center
In responding to questions about the horror that took place in Paris earlier today, Democrat/Liberal Howard Deans revealed the sort of honesty that many have come to expect from folks of his political persuasion.

"Howard Dean: Don’t Call Paris Attackers ‘Muslim Terrorists’

... former Gov.Howard Dean (D-VT) immediately dismissed the idea that Islam would be to blame for the attack.

“I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists,” Dean said on Morning Joe. ”They’re about as Muslim as I am.”

He also said he does not believe ISIS is an “Islamic cult” and thinks it would be unwise to “accord [the gunmen] any religious respect.”

Despite Dean’s early assertions, though, one of the gunmen purportedly said ‘Allahu Akhbar’ in a videothat was released after the attack, and another was reportedly heard shouting “we have avenged the prophet.”
Howard Dean Don 8217 t Call Paris Attackers 8216 Muslim Terrorists 8217 Mediaite

And, in an earlier tale, equally reality-based...

In his prime-time speech to the nation on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, President Obama vowed to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State insurgency in Iraq and Syria with airstrikes and 475 U.S. boots on the ground – but he also made a particular point of declaring that the Islamic State terrorists “are not Islamic.”
Obama Islamic State 8216 is not Islamic 8217

And, let's remember...."you can keep your doctor," and the ever-popular "you didn't build that!"

Do you object to calling anti-abortion terrorists 'Christian terrorists'?
Well, FYI....whether or not you acquiesce to my wont.....I will continue to expose same.

Honest people recognize your daily dishonesty on this forum...

Beneath the miles of flab, PC has no honesty in her body.

Have you ever seen my pic?
So....you wrote that because of the thrashings I have had the pleasure of administering to you neigh on these several months?

Got it.

You look like an Asian Muslim.
Do the whack jobs who shot up abortion clinics in the name of God represent Christianity when they call themselves Christian and say they act in the name of God?? No, they do not. Political diplomats are merely trying to draw the same sort of distinction out of respect for peaceful Muslims..

Will it ever get to the point where reality intrudes upon your Liberal bumper-sticker version of the world?

Was the REVEREND Paul Hill a Christian terrorist? He murdered an abortion doctor?
Well, FYI....whether or not you acquiesce to my wont.....I will continue to expose same.

Honest people recognize your daily dishonesty on this forum...

Beneath the miles of flab, PC has no honesty in her body.

No flab on that body, are you sure you like being wrong so often?

I think it was a figurative use of the word 'flab', as a reference to PC's corpulent verbosity.
You think you're going to find some element of honesty among cowards? All this ass-kissing of Islam today by Western leftists, what's it motivated by except cowardice, and what's it accomplishing except to empower Islamic fanaticism? The Western left never found a human institution so horrible, that it wouldn't still kiss its ass up one side and down the other.

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