Terrorist Bumper Stickers

mrsx said:
Humanism and Marxism are antithetical in many important ways. They may seem the same from the viewpoint of a person who thinks her Invisible Friend has given her a Magic Book. Problem is, not everyone agrees about that Friend's Book. On this board, political correctness is saying all life is sacred and begins at conception etc. etc.

OK... now I understand.... so you think that Bonnie's invisible friend (God) gave her a magic book (the Bible)..... Of course, in Bonnie's defense, she never has claimed any special insight or relationship with the Divine. She's just repeating what a lot of us believe i.e. that an fetus is a living thing. And yes, human life is sacred and special. Just try and kill someone and watch how the legal system reacts. You can kill a fish, cut down a tree and not face the death penalty

And.... there is also another magical document named "The US Constitution" and its 14th amendment states that no person can be deprived of life without due process of law..... so abortionists now have to claim that the fetus isn't a person so that abortion isn't unconstitutional, very much like the reasoning that went into the Dred Scott case that said that a slave was not a person, but property.... quite a similarity

The ones that really think that they have some ordaination from God and are more enlightened than the rest of us are the stupid idiot judges that bend the meaning of the Constitution to fit their warped world view. I guess they think they're Moses coming down from Mount Sanai when they pass down these landmark decisions. Libs seem to believe it, too.

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