Terror groups working for another 9/11 acting DHS chief warns


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Terror groups working for another 9/11, acting DHS chief warns

Threat levels in the U.S. are “extremely high,” as intelligence indicates the Islamic State group and other terror groups are using small-scale plots to build toward another 9/11-style attack, acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke warned.


And it will be the last nail in the coffin that will be needed to herd all the sheep right into the trap. They will be willing to give it every aspect of their freedom rights and liberty.
This will be an inside job like never before.
Terror groups working for another 9/11, acting DHS chief warns

Threat levels in the U.S. are “extremely high,” as intelligence indicates the Islamic State group and other terror groups are using small-scale plots to build toward another 9/11-style attack, acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke warned.


And it will be the last nail in the coffin that will be needed to herd all the sheep right into the trap. They will be willing to give it every aspect of their freedom rights and liberty.
This will be an inside job like never before.
Hey.....I'm all in favor of, if there is another significant(I'm talking major) terror attack, "temporarily" suspending the Constitution, repealing posse comitatus, sending in troops and rounding up the following:
Fundamentalist Muslims (those who have their women wearing hijabs, niqabs and burkas).
Once rounded up, strip them of their citizenship and ship them out to either a communist nation or an Islamic nation, depending upon their proclivity.
When those who favor communism realize what life is really like under communist rule, they would beg to come back....our response should be....
"too bad...so sad."
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Terror groups working for another 9/11, acting DHS chief warns

Threat levels in the U.S. are “extremely high,” as intelligence indicates the Islamic State group and other terror groups are using small-scale plots to build toward another 9/11-style attack, acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke warned.


And it will be the last nail in the coffin that will be needed to herd all the sheep right into the trap. They will be willing to give it every aspect of their freedom rights and liberty.
This will be an inside job like never before.
Hey.....I'm all in favor of, if there is another significant(I'm talking major) terror attack, "temporarily" suspending the Constitution, repealing posse comitatus, sending in troops and rounding up the following:
Fundamentalist Muslims (those who have their women wearing hijabs, niqabs and burkas).
Once rounded up, strip them of their citizenship and ship them out to either a communist nation or an Islamic nation, depending upon their proclivity.
When those who favor communism realize what life is really like under communist rule, they would beg to come back....our response should be....
"too bad...so sad."

And this will go right on past those who dont pay attention. Just like ANTIFA does and the warnings that came before it. Why Las Vegas was a conspiracy theory until it happened.

We warned this was going to happen weeks before it happened. IDIOTS FKS move it to conspiracy and the average public thinks it's always a conspiracy.

That doesn't mean some warning are off or wrong, but no matter how you spin it it all goes right over their heads.

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