Terminator Genysis


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2014
Terminator Genisys

Well... Damn! The summer movie season is 2 for 2 so far. :D

Like JW, this was actually a lot better than I thought it'd be, and significantly smarter.

I'd rate it as being behind the first two movies, but better than either "Terminator 3" or "Terminator Salvation."


The action's good, and I'd actually rate the story and pacing as being a bit better than Jurassic World's. It's more intense, and there's more of a legitimate sense of peril. It's certainly got a better twist to it.

Like JW, there's a lot of humor reminiscent of Marvel here as well. I thought the vast majority of it managed to find its mark. It might have even done so more effectively than "Age of Ultron," which personally struck me as being a bit too self-conscious at points.

The special effects are substantially better than those in Jurassic World.​


Some of the action set pieces were too overblown. It sort of ruined suspension of disbelief at certain points.

As much as I hate to say it, I'm really just not all that big a fan of Emilia Clarke's acting. She deliberately. goes. out. of. her. way. to. over. enunciate and over emote a lot of her lines. When she tries to act "tough," it basically just comes off like...


Don't get me wrong though. She hardly ruins it. She's actually really good in a few scenes. She's just the obvious "weak link" in an otherwise remarkably strong cast.

The ending was a bit too "happy." However, I guess that's to be expected given that they're trying to set up a sequel.​

Overall, I really enjoyed it. It was a great "popcorn" flick.

It is, honestly, a movie that just kind of goes to highlight the new trend in "reboot" cinema. Sure, it kind of comes off like being amateurish fan fiction given a multi-million dollar budget. To a certain extent, that's exactly what it is. At the the same time, however, it is ambitious and lovingly crafted amateurish multi-million dollar fan fiction, made by people who obviously give a damn about the franchises they're trying to revive.

Compared to the cynical and lazy cash grabs of prior decades? I can live with that. :shrug:

7 out of 10
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No Linda Hamilton = no thanks.

One off on that one.
That new lass had got "cute, but really sexy" off to perfection.
I'd do her.
To the rest of the film - it was red hot, filled with loads of action and the storyline kept it interesting.
All in all, I'd very strongly recommend all action film fans to watch it.
It looks to be a stinker! Rotten Tomatoes isn't always right, but when a movie gets such low consensus you are better off saving your cash.

I loved the T1 and T2 and was one of the few that actually like T3 (since it continued the story and showed the start of the war). Salvation was a horrendous movie. I was glad they finally got to the actual war, but it was horrible. Then we get Genisys which is again has the time travel theme. I knew it was doomed, because there is nothing new they could bring to the time travel theme. So of course they have to bring a ton of illogical twists that will destroy the movie.

Terminator Genisys 2015 - Rotten Tomatoes

I think most terminator fans wanted it to pick up right after T3 and see how the humans actually fight the war and eventually win the war!

I will wait for this to get to HBO!
T1 was classic and T2 was a solid sequel but everything after has been just Hollyweird attempt to make money off a franchise that should have stopped after the sequel.

It is like Mad Max and Mad Max II were great and then Mad Max III was too much of Hollywood, and I am waiting for the new one ( Mad Max ) to come to Redbox and will do the same with the new T movie too.

Star Wars is the one I am waiting to see and hope it does not make me want to take a lightsaber to my eyes.
Like Spider Man 2, I've never understood the appeal of Terminator 2. The kid that played John Connor was horrible; every scene he was in was ruined by his terrible acting. Turning the machine more 'human' was bad enough as a concept and even worse in practice. Suddenly, at the end, he's a soft, sympathetic father figure with a thumbs up sinking into the molten metal! :mad:

I've watched the series again fairly recently (although I haven't seen the new one yet). T1 is a classic. T2 is acceptable but extraordinarily overhyped. T3 was decent, Salvation was pretty bad.
The trailer looks overly CGI.
The TV trailers were actually pulled from pre production footage.

I give the movie 8.5/10

A great time. The did a great job paying tribute to the originals.

My only real gripe was they spoiled the big twist in the trailers. It could have been a "say what" moment.
T1 was classic and T2 was a solid sequel but everything after has been just Hollyweird attempt to make money off a franchise that should have stopped after the sequel.

It is like Mad Max and Mad Max II were great and then Mad Max III was too much of Hollywood, and I am waiting for the new one ( Mad Max ) to come to Redbox and will do the same with the new T movie too.

Star Wars is the one I am waiting to see and hope it does not make me want to take a lightsaber to my eyes.
I couldn't stand the new Mad Max movie and didn't finish it. Lots of good reviews but it looked too much like a video game to me.
T1 was classic and T2 was a solid sequel but everything after has been just Hollyweird attempt to make money off a franchise that should have stopped after the sequel.

It is like Mad Max and Mad Max II were great and then Mad Max III was too much of Hollywood, and I am waiting for the new one ( Mad Max ) to come to Redbox and will do the same with the new T movie too.

Star Wars is the one I am waiting to see and hope it does not make me want to take a lightsaber to my eyes.
I couldn't stand the new Mad Max movie and didn't finish it. Lots of good reviews but it looked too much like a video game to me.

Did you like the older Mad Max movies? I thought the look was pretty similar, if more polished in the newer movie.
T1 was classic and T2 was a solid sequel but everything after has been just Hollyweird attempt to make money off a franchise that should have stopped after the sequel.

It is like Mad Max and Mad Max II were great and then Mad Max III was too much of Hollywood, and I am waiting for the new one ( Mad Max ) to come to Redbox and will do the same with the new T movie too.

Star Wars is the one I am waiting to see and hope it does not make me want to take a lightsaber to my eyes.
I couldn't stand the new Mad Max movie and didn't finish it. Lots of good reviews but it looked too much like a video game to me.

Did you like the older Mad Max movies? I thought the look was pretty similar, if more polished in the newer movie.
I hated the new one. It felt both aimless & soulless. The original was fantastic
T1 was classic and T2 was a solid sequel but everything after has been just Hollyweird attempt to make money off a franchise that should have stopped after the sequel.

It is like Mad Max and Mad Max II were great and then Mad Max III was too much of Hollywood, and I am waiting for the new one ( Mad Max ) to come to Redbox and will do the same with the new T movie too.

Star Wars is the one I am waiting to see and hope it does not make me want to take a lightsaber to my eyes.
I couldn't stand the new Mad Max movie and didn't finish it. Lots of good reviews but it looked too much like a video game to me.

Did you like the older Mad Max movies? I thought the look was pretty similar, if more polished in the newer movie.
Yes, I really like the original. I saw it before knowing anything about it and was impressed. It had an actual story not just a bunch of extreme bullshit for visual effect.
When you talk about the original do you guys mean Mad Max or The Road Warrior? Mad Max was quite a bit different from The Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome.

I agree that the new one was pretty thin story-wise, but I enjoyed it. It was more a fun revisiting of that world than anything for me.

Oh, and I don't know that the older movies really hold up that well over time.

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