Tennessee abortion laws oppressing Allie Phillips and her unborn baby

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Its hard to grasp the absolute brutal cruelty involved in this case.

This sort of atrocity is what you would expect in somewhere like Afghanistan .Its easy to see why this place was a slave state. No humanity on display here.

Its hard to grasp the absolute brutal cruelty involved in this case.

This sort of atrocity is what you would expect in somewhere like Afghanistan .Its easy to see why this place was a slave state. No humanity on display here.

Hey Tommy. Where in Tennessee have you been?

Nashville? I have
Gatlinburg? Yep
Chattanooga? Oh yep
Knoxville? Yep, great town, lots to do

The Smokey Mountains are beautiful.

Why are you always posting about places you have never been and will never go?
Hey Tommy. Where in Tennessee have you been?

Nashville? I have
Gatlinburg? Yep
Chattanooga? Oh yep
Knoxville? Yep, great town, lots to do

The Smokey Mountains are beautiful.

Why are you always posting about places you have never been and will never go?

What does being a tourist in Tennessee have to do with the topic?

He is talking about a news story. You need to either debunk the news story or argue the point of the story.

That is unless you are willing to never talk about any place you have not visited.
I understand that abortion is a polarizing issue. But to refuse this woman an abortion in the same way you refuse abortions to those using them as birth control is simply wrong.

Refusing this abortion is not saving the baby's life. It is prolonging the suffering and risking the mother's health and life.

Its hard to grasp the absolute brutal cruelty involved in this case.

This sort of atrocity is what you would expect in somewhere like Afghanistan .Its easy to see why this place was a slave state. No humanity on display here.
What a load of shit.

If the baby is not viable it will be a natural miscarriage. So there is no need for an abortion.
What a load of shit.

If the baby is not viable it will be a natural miscarriage. So there is no need for an abortion.

So how long do you require that the mother carry a dead fetus in her body?

And yes, it will almost certainly miscarry. But there are huge risks in miscarriages. And there will be trauma, both physical and emotional, for the mother.

In situations like this there is absolutely no reason not to allow an abortion.
Wait, I thought an unborn baby was just a lump of cells?
How can a lump of cells suffer?

Using the suffering of an innocent unborn child may offer a short term benefit by tugging at the heartstrings of the dim witted but it's incredibly stupid when the main argument for allowing the butchering of a baby is that they aren't anything but a lump of cells until born.

How about a compromise?
If this story has presented the truth & nothing but the truth, we agree this deformed baby is suffering & allow the procedure to end it's life.
We also agree that all healthy unborn babies that aren't suffering have a right to life & aren't allowed to be butchered.
Wait, I thought an unborn baby was just a lump of cells?
How can a lump of cells suffer?

Using the suffering of an innocent unborn child may offer a short term benefit by tugging at the heartstrings of the dim witted but it's incredibly stupid when the main argument for allowing the butchering of a baby is that they aren't anything but a lump of cells until born.

How about a compromise?
If this story has presented the truth & nothing but the truth, we agree this deformed baby is suffering & allow the procedure to end it's life.
We also agree that all healthy unborn babies that aren't suffering have a right to life & aren't allowed to be butchered.
The health of the mother is paramount. Your "compromise" does not help women.
Its just more GOP cruelty.
Wait, I thought an unborn baby was just a lump of cells?
How can a lump of cells suffer?

Using the suffering of an innocent unborn child may offer a short term benefit by tugging at the heartstrings of the dim witted but it's incredibly stupid when the main argument for allowing the butchering of a baby is that they aren't anything but a lump of cells until born.

How about a compromise?
If this story has presented the truth & nothing but the truth, we agree this deformed baby is suffering & allow the procedure to end it's life.
We also agree that all healthy unborn babies that aren't suffering have a right to life & aren't allowed to be butchered.

I am not arguing that healthy babies should be aborted.

I am arguing that requiring a woman to continue to carry a fetus that is "incompatible with life", as the doctors said, is cruel and unusual punishment.
The health of the mother is paramount. Your "compromise" does not help women.
Its just more GOP cruelty.
And your noncompromise is infanticide.
I guess I see infanticide as more cruel & evil than the gaslight argument about "health of the mother" which is extremely rare when having a normal child.

Just another strawman argument from the child sacrifice cult of the left.
The Smokey Mountains are beautiful.

That's in Western Carolina ... I've only wintered there ... the prejudices drove me away ... but it was the pervasive poverty that really opened my eyes ... poverty so entrenched for so long no one there understands anything else ...

Appalachia ... just keep breeding and everything will be fine ...
Wow, the left found a sick fetus in the state of Tennessee. I have my doubts about the validity of the story. Surely there must be an exception in this case. Maybe the pro abortion network convinced the mother to keep the baby in an ironic twist in order to be the poster for abortion.
So how long do you require that the mother carry a dead fetus in her body?

And yes, it will almost certainly miscarry. But there are huge risks in miscarriages. And there will be trauma, both physical and emotional, for the mother.

In situations like this there is absolutely no reason not to allow an abortion.
It’s not dead as you claimed. If and when it dies there will be a miscarriage naturally.
Third world laws in a first world country.. GOP cruelty knows no bounds.

Says a subject of a third-world shithole, all that remains of the tyranny against which my forefathers fought in order to rebel, to found the great nation in whose business, this ignorant one-legged British faggot keeps sticking its filthy unwelcome nose.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, that you think makes you better than (or even nearly as good as) me?
Wow, the left found a sick fetus in the state of Tennessee. I have my doubts about the validity of the story. Surely there must be an exception in this case. Maybe the pro abortion network convinced the mother to keep the baby in an ironic twist in order to be the poster for abortion.
Using your expertise perhaps you could point out what provisions in the law prevent this happening ?
Says a subject of a third-world shithole, all that remains of the tyranny against which my forefathers fought in order to rebel, to found the great nation in whose business, this ignorant one-legged British faggot keeps sticking its filthy unwelcome nose.

What do you do for a living, that you think makes you better than (or even nearly as good as) me?
You are obviously happy with this law Bob.

I have also told you that I have two legs. One is a bit shorter than the other. I would appreciate your not mocking my disability unless of course it is part of your religious beliefs.

Its hard to grasp the absolute brutal cruelty involved in this case.

This sort of atrocity is what you would expect in somewhere like Afghanistan .Its easy to see why this place was a slave state. No humanity on display here.

“Need” an abortion? Eat shit.
Using your expertise perhaps you could point out what provisions in the law prevent this happening ?

You're not American. You're a piece of British shit, a relic of the same shithole tyranny against which we fought and won two wars to establish our sovereignty, to establish that nothing to do with how we run our country is any of your fucking business.

Keep your filthy British nose out of America's business, where it does not belong, and worry about your own degenerate shithole of a country.

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