Temporary tax cuts did not work


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Bush’s temporary tax cuts were suppose to fix the economy but it failed. It did not created jobs and greedy fat cats that got tax cuts took their tax cuts and ran overseas for more tax loop holes and hideouts and cheap labor. Results? A recession. Why continue the same old failed policy?

The Radical Right Wing Extremists believe we have a spending problem and all we need to do to fix the recession is cut spending. Fuzzy math. We have a revenue problem and a spending problem but cutting entitlements for the poor will not create the revenue we need to fix the economy. Punish the poor and make them pay. Leave Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, WIC, unemployment insurance, HUD subsidized housing and children school lunches alone. Those people have suffered enough. They are not “living” on government handouts they are mere existing. Food stamp recipients amount from as little as $10 a month. Food stamps supplement food for the poor and not the primary source.

Case in point; a senior complex subsidized by HUD contract a studio apartment for $763. HUD pays them $553 and the tenant pays $210 and the place is a “shit hole.” A medical supply business charge Medicare $10,000 for a power chair and it can be purchased over the internet for $3,000. Business replace the battery with used reconditions batteries for $375 and can be bought new locally for $115. A routine 10 minute doctors visit charge Medicare $350. Hell, doctors are not leaving Medicare and Medicaid with payments like this. Halliburton charge $12 for a paper plate, etc. $763 for a studio apartment that is a “shit hole” is theft. This is the spending problem.

Let the temporary tax cuts expire as Bush intended them to do and cut military spending on Bush’s two wars and let those two costly wars expires ASAP.
Not gun control, per se, but ammunition control. Automatic assault weapons are already out there and deranged time boom mentally ill are already out there and we cannot recall them. But we can stop the manufacturing and sell of ammunition and provide a measure of small protection for our children.
Extending a poor person's unemployment benefits will not help them find a job. It will not empower them to make something meaningful of themselves. It will not improve their quality of life.

It will merely keep them complacent for a little while longer.

I don't see how that constitutes as helping anyone.
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Bush’s temporary tax cuts were suppose to fix the economy but it failed. It did not created jobs

Record 52 months of job growth - and record number of jobs - plus record GDP and record Federal tax receipts, thanks to Bush tax cuts.

Then came Pelosi.

Your idiot thread is a failure.


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