Ted Wheeler Portland mayor stands by decision to allow antifa to block traffic


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Ted Wheeler, Portland mayor, stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.

See when ppl are normal there are lines that need to be drawn to keep law and order, then you have fkn nut cases like this moron who thinks he's one of them wait until the stupid sob gets his house et on fire. Oh the gutter trash deserves it..
He’s a Demoncrat, so of course he supports the social justice terrorists. They were probably there on his orders.
let's see how he would like his car/his mom's/family's/etc car blocked
he would go bat crazy
...so they couldn't go somewhere..block his driveway
this is what they do in the Banana [sorry ]/African/ shithole countries
this is not American--but nazi crap
Ted Wheeler, Portland mayor, stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.

See when ppl are normal there are lines that need to be drawn to keep law and order, then you have fkn nut cases like this moron who thinks he's one of them wait until the stupid sob gets his house et on fire. Oh the gutter trash deserves it..

Police in Portland have other important things to do. These things never happen in a vacuume. Once you allow liberals any little bit of power then you have lost that institution completely.
And the education system, liberal infested itself, hadn’t taught them history. They have no idea what’s coming for them.

Viral Video Of Homophobic Threats Prompts Police Investigation In Portland

Portland Police Refused to Respond When ICE Agents Called 911 During Protest, Letter Says

Chief promotes first transgender officer to rank of Portland police captain
At Portland’s ‘Law and Order’ March, a Bloody Melee and an American Flag Set Ablaze

Leftists hide their faces with masks while the Patriot Prayer group stood up to their gangster tactics. About time. This will not be the last violent confrontation. As long as the Left resorts to violence, the Right has no choice but to respond in kind.

Things are going to get a whole lot worse.

Participants with the conservative Patriot Prayer group and counterdemonstrators with Antifa got into a bloody melee outside a popular bar, where members on both sides used bear spray, fists and batons to beat each other, The Oregonian reported.

Police fired pepper balls and other nonlethal impact munitions to break up the brawls, and there were no immediate reports of arrests. Earlier in the evening, police reported seeing participants from both groups with hard knuckle gloves, knives, and firearms.

No weapons were reported seized.

More with lots of Tweets @ POLICE HAD TO STEP IN: At Portland's 'Law and Order' March, a Bloody Melee and an American Flag Set Ablaze

Patriot Prayer Rally Turns Bloody; American Flag Rescued From Flames @ Patriot Prayer Rally Turns Bloody; American Flag Rescued From Flames

MASSIVE BLOODY STREET BRAWL IN PORTLAND! Antifa Leftists Attack Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer Protesters in Street @ BREAKING: MASSIVE BLOODY STREET BRAWL IN PORTLAND! Antifa Leftists Attack Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer Protesters in Street (WILD VIDEOS)

All sorts of Tweets w/videos
Guy sounds like an idiot.

He doesn't seem to care what happens to the people in the city.

Wonder if those folks will vote him into office again.
Ted Wheeler, Portland mayor, stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.

See when ppl are normal there are lines that need to be drawn to keep law and order, then you have fkn nut cases like this moron who thinks he's one of them wait until the stupid sob gets his house et on fire. Oh the gutter trash deserves it..
Democrats need chaos.
At this point my focus would be on the reason the police recommended not to intervene. The city surely has sufficient armored vehicles in their SWAT unit to get to the situation. I'm not going to blame the mayor for supporting the police, if that's truly the case. I'lll say the first point of business would be to get the facts about the decision to stand aside.
Well if its a decision by the police its a damned dumb one.

Guess they don't care if their citizens are injured or property is damaged.

Hell I'd run the fuckers down. Ooopps my foot slipped.
Conservative terrorists should stop trying to march on Portland. Problem solved.
No problem.
Let it become another Detroit.
Portland doesn’t survive by monopolizing a single industry that could suddenly face competition. So I guess you’re a retard.
Let the Anitfa keep scaring away business and see how long it lasts.
Maybe they'll need to tranplant a bunch of illegals there and start giving them welfare to fill the void.
Conservative terrorists should stop trying to march on Portland. Problem solved.
No problem.
Let it become another Detroit.
Portland doesn’t survive by monopolizing a single industry that could suddenly face competition. So I guess you’re a retard.
Let the Anitfa keep scaring away business and see how long it lasts.
Maybe they'll need to tranplant a bunch of illegals there and start giving them welfare to fill the void.
The businesses supported the Proud Pussies getting their asses bloodied up and sent packing away from the community
Conservative terrorists should stop trying to march on Portland. Problem solved.
No problem.
Let it become another Detroit.
Portland doesn’t survive by monopolizing a single industry that could suddenly face competition. So I guess you’re a retard.
Let the Anitfa keep scaring away business and see how long it lasts.
Maybe they'll need to tranplant a bunch of illegals there and start giving them welfare to fill the void.
The businesses supported the Proud Pussies getting their asses bloodied up and sent packing away from the community
I'm sure :blahblah:Yeah right :blahblah:Uh-huh
At this point my focus would be on the reason the police recommended not to intervene. The city surely has sufficient armored vehicles in their SWAT unit to get to the situation. I'm not going to blame the mayor for supporting the police, if that's truly the case. I'lll say the first point of business would be to get the facts about the decision to stand aside.
The mayor ordered the stand down, are you kidding about the question still being up in the air?

No buraucratic ass kissing 'Chief of Police' is going to risk his retirement or future promotions by being passive and risk firing for incpompetence.

The mayor told them to stand down through back channels and is acting like he had nothing to do with it.
The mayor ordered the stand down, are you kidding about the question still being up in the air?

No buraucratic ass kissing 'Chief of Police' is going to risk his retirement or future promotions by being passive and risk firing for incpompetence.

The mayor told them to stand down through back channels and is acting like he had nothing to do with it.

Not kidding. I'm 1300 miles away from Portland and questioned it because incompetency isn't determined by the position one holds.
The mayor ordered the stand down, are you kidding about the question still being up in the air?

No buraucratic ass kissing 'Chief of Police' is going to risk his retirement or future promotions by being passive and risk firing for incpompetence.

The mayor told them to stand down through back channels and is acting like he had nothing to do with it.

Not kidding. I'm 1300 miles away from Portland and questioned it because incompetency isn't determined by the position one holds.
No, it is not determined, but the likelihood of encountering absolute stupidity is directly proportional to how high up the management food chain you go no matter if we are discussing a bidness, bureaucracy, team sport, political pirate or gang of tricker treaters.

It is the Peter Principle in dynamic form.

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