Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

roll eyes

Please provide evidence that shows Ted Cruz was even around when TX became a state...

cringe worthy
rolls eyes

I Will right after Ted Cruz shows evidence that AOC was around during slavery or Jim Crow
rolls eyes

I Will right after Ted Cruz shows evidence that AOC was around during slavery or Jim Crow

she is a baby killing dim and never questions her party's platform


doesn't think for herself

worse than dumb, all dims who tow the party line are EVIL

If sexualizing and murdering children doesn't strike you as evil....

but then I already know you don't have a problem with that... unless it's a Catholic molesting someone maybe --not even then. That's just an act to virtue signal
Yup, and those (D) were confederates.
Right wingers.

Yup, technically the KKK was in FACT started by (D), and in fact, those are todays (R) party, confederate flag waving so-called conservatives.

The KKK was started by conservatives.

Suuuure it was...

she is a baby killing dim and never questions her party's platform


doesn't think for herself

worse than dumb, all dims who tow the party line are EVIL

If sexualizing and murdering children doesn't strike you as evil....

but then I already know you don't have a problem with that... unless it's a Catholic molesting someone maybe --not even then. That's just an act to virtue signal
AOC is smart, beautiful and LOVES this country
Something you can’t say about any Republicans today
Actually, no
But nice try

Texas was founded on slavery BEFORE there were Democrats
Slavery is in their DNA
The Republican party wasn't founded then either, but WAS founded specifically to fight slavery. And, when exactly did they gain control of the state? I'll let you Google that.

The bottom line remains, those things you're screeching about were democrat things for a long time.
The Republican party wasn't founded then either, but WAS founded specifically to fight slavery. And, when exactly did they gain control of the state? I'll let you Google that.

The bottom line remains, those things you're screeching about were democrat things for a long time.

Virtually every slave state is red as heart's blood. The former slave states know who represents the legacy of the confederacy and its defense of slavery. As do black folks.

Which is why former slave states overwhelmingly voted for Trump. And black folks overwhelmingly voted for Biden.

In about the same proportions.
Virtually every slave state is red as heart's blood. The former slave states know who represents the legacy of the confederacy and its defense of slavery. As do black folks.

Which is why former slave states overwhelmingly voted for Trump. And black folks overwhelmingly voted for Biden.

In about the same proportions.
Then people aren't paying attention. The last big advocates of slavery and segregation have been democrats. Heck, they couldn't even purge KKK members from their ranks or guys who deliberately posed in black face. Even today, they view minorities with contempt, convinced they need white liberals' help to succeed.
The Republican party wasn't founded then either, but WAS founded specifically to fight slavery. And, when exactly did they gain control of the state? I'll let you Google that.

The bottom line remains, those things you're screeching about were democrat things for a long time.

Yes it was
Back when Republicans actually cared about the rights of people
Yes it was
Back when Republicans actually cared about the rights of people
They still do and believe that all people can succeed if they have the chance, and don't need white liberals to help them. That drives democrats crazy.
Yet TODAYS Republican Party defends the legacy of the Confederacy, flies the confederate flag and opposes civil rights and the teaching of Americas racist past
I'll be sure to criticize all five of them in the next meeting. Meanwhile, be sure to stop the democrats from being such paternalistic jerks towards minorities.
Then people aren't paying attention. The last big advocates of slavery and segregation have been democrats. Heck, they couldn't even purge KKK members from their ranks or guys who deliberately posed in black face. Even today, they view minorities with contempt, convinced they need white liberals' help to succeed.

Oh, they're definitely aware of who is wearing the confederate flags and pushing white nationalism.

And the people know EXACTLY who is defending the legacy of the confederacy. Which is why virtually every former slave state is Trump territory.
Damn those pesky facts. Apparently history wasn't AOC's best subject.

AOC is a clown show. I mean has this woman done anything productive or is she just a radical extremist mouthpiece that goes off every hour about something. Good job to Cruz for schooling her.

Then they switched parties, dumbass! Google it...
Oh, they're definitely aware of who is wearing the confederate flags and pushing white nationalism.

And the people know EXACTLY who is defending the legacy of the confederacy. Which is why virtually every former slave state is Trump territory.
Actually, with the exception of a few densely populated areas, virtually every county in the nation is TRUMP! territory.

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