Technically isn't animism the most sensible faith?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
You can see the eternal blue sky, beneath which your grandparents were born and your grandchildren will die. You can feel the rain against your face and know that the water was once within your ancestors. You can hear the wind in the trees if you can hear at all. There is no denying any of this. There are no rational arguments against their existence or obvious affects on our lives. Even forces that act directly upon our human nature, such as sacrificial love or the irresistible urge to breed. Clearly things so important to our survival demand our respect.
[an-uh-miz-uh m]
the belief that natural objects, natural phenomena, and the universeitself possess souls.
the belief that natural objects have souls that may exist apart fromtheir material bodies.
the doctrine that the soul is the principle of life and health.
belief in spiritual beings or agencies.

Go pray to a rock and be happy when dinosaur pee hits you in the face.

but I'll pass
Go pray to a rock and be happy when dinosaur pee hits you in the face.

but I'll pass
Why would you not be grateful for that water? You would die a slow, terrible death without it. I'm not saying you should pray to anything. I'm just saying you should be mindful of your surroundings and respect the forces that impact your day to day life. Appreciate the fact that you're essentially an animal just as ruled by your instincts as any other.
Go pray to a rock and be happy when dinosaur pee hits you in the face.

but I'll pass
Why would you not be grateful for that water? You would die a slow, terrible death without it. I'm not saying you should pray to anything. I'm just saying you should be mindful of your surroundings and respect the forces that impact your day to day life. Appreciate the fact that you're essentially an animal just as ruled by your instincts as any other.
then the basis of this op is a fail.

animism is a religion, like wicca or any nonsense about tree hugging

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