Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
So what will be said by the left, and Obama himself, is that the situtation was worse then he thought. Let us say that it is true and the economy was worse. What does that prove? It proves that we were right about Obama and he didn't have the experience or the intellect to be POTUS. Hell he said the same himself: Listen for yourself:

[ame=]Barack Obama Makes Shocking confession!! - YouTube[/ame]

Was he lying? Were his lips moving?

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Team Obama said in

Today’s news that the unemployment rate moved up to 8.3 percent is as good of a time as time as any to revisit the promises the then-incoming administration made in 2009 regarding the economic stimulus bill. Back then they said the stimulus would have unemployment below 6 percent by now.

Not only that but they claimed that the unemployment would be at that 6 percent level now even if the stimulus bill was not passed. That is, that they predicted the economy would recover to that level naturally. In short, the White Houses
Let's play a game.

I'll come into your house one day. Take a massive shit for two straight years on your rug. I mean, like every day just taking a massive fucking dump. We're talking like I ate at Chipotle and Taco Bell for six years straight before coming over to your house, dropping my pants, and shitting all over your carpet.

Then I'll give you six months to clean up all the shit.

Oh, and the whole time I'll be blocking every effort you make to clean the shit up.
Let's play a game.

I'll come into your house one day. Take a massive shit for two straight years on your rug. I mean, like every day just taking a massive fucking dump. We're talking like I ate at Chipotle and Taco Bell for six years straight before coming over to your house, dropping my pants, and shitting all over your carpet.

Then I'll give you six months to clean up all the shit.

Oh, and the whole time I'll be blocking every effort you make to clean the shit up.

I'd call the ASPCA and have you put down like the rabid mutt you are

"Well, I'm here to tell you, some time in the next couple of months, we're going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month." -- Joe Biden, April 2010

44 - Biden predicts economy will create up to 500,000 jobs a month soon
Let's play a game.

I'll come into your house one day. Take a massive shit for two straight years on your rug. I mean, like every day just taking a massive fucking dump. We're talking like I ate at Chipotle and Taco Bell for six years straight before coming over to your house, dropping my pants, and shitting all over your carpet.

Then I'll give you six months to clean up all the shit.

Oh, and the whole time I'll be blocking every effort you make to clean the shit up.

OK, we will play that game. If you did such a thing I would not say it would take 6 months to clean up, I would know better. Obama did not, he said it himself, too bad for you.
Let's play a game.

I'll come into your house one day. Take a massive shit for two straight years on your rug. I mean, like every day just taking a massive fucking dump. We're talking like I ate at Chipotle and Taco Bell for six years straight before coming over to your house, dropping my pants, and shitting all over your carpet.

Then I'll give you six months to clean up all the shit.

Oh, and the whole time I'll be blocking every effort you make to clean the shit up.

Well you pretty much told us what we already know.
He can't get the job done.He's coming up on 4 years now in office.
If he can't find a way to get this country going again.
Bye...Bye. :D
Let's play a game.

I'll come into your house one day. Take a massive shit for two straight years on your rug. I mean, like every day just taking a massive fucking dump. We're talking like I ate at Chipotle and Taco Bell for six years straight before coming over to your house, dropping my pants, and shitting all over your carpet.

Then I'll give you six months to clean up all the shit.

Oh, and the whole time I'll be blocking every effort you make to clean the shit up.

I'd call the ASPCA and have you put down like the rabid mutt you are

"Well, I'm here to tell you, some time in the next couple of months, we're going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month." -- Joe Biden, April 2010

44 - Biden predicts economy will create up to 500,000 jobs a month soon

"Well, I'm here to tell you, some time in the next couple of months, we're going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month." -- Joe Biden, April 2010

Joe Biden...Career politician.Walking gaffe machine.
And the left makes fun of Palin....what a fool.
Are we supposed to take this jack off seriously.
Has anyone in the media done a follow up and asked hair plug Biden
to splain what happened.Where are the jobs dumb ass.:mad:
So what will be said by the left, and Obama himself, is that the situtation was worse then he thought. Let us say that it is true and the economy was worse. What does that prove? It proves that we were right about Obama and he didn't have the experience or the intellect to be POTUS. Hell he said the same himself: Listen for yourself:

Barack Obama Makes Shocking confession!! - YouTube

Was he lying? Were his lips moving?

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Team Obama said in

Today’s news that the unemployment rate moved up to 8.3 percent is as good of a time as time as any to revisit the promises the then-incoming administration made in 2009 regarding the economic stimulus bill. Back then they said the stimulus would have unemployment below 6 percent by now.

Not only that but they claimed that the unemployment would be at that 6 percent level now even if the stimulus bill was not passed. That is, that they predicted the economy would recover to that level naturally. In short, the White Houses


It's amazing how Obamafuck has any position in any government..
Let's play a game.

I'll come into your house one day. Take a massive shit for two straight years on your rug. I mean, like every day just taking a massive fucking dump. We're talking like I ate at Chipotle and Taco Bell for six years straight before coming over to your house, dropping my pants, and shitting all over your carpet.

Then I'll give you six months to clean up all the shit.

Oh, and the whole time I'll be blocking every effort you make to clean the shit up.

Dumbshit, this a Clinton/Frank/Dodd fuck up and you are either too stupid or too young to know it.
So what will be said by the left, and Obama himself, is that the situtation was worse then he thought. Let us say that it is true and the economy was worse. What does that prove? It proves that we were right about Obama and he didn't have the experience or the intellect to be POTUS. Hell he said the same himself: Listen for yourself:

Barack Obama Makes Shocking confession!! - YouTube

Was he lying? Were his lips moving?

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Team Obama said in

Today’s news that the unemployment rate moved up to 8.3 percent is as good of a time as time as any to revisit the promises the then-incoming administration made in 2009 regarding the economic stimulus bill. Back then they said the stimulus would have unemployment below 6 percent by now.

Not only that but they claimed that the unemployment would be at that 6 percent level now even if the stimulus bill was not passed. That is, that they predicted the economy would recover to that level naturally. In short, the White Houses

and Team McCain said in 2008 that the economy was fundamentally sound.

Keep up the partisanship and help our country fall on it's face.
So Obama was either stupid and in way over his head or just outright lying (again)
Let's play a game.

I'll come into your house one day. Take a massive shit for two straight years on your rug. I mean, like every day just taking a massive fucking dump. We're talking like I ate at Chipotle and Taco Bell for six years straight before coming over to your house, dropping my pants, and shitting all over your carpet.

Then I'll give you six months to clean up all the shit.

Oh, and the whole time I'll be blocking every effort you make to clean the shit up.

You can do that but you won't leave like you came in,
What body bag size are you?
That's before it was fully realized how deeply Bush fucked us. He fucked us really long time.

obama and the democrats knew exactly what they were doing the last two years of the Bush white house. They with bush fucked this country up.
If only we could return to the peace and prosperity of President Clinton.

I remember once when Clinton had money taken out of social security and transferred into the general fund to make it look like he had a surplus. Fucking gun grabbing bitch.
That's before it was fully realized how deeply Bush fucked us. He fucked us really long time.

obama and the democrats knew exactly what they were doing the last two years of the Bush white house. They with bush fucked this country up.

If you actually think all of this is becuase of the dems in congress for the last 2 years of the Bush presidency.
Well I am not sure what falls below stupid...
So what will be said by the left, and Obama himself, is that the situtation was worse then he thought. Let us say that it is true and the economy was worse. What does that prove? It proves that we were right about Obama and he didn't have the experience or the intellect to be POTUS. Hell he said the same himself: Listen for yourself:

Barack Obama Makes Shocking confession!! - YouTube

Was he lying? Were his lips moving?

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Team Obama said in

Today’s news that the unemployment rate moved up to 8.3 percent is as good of a time as time as any to revisit the promises the then-incoming administration made in 2009 regarding the economic stimulus bill. Back then they said the stimulus would have unemployment below 6 percent by now.

Not only that but they claimed that the unemployment would be at that 6 percent level now even if the stimulus bill was not passed. That is, that they predicted the economy would recover to that level naturally. In short, the White Houses

and Team McCain said in 2008 that the economy was fundamentally sound.

Keep up the partisanship and help our country fall on it's face.

IT WAS and would have recovered just as Obama said if they had done nothing. Obama slowed the recovery and hurt us just like we said he would. The longest and weakest recovery in history doing all that Obama wanted, there is NO ONE else to blame.

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