Teaching Liberals Why Madison and Hamilton opposed the Bill of Rights.


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
They opposed because the Constitution was very very clear about what power the federal govt was to have. It was to have only the few enumerated powers spelled in Article 1, Sec., 8. It had no power to, for example, limit freedom of speech; so why add a Bill of Rights to protect free speech when govt was to have no authority over the subject whatsoever. Further, they feared if it was added some would understand it to mean the federal govt had authority to protect speech and might use that authority to pervert and eliminate free speech.

In sum, Madison and Hamilton opposed even the Bill of Rights because they feared a big liberal govt would read as a Bill of Anti Rights. Little did they know that not even the specifically enumerated powers could contain the liberal Leviathan that was about to emerge, and that just 200 years later liberal socialists like Obama, Sanders and Warren would be are knocking on our door with undreamed of Anti American big govt schemes.
liberal socialist..Describes every president since Teddy Roosevelt.well actually Abe Lincoln...
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