Teacher Randomly Asks to Adopt Student

It occurs to me we should consider a similar scheme for fellow posters who are struggling in health terms for whatever reasons .
Intense home schooling with strict enforcement of conduct and endeavour protocols .

I have my personal list of those most needing torture care , kindness and help but that is my secret .
Any masochists interested ?
These are the kind of people that you're trusting to watch your children during the day people. Just another reason for home, online, or private schooling.

Honest to goodness, I'm just about done.

I am recovering from a sinus and ear infection. I'm still giving up FOUR HOURS of my Sunday afternoon, unpaid, so I can be trained to take on a volunteer position at my school--also unpaid--to give kids a chance at an after school activity.

Right, sure. "These are the people trusting to watch your children". We are also the people. But we are quitting and retiring early and leaving, and leaving the profession to even WORSE people.

Just stop with this. I mean it. Enough.
Blah, seems like a Karen-Fest......Don't these bitches have a husband that could handle such things?

When it came to school matters (what few there were) I dealt with it.

Yeah, but then it would be prison time for the father.
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Honest to goodness, I'm just about done.

I am recovering from a sinus and ear infection. I'm still giving up FOUR HOURS of my Sunday afternoon, unpaid, so I can be trained to take on a volunteer position at my school--also unpaid--to give kids a chance at an after school activity.

Right, sure. "These are the people trusting to watch your children". We are also the people. But we are quitting and retiring early and leaving, and leaving the profession to even WORSE people.

Just stop with this. I mean it. Enough.

I didn't mean you personally, I was talking about teachers these days in general. This wasn't a personal attack against you so stop acting like it and grow some thicker skin. I can't tell you how many times I said things against the gay community and Baron Von Murderpaws never takes it as anything personal against him. In fact he agrees with most if not all with what I say about it.
I didn't mean you personally, I was talking about teachers these days in general. This wasn't a personal attack against you so stop acting like it and grow some thicker skin. I can't tell you how many times I said things against the gay community and Baron Von Murderpaws never takes it as anything personal against him. In fact he agrees with most if not all with what I say about it.

No it's not a personal attack; it's attack on my entire profession in the same lazy way the Left attacked the entire law enforcement community in "Defund the Police". And how did that work out?
Honest to goodness, I'm just about done.

I am recovering from a sinus and ear infection. I'm still giving up FOUR HOURS of my Sunday afternoon, unpaid, so I can be trained to take on a volunteer position at my school--also unpaid--to give kids a chance at an after school activity.

Right, sure. "These are the people trusting to watch your children". We are also the people. But we are quitting and retiring early and leaving, and leaving the profession to even WORSE people.

Just stop with this. I mean it. Enough.
You obviously want to quit, so stop bitching and do it already.
You obviously want to quit, so stop bitching and do it already.

Yeah because that's what teachers who "want to quit" do...give up their weekends and after school time to volunteer at their schools.

Look pal, you're just butthurt that I am, like others, wondering just what kind of teaching job allows you to be here posting all day long.

None that I have ever known or heard of that's for sure.
She has the right to complain. Doesn’t make her a bad teacher.

We nurses complain all the time. Plus all the dark gallows humor behind the patients back. Still good nurses.

In fact, I’d go so far as to say that the nurses who talk about a “calling” and all the Florence Nightingale bullshit are usually the shitty-at-their-job types who talk a big talk about the sacredness of the profession but have zero practical skills.

I’m guessing the same can be said about the teaching profession.
Yeah because that's what teachers who "want to quit" do...give up their weekends and after school time to volunteer at their schools.
Teachers who want to quit bitch and moan endlessly about how bad their job is. Just STFU and go already.
No it's not a personal attack; it's attack on my entire profession in the same lazy way the Left attacked the entire law enforcement community in "Defund the Police". And how did that work out?

In his own rude way, Unkotare is right. You're overreacting. Yes, it's true that there are still a lot of decent teachers out there but the majority of them have gone woke. I don't completely blame them of course since most of them are just going by the circulum, but still a lot of them who are confused about their own agenda try to push it on their students.
These are the kind of people that you're trusting to watch your children during the day people. Just another reason for home, online, or private schoolingThese are the kind of people that you're trusting to watch your children during the day people. Just another reason for home, online, or private schooling.
So do it. We Natives did that for thousands of years before the white man stole our children and forced them into boarding schools.
"The" white man? Which white man?

You know white people? Good gosh you're not actually taking what he (I think it's a he) said personally are you? If so then you're just as bad a black snowflakes. 🙄 (That and he's actually right.)
In his own rude way, Unkotare is right. You're overreacting. Yes, it's true that there are still a lot of decent teachers out there but the majority of them have gone woke. I don't completely blame them of course since most of them are just going by the circulum, but still a lot of them who are confused about their own agenda try to push it on their students.

Frankly you're spouting nonsense. You don't know, you're just going by what's fed to you in media, same as the Leftists do with cops, etc.
Teachers who want to quit bitch and moan endlessly about how bad their job is. Just STFU and go already.

Once again--today--posting all through your so-called "teaching day".

That is not a teaching job. I don't know what it is. Not teaching.
Frankly you're spouting nonsense. You don't know, you're just going by what's fed to you in media, same as the Leftists do with cops, etc.

Okay I admit that you very well might be right, but no offense or anything but we don't need teachers as much as we do cops. I mean don't get me wrong, it's an important job but unlike the police we have options such as home schooling and online schooling.

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