Tea Party Waning? Occupy Wallstreet GONE! LOL


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Liberals keep predicting conservatism will be gone.

That Rush Limbaugh would be gone

Now it's the Tea Party is "waning."

Liberals don't get that None of this is true, because if it was, most Americans would be liberal.

If that were true, liberals would not have to disguise their liberalism every time they ran for office.

By comparison the "answers" to conservatism keep failing. Air America against Rush Limbaugh? HUGE FAILURE.

MSNBC against Fox News. BWAHAHAHAHA!

Occupy Wallstreet against the Tea Party. Google is all over the place on why that failed. https://www.google.com/#q=why+occupy+wallstreet+failed

But it's easy to know why they failed. Because MOST AMERICANS AREN'T LIBERAL. Oh they may even say they are liberal to feel "good about themselves." But break them down issue by issue and they find out they are actually conservative

That's why liberals keep having rebrand themselves. Keep promising "change." Because they don't want you to know what they are hawking is the same old liberalism, repackaged and with new price stickers attached.

Keep predicting the fall of conservatism liberals. We just keep watching the failures.

Well, in all fairness, a lot of these lefties live in an alternate reality where everything is how they think it should be. And in this reality, there is no opposition... no dissent. So, they manufacture these scenarios where anyone they disagree with just vanishes.

It's kinda fun to watch actually.. cause they're rarely right.
Oops! Liberals don't want to talk about the Occupy Movement.

I wonder why????


Who wants to be associated with a bunch of nasty and ignorant street-shitters.

Your right. Any self respecting liberal on their worst day wouldn't want to be associated with that disgusting crew. Hell. Shitting in a sidewalk while leaning against a car. What a class act.
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The "Tea Party" brand has in fact been hurt by a successful propaganda campaign waged by the Liberal preass.

The Tea Party scared the shit out ot establishment liberalism in the 2010 elections and it was deemed necessary to "define" them as little more than a modern day Ku Klux Klan. This is something the Liberal media can do, as Loons, Socialists and Public Union Hacks (i.e. Democrats) have control of about 80% of the Media.

But they cannot change the Jeffersonian values which govern the conduct of the lives of most Heartland Americans--a limited central government which balances its budget; provides for defense and infrastructure like roads, and otherwise leaves the citizens to themselves.

This November, I expect the Loons, the Socialists, the Public Employee Union Hacks will learn that the Jeffersonian impulse behind the Tea Party is alive and well.
Haven't see a coffee party thread in a really long time....

I guess when a party shifts to kings and queens there is no room to bitch as you have no options. Dems have Hillary, that's it... and she is slowly becoming very unlikable by many dems and lots of indies.

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