
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The difference in the two is the Tea Party is a political movement supported by political figures and the New Black Panthers is not a political movement supported by any political figures. New Black Panthers are not a racist movement but there are members that are racist. KKK, white supremacist, skin heads, Aryan nation members are racist organization and you do not hear FOXNEWS,etc denouncing them or any of them so why is the NAACP expected to denounce the New Black Panther movement. I don’t hear FOXNEWS denouncing the racism in the Tea Party which is so obvious by posters and video. Because to do so they would be denouncing their party. Reich wing nuts.
What the New Black Panthers Want
What the New Black Panthers Believe

10 Point Platform

Have you read this Hogwash Crap? Talk about Morons :eek:

Brief Highlights:

2) Full Employment - Don't we all

3) Tax Exemption - Don't we all want that -

4) Total Free Healthcare, Decent Housing Free - Yup, Gimme, Gimme Crap

6) Exempt from Military Service - No one forces you to join

7) Armed Militia to fight against Brutal Police - Morons

8) Get out of Jail Free Card - Just quit committing Crimes

9) Black only Juries - Ya OK, then white only Juries

10) Death Penalty - Yes outlaw it, Life in Prison, but again quit committing crimes

This is brief as I must go now, I could go into more detail, but I cannot belief this kind of Crap is going on the the 21st Century, sounds more like a bunch of drunk street thug demands than an Intelligent Group of People. Sound like a bunch of Lazy Scum to me.

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OMG. what a bunch of shit.

Indeed. There are no videos of Tea Party members blocking people from entering polling places and calling them racist names. The OP pins the bogometer.
The difference in the two is the Tea Party is a political movement supported by political figures and the New Black Panthers is not a political movement supported by any political figures.

I don't think any Polititian is stupid enough to support the New Black Panther Movement :lol:

New Black Panthers are not a racist movement but there are members that are racist.

Not a Racist Movment? What do you call this Shit -- 10 Point Platform

KKK, white supremacist, skin heads, Aryan nation members are racist organization and you do not hear FOXNEWS,etc denouncing them or any of them so why is the NAACP expected to denounce the New Black Panther movement.
Fox is not denouncing the KKK or any one else, because they are not out Making Ass's out of themselves.

The NAACP should denounce any group with such Racist Guidelines and Racist Points

I don’t hear FOXNEWS denouncing the racism in the Tea Party which is so obvious by posters and video. Because to do so they would be denouncing their party. Reich wing nuts.

Listen Butt-Wipe, Fox is not denouncing the Tea Party because it is not founded on Racist Beliefs

Odd that $100K was offered to anyone who could prove racism from the tea party and yet 3 months later, hmm that $100K is still in the offerers pocket.

Do you think Oprah would be dumb enough to offer $100K if anyone could prove racism from the new ****** panthers?
Odd that $100K was offered to anyone who could prove racism from the tea party and yet 3 months later, hmm that $100K is still in the offerers pocket.

Do you think Oprah would be dumb enough to offer $100K if anyone could prove racism from the new ****** panthers?

It has been proven but you Tea Bastards keep denying and I like it because the racists will lower the influence of the Tea Bastards.
Tea Party isn't a racist movement.

I am the biggest Racist on this board and i WISH they WERE racist, but they're just not.

I mean i am sure 90% of people in it ARE racist just like 90% of people outside of the tea party are also racist, but the movement itself is NOT a racist movement.

The only reason it has no ******* in it is because ******* love Obama too much to protest government.

I bet when they put O in power they knew no ******* would protest his policies and any whites that did could simply be called racist. They didn't just put his nig ass in there for nothing you know. there is a REASON we have a black president and it has nothing to do with his oratory skills.
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The difference in the two is the Tea Party is a political movement supported by political figures and the New Black Panthers is not a political movement supported by any political figures. New Black Panthers are not a racist movement but there are members that are racist. KKK, white supremacist, skin heads, Aryan nation members are racist organization and you do not hear FOXNEWS,etc denouncing them or any of them so why is the NAACP expected to denounce the New Black Panther movement. I don’t hear FOXNEWS denouncing the racism in the Tea Party which is so obvious by posters and video. Because to do so they would be denouncing their party. Reich wing nuts.

Other then the Black Panthers, of those other groups, how many showed up at voting places at the last Presidential election armed and intimidating voters?

The difference in the two is the Tea Party is a political movement supported by political figures and the New Black Panthers is not a political movement supported by any political figures. New Black Panthers are not a racist movement but there are members that are racist. KKK, white supremacist, skin heads, Aryan nation members are racist organization and you do not hear FOXNEWS,etc denouncing them or any of them so why is the NAACP expected to denounce the New Black Panther movement. I don’t hear FOXNEWS denouncing the racism in the Tea Party which is so obvious by posters and video. Because to do so they would be denouncing their party. Reich wing nuts.

Other then the Black Panthers, of those other groups, how many showed up at voting places at the last Presidential election armed and intimidating voters?

You're talking about one questionable incident in Philadelphia dipshit, how many people has the NBPP bombed and lynched for trying to vote?

The difference in the two is the Tea Party is a political movement supported by political figures and the New Black Panthers is not a political movement supported by any political figures. New Black Panthers are not a racist movement but there are members that are racist. KKK, white supremacist, skin heads, Aryan nation members are racist organization and you do not hear FOXNEWS,etc denouncing them or any of them so why is the NAACP expected to denounce the New Black Panther movement. I don’t hear FOXNEWS denouncing the racism in the Tea Party which is so obvious by posters and video. Because to do so they would be denouncing their party. Reich wing nuts.

Other then the Black Panthers, of those other groups, how many showed up at voting places at the last Presidential election armed and intimidating voters?

You're talking about one questionable incident in Philadelphia dipshit, how many people has the NBPP bombed and lynched for trying to vote?

So as usual you apologist have to go back over 50 years to find something. Go ahead cite for us any recent cases of anyone being lynched to prevent them from voting? Being Bombed to prevent them from voting. Ohh wait, IN the US. Last I checked tat all stopped because the Government finally decided to do their Job.

Blacks do not now get a free pass because over 50 years ago there were problems. One incident becomes 10 becomes 100 becomes thousands if allowed. Now if you REALLY want those racist white people to return to those lynchings and bombings go ahead and tell your black buddies they can stop anyone they want from voting and the Government will not act.

The difference in the two is the Tea Party is a political movement supported by political figures and the New Black Panthers is not a political movement supported by any political figures. New Black Panthers are not a racist movement but there are members that are racist. KKK, white supremacist, skin heads, Aryan nation members are racist organization and you do not hear FOXNEWS,etc denouncing them or any of them so why is the NAACP expected to denounce the New Black Panther movement. I don’t hear FOXNEWS denouncing the racism in the Tea Party which is so obvious by posters and video. Because to do so they would be denouncing their party. Reich wing nuts.

Other then the Black Panthers, of those other groups, how many showed up at voting places at the last Presidential election armed and intimidating voters?

You're talking about one questionable incident in Philadelphia dipshit, how many people has the NBPP bombed and lynched for trying to vote?
Why are you claiming the Tea Party is responsible for the KKK's actions?

Hint: They're not.

The difference in the two is the Tea Party is a political movement supported by political figures and the New Black Panthers is not a political movement supported by any political figures. New Black Panthers are not a racist movement but there are members that are racist. KKK, white supremacist, skin heads, Aryan nation members are racist organization and you do not hear FOXNEWS,etc denouncing them or any of them so why is the NAACP expected to denounce the New Black Panther movement. I don’t hear FOXNEWS denouncing the racism in the Tea Party which is so obvious by posters and video. Because to do so they would be denouncing their party. Reich wing nuts.

Other then the Black Panthers, of those other groups, how many showed up at voting places at the last Presidential election armed and intimidating voters?

You're talking about one questionable incident in Philadelphia dipshit, how many people has the NBPP bombed and lynched for trying to vote?

Hey Moron, they have not even gotten started, have you read their Doctrine of 10 Points?, with values and ideals like that, they could be capable of anything, wake up dipshit and smell the roses, or at least read and understand what the nbpp are about!


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