Tea Party: The solution to WI's fugitive Democrats?


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
One way or another, the Democrats temper tantrum will have to end and Wisconsin's State government will have to get back to work. Below is an example of what at least two Dims (so far) may have to look forward to...

WisPolitics Budget Blog: Groups exploring recalls of Holperin, Wirch

Two of the Dem state senators who have apparently left the state to prevent a vote on Gov. Walker's budget repair bill could be the subject of recall efforts, according to statements issued Friday.

Daniel Hunt of Kenosha announced that a group to recall Sen. Robert Wirch of Pleasant Prairie would file papers with the Government Accountability Board next week.

“We need to inform Robert Wirch that his hiding in Illinois is unacceptable to the voters in his district, and that we are taking the first steps to remove him from office," Hunt said in a statement.

Meanwhile, an Eagle River-based group said it expected to file with the GAB by the close of business today. The group's statement alleges Holperin "has failed to carry out his official duties in the state Senate," and committee leader Kim Simac said activists would evaluate the recall effort over the weekend.

Both groups touted the abilities of local Tea Party groups to "mobilize thousands of people quickly and effectively."

In the meantime, the (so far) peaceful Pro-Union (Anti-fiscal sanity) protesters who have been in the news lately are are making their presence felt...

WisPolitics Budget Blog: Jeff Fitzgerald: Assembly adjourned because of threats

Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald said he decided to adjourn the Assembly this evening because Gov. Scott Walker called minutes before lawmakers took the floor to tell him to get his caucus members and staff out of the building because their safety could no longer be assured.

Fitzgerald told WisPolitics exclusively about the guv's call after the Assembly ended a tense, 30-minute floor session. As the Republicans made moves to pass the controversial budget repair bill without Dem participation, a throng of thousands of protesters outside the chamber grew louder and louder.

There have been reports of threats against lawmakers throughout the week, and Fitzgerald was escorted out of the building by sheriff deputies

Grab your popcorn folks. It's going to be quite a show over the next days and weeks.
As to the threats Fitzgerald and Scott Suder (Majority Leader) have issued a statement:

The leadership of the Assembly has decided to recess due to security concerns. We will reconvene on Tuesday morning and are confident that the security concerns will no longer exist. We are committed as ever to pass Governor Walker’s Budget Repair Bill and will do so next week. Millions of taxpayers spoke in November and we will not let them down. We have a fiscal crisis that can’t be ignored. We have the votes to pass the bill; it is only a matter of time.

As to the recalls, it goes without saying that it would be a very long process.

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