Tea Party summer camp


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2008

Tea party group offers summer camp - St. Petersburg Times

The organization, which falls under the tea party umbrella, hopes to introduce kids ages 8 to 12 to principles that include "America is good," "I believe in God," and "I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable."


Tampa Liberty is modeled after vacation Bible schools, which use fun, hands-on activities to deliver Christian messages


Children will blow bubbles from a single container of soapy solution, and then pop each other's bubbles with squirt guns in an arrangement that mimics socialism. They are to count how many bubbles they pop


"We definitely teach the Constitution, especially during Constitution Week," said Linda Cobbe, a school district spokeswoman. She said the district would need to make sure the organization does not have a political agenda, and that they would need to be approved by SERVE, a nonprofit agency that clears volunteers in the schools.

harmless you say? being modeled after the religmo camps, which are simply Gitmo for kiddies >

July/August 2011 Mother Jones Magazine | Fallen From Grace
Joyce’s article rips the scab off the festering wound of Independent Fundamentalist Baptist group homes. She rightly details the history of these homes starting with Lester Roloff all the way to the present hour. Two of the regular commenters on this blog, Cat Givens, and Teresa Frye and mentioned in the article. I want to commend them for their boldness and courage. I am proud of their unwillingness to be silenced. Joyce’s article adds confirmation and depth to the recent 20/20 expose on this subject.

I want to express my gratitude to Kathryn Joyce for her willingness to tackle this subject. I am sure it was not easy trying to verify the facts of the story. After all, the people who operates these types of Christian group homes are experts in hiding the truth. When Jack Hyles defended his involvement in a sex scandal many years ago he said “if you didn’t see it, it didn’t happen”. The group homes mentioned by Joyce live by this principle.. If it can’t be proved it didn’t happen.
Sounds like it's not a bad idea. I'm not certain I'd agree with everything they're promoting, and they probably don't promote some of the more Conservative ideals that I tend to believe in, but it's definitely a step in the right direction so far as I can see.
Program em while they are young.

YES. Teach them the appropriate morals, values, ideals, and ethics in their youth with the caveat that while they live in YOUR (not their) home, these things are not negotiable. Make them understand that when they become old enough to be on their own, they will be allowed to choose whether these things are what they believe in as well; reminding them that if they choose other morals, values, ideals and ethics to follow that they will no longer be a member of your family.

That's the way I was raised.
Ohoooooo nooooo!
How terrible!!!!!!
Sure wouldn't what to teach our children to love our country,or saving your soul,or having choice in charities, instead of government force, or teaching our constitution. Why how dare they.

It's better than some Muslims who are teaching their children to hate Israel and America, to kill in the name of God and teaching them how to use weapons in order to wipe Israel off the map.
Yep but have you ever dated a pentecostal preachers daughter?

My Mother is the daughter of a Missouri Synod Lutheran pastor. Yes, my mom is a PK (Pastor's Kid), which makes me a PGK. I have more family members involved in churchwork in one way or another than you could shake a stick at. So while I've never actually dated a Pentecostal preacher's daugher, I HAVE dated the daughter and granddaughter of Lutheran ministers, and a slew of other church workers over the years.
Yep but have you ever dated a pentecostal preachers daughter?

My Mother is the daughter of a Missouri Synod Lutheran pastor. Yes, my mom is a PK (Pastor's Kid), which makes me a PGK. I have more family members involved in churchwork in one way or another than you could shake a stick at. So while I've never actually dated a Pentecostal preacher's daugher, I HAVE dated the daughter and granddaughter of Lutheran ministers, and a slew of other church workers over the years.

Lutherans are not what I consider pentecostals.
The Assembly of God and such are.
Program em while they are young.

You mean like the left do in schools?

Funny how you're so quick to see the demon from the right, while completely ignoring it from the left. Clearly, you have no ability to think for yourself.


Now did I make a leaning statement in "program em while they are young"?
You are projecting yourself into my statement yet again.
Lutherans are not what I consider pentecostals. The Assembly of God and such are.

Depends on what brand of Lutheranism you're talking about.....

In the 1970's the Lutheran Church of America split into three groups

The ELCA (Evangelical Church of America) which is VERY Liberal, and mostly centered in New England.

The LCMS (Lutheran Church Missoury Synod) which is Pretty Conservative (where I grew up - and incidently the faith that Michelle Bachman is part of).

The LCWS (Lutheran Church Wisconsin Synod) which is probably more Conservative than almost any other Christian faith I've ever found. LCWS members aren't even allowed to join the Boy Scouts, the Kiwanis Club or any other fraternal organization.
Presently, the religmo summer camps are being exposed for the extreemist authoritarians they are, which is why i posted the followup to the OP

you see, they could not teach religon without a bias any more than one of us could teach politics sans one

there exists very few objectivists who can impart morality as the perspective it is

the proof of this is obviously the diverse stances we post here

Lutherans are not what I consider pentecostals. The Assembly of God and such are.

Depends on what brand of Lutheranism you're talking about.....

In the 1970's the Lutheran Church of America split into three groups

The ELCA (Evangelical Church of America) which is VERY Liberal, and mostly centered in New England.

The LCMS (Lutheran Church Missoury Synod) which is Pretty Conservative (where I grew up - and incidently the faith that Michelle Bachman is part of).

The LCWS (Lutheran Church Wisconsin Synod) which is probably more Conservative than almost any other Christian faith I've ever found. LCWS members aren't even allowed to join the Boy Scouts, the Kiwanis Club or any other fraternal organization.

None of which are on my ignore list Anach

coversley, none of which i would solicit political advice from....
And parents who wish for their children to be raised on these principles will be allowed to send their children, unlike the public school system where socialism is force fed to the children regardless of what the parents want.
SO let me get this straight, if socialism is force fed to kids in the public school system without the parents consent...that is good. But if a conservative group sets up a camp to teach children conservatism and how socialism destroys economies and it's a completely voluntary camp which parents can CHOOSE to send the kids if they want to, that's bad?
You libs are pathetic.
Presently, the religmo summer camps are being exposed for the extreemist authoritarians they are, which is why i posted the followup to the OP. you see, they could not teach religon without a bias any more than one of us could teach politics sans one

Is anyone being forced to attend these camps, sparky? Is it part of the graduation requirement for some public school system? Is attendance demanded or the individual will be arrested? People attend this sort of activity, and send their kids there BY CHOICE. For the most part they know exactly what it is they're getting when they sign up for it.

I say this as someone who attended VBS regularly as a child and who taught in the program while I was in college.

None of which are on my ignore list Anach. conversely, none of which i would solicit political advice from....

That's fine. You have a right to choose what philosophical and religious input you accept or decline. Just don't tell other people they don't have that same choice.
Presently, the religmo summer camps are being exposed for the extreemist authoritarians they are, which is why i posted the followup to the OP

you see, they could not teach religon without a bias any more than one of us could teach politics sans one

there exists very few objectivists who can impart morality as the perspective it is

the proof of this is obviously the diverse stances we post here


And again, it's voluntary, it's parents choice, which is what you really hate about it because it is CHOICE, something the left cannot control. Would you rather have the public school system endoctrinate them into an ideology that this country will suffer from down the road "Kinda like it is now"?. Wait...dont answer that we already know.
Program em while they are young.

YES. Teach them the appropriate morals, values, ideals, and ethics in their youth with the caveat that while they live in YOUR (not their) home, these things are not negotiable. Make them understand that when they become old enough to be on their own, they will be allowed to choose whether these things are what they believe in as well; reminding them that if they choose other morals, values, ideals and ethics to follow that they will no longer be a member of your family.

That's the way I was raised.

Why do they have to go to a CAMP for that?:eusa_eh:
Why do they have to go to a CAMP for that?:eusa_eh:

In general you're right that they shouldn't have to, salt. That should be something that the parents instill on their own. However, it never hurts to have it reinforced in other ways and by other people as a means to help the children understand it better.

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