Tea Party less then 1% arrested : OWS over 99% should be arrested


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Distinction speaks volumes..
Tea partiers never squatted for days - too busy in their jobs!
Tea partiers left events' areas cleaner then they found them!
Less the 1/10th of 1% ever arrested.

Occupy Wall Street..
thousands have been arrested..
Filth, "They are defecating on our doorsteps,” fumed Catherine Hughes, "
“The protesters taunt people who are on their way to work,” said James Fernandez, 51, whose apartment overlooks the park.
Given the amorphous, unchanneled contempt of OWS for civility, hygiene and public property, it’s shocking, actually, that Democratic politicians should be showing such affection for the crowd that has become a blight on neighborhoods around the country.
The left’s effort to clean up the Occupy Wall Street crowd - Right Turn - The Washington Post

This headline says it all:
Occupy Wall Street Plans Human Chain to Prevent Clean-Up
It's like trying to get a particularly filthy child into the bathtub isn't it? Perhaps they have connected cleanliness with the right as a conspiracy.
Good point! Conspiracy yea.. that's the ticket!
Maybe also they are fighting "the Man" by not using soap so soap makers don't make evil profits!
Wiping one's ass is a right wing conspiracy to prevent people from being "natural".

The OWS needs to be left alone. Take out the cops, they should be doing what they are supposed to be doing for the people who pay them. Leave them be as an object lesson in what it looks like when liberals are in charge.
Send the S.W.A.T. team to the roof tops with their sniper rifles!

Not for nothing are they called "Fleabaggers".

Where in hell are the cold temperatures and snows of winter that will send these lice scurrying back to Mommy's basement couch?
ACORN at the core of OWS movement...
ACORN Playing Behind Scenes Role in 'Occupy' Movement
October 26, 2011 | The former New York office for ACORN, the disbanded community activist group, is playing a key role in the self-proclaimed “leaderless” Occupy Wall Street movement, organizing “guerrilla” protest events and hiring door-to-door canvassers to collect money under the banner of various causes while spending it on protest-related activities, sources tell FoxNews.com.
The former director of New York ACORN, Jon Kest, and his top aides are now busy working at protest events for New York Communities for Change (NYCC). That organization was created in late 2009 when some ACORN offices disbanded and reorganized under new names after undercover video exposes prompted Congress to cut off federal funds. NYCC’s connection to ACORN isn’t a tenuous one: It works from the former ACORN offices in Brooklyn, uses old ACORN office stationery, employs much of the old ACORN staff and, according to several sources, engages in some of the old organization’s controversial techniques to raise money, interest and awareness for the protests.

Sources said NYCC has hired about 100 former ACORN-affiliated staff members from other cities – paying some of them $100 a day - to attend and support Occupy Wall Street. Dozens of New York homeless people recruited from shelters are also being paid to support the protests, at the rate of $10 an hour, the sources said. At least some of those hired are being used as door-to-door canvassers to collect money that’s used to support the protests. Sources said cash donations collected by NYCC on behalf of some unions and various causes are being pooled and spent on Occupy Wall Street. The money is used to buy supplies, pay staff and cover travel expenses for the ex-ACORN members brought to New York for the protests.

In one such case, sources said, NYCC staff members collected cash donations for what they were told was a United Federation of Teachers fundraising drive, but the money was diverted to the protests. Sources who participated in the teachers union campaign said NYCC supervisors gave them the addresses of union members and told them to go knock on their doors and ask for contributions—and did not mention that the money would go toward Occupy Wall Street expenses. One source said the campaign raked in about $5,000. Current staff members at NYCC told FoxNews.com the union fundraising drive was called off abruptly last week, and they were told NYCC should not have been raising money for the union at all.

Sources said staff members also collected door-to-door for NYCC’s PCB campaign — which aims to test schools for deadly toxins —but then pooled that money together with cash raised for the teachers union and other campaigns to fund Occupy Wall Street. “We go to Freeport, Central Islip, Park Slope, everywhere, and we say we’re collecting money for PCBs testing in schools. But the money isn’t going to the campaign," one source said. "It’s going to Occupy Wall Street, and we’re not using that money to get schools tested for deadly chemicals or to make their kids safer. It’s just going to the protests, and that’s just so terrible.”

Read more: EXCLUSIVE: ACORN Playing Behind Scenes Role In 'Occupy' Movement | Fox News

See also:

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement
October 27, 2011 -- David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has joined President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in expressing support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, whose protests have been marked by anti-Semitism.
In a video about the Occupy Wall Street protests, Duke said: “I cheer the men and women on the streets condemning the international banks that hold America financially hostage. These Wall Street banks are not the product of free enterprise; they are the product of crime.” “Yes, occupy Wall Street,” Duke also said. “Finally, Americans are rising up and it feels great.” In the video, Duke repeatedly attacks what he refers to as “Zionist bankers” such as Ben “Shalom” Bernanke. At one point Duke claims that while many Americans have lost up to 50 percent of their savings, the “Zionist owners of the predatory banks made more shekels.”

Besides Duke’s endorsement of the Occupy Wall Street protests, there have been numerous instances of anti-Semitic comments and signs at the demonstrations. Several videos now posted on YouTube show protesters holding anti-Semitic signs and making anti-Semitic statements. Commentary magazine’s Abe Greenwald wrote on Oct. 11, “The Jew-hatred among protesters and sympathizers is diverse and unapologetic. It is, in fact, atmospheric. Tune in randomly to live television coverage of the spectacle and you’ll see--as I did--placards scapegoating Israel, Zionism, or ‘Hitler’s bankers.’”

Greenwald goes on to say no one should be surprised that Occupy Wall Street (OWS) contains an anti-Semitic element because both OWS and hateful, anti-Jewish philosophies employ “the pointing finger” as their method. Media Research Center President Brent Bozell has condemned the anti-Semitism evident at many of the Occupy Wall Street protests and has called upon the presidents of ABC News, CBS News, CNN, and NBC News to start reporting the racism clearly evident at the demonstrations.

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They should all be arrested for trespassing and violating a myriad of vagrancy, squatting, heath, sanitation and food service licensing/inspection laws and regulations.

Oh, that's right....I forgot it's different when leftist freaks flagrantly flout the laws meant for everyone else to comply with.

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