Tea Party Candidate, Jules Manson, calls for the Assassination of Obama.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Gotta love it.

The failed city council candidate who urged the assassination of President Obama and his "monkey children" got a visit from the Secret Service at his southern California trailer, he claimed.

Jules Manson, 48, described the alleged encounter in a Facebook post late Monday night after news of his racist rant grabbed headlines.

"Agents Corey, Andy, and Stephanie were very pleasant with me," he wrote. "They must have had 30 questions. They listened to what I had to say."

Manson said he consented to a search of his home and vehicle in his Carson, Calif., trailer park.

"They even sat at my computer to see what I had on there," he wrote. "I cooperated with them and was fully honest with them because I have nothing to hide."

He said while he considers the federal government "intimidating," the agents were polite.

"As far as they are concerned I have been cleared but they have to go through the motions," he wrote.

"We're aware of the situation and conducting appropriate follow-up," George Ogilvie, a spokesman for the U.S. Secret Service, told the Daily News.

As for Manson’s claim that he had been cleared, a source said, it's an "open investigation."

Manson, a rabid supporter of Tea Party pioneer Ron Paul, called for Obama's assassination in a recent Facebook post that criticized the President's decision last week to support a revised military authorization bill.
He blasted the new legislation as an assault on constitutional protections.

"Assassinate the f----- (N-word) and his monkey children," he goaded, according to a screen grab obtained by YourBlackWorld.com.

Read more: Jules Manson says Secret Service agents went to his home after he posted anti-Obama rant - NY Daily News

And his kids too.

Disgusting. :mad:
Gotta love it.

The failed city council candidate who urged the assassination of President Obama and his "monkey children" got a visit from the Secret Service at his southern California trailer, he claimed.

Jules Manson, 48, described the alleged encounter in a Facebook post late Monday night after news of his racist rant grabbed headlines.

"Agents Corey, Andy, and Stephanie were very pleasant with me," he wrote. "They must have had 30 questions. They listened to what I had to say."

Manson said he consented to a search of his home and vehicle in his Carson, Calif., trailer park.

"They even sat at my computer to see what I had on there," he wrote. "I cooperated with them and was fully honest with them because I have nothing to hide."

He said while he considers the federal government "intimidating," the agents were polite.

"As far as they are concerned I have been cleared but they have to go through the motions," he wrote.

"We're aware of the situation and conducting appropriate follow-up," George Ogilvie, a spokesman for the U.S. Secret Service, told the Daily News.

As for Manson’s claim that he had been cleared, a source said, it's an "open investigation."

Manson, a rabid supporter of Tea Party pioneer Ron Paul, called for Obama's assassination in a recent Facebook post that criticized the President's decision last week to support a revised military authorization bill.
He blasted the new legislation as an assault on constitutional protections.

"Assassinate the f----- (N-word) and his monkey children," he goaded, according to a screen grab obtained by YourBlackWorld.com.

Read more: Jules Manson says Secret Service agents went to his home after he posted anti-Obama rant - NY Daily News

And his kids too.

Disgusting. :mad:
I might not like obama's politics but NO one deserves what that idiot is touting.
Gotta love it.

The failed city council candidate who urged the assassination of President Obama and his "monkey children" got a visit from the Secret Service at his southern California trailer, he claimed.

Jules Manson, 48, described the alleged encounter in a Facebook post late Monday night after news of his racist rant grabbed headlines.

"Agents Corey, Andy, and Stephanie were very pleasant with me," he wrote. "They must have had 30 questions. They listened to what I had to say."

Manson said he consented to a search of his home and vehicle in his Carson, Calif., trailer park.

"They even sat at my computer to see what I had on there," he wrote. "I cooperated with them and was fully honest with them because I have nothing to hide."

He said while he considers the federal government "intimidating," the agents were polite.

"As far as they are concerned I have been cleared but they have to go through the motions," he wrote.

"We're aware of the situation and conducting appropriate follow-up," George Ogilvie, a spokesman for the U.S. Secret Service, told the Daily News.

As for Manson’s claim that he had been cleared, a source said, it's an "open investigation."

Manson, a rabid supporter of Tea Party pioneer Ron Paul, called for Obama's assassination in a recent Facebook post that criticized the President's decision last week to support a revised military authorization bill.
He blasted the new legislation as an assault on constitutional protections.

"Assassinate the f----- (N-word) and his monkey children," he goaded, according to a screen grab obtained by YourBlackWorld.com.

Read more: Jules Manson says Secret Service agents went to his home after he posted anti-Obama rant - NY Daily News

And his kids too.

Disgusting. :mad:
I might not like obama's politics but NO one deserves what that idiot is touting.

Hollywood promoted a freaking movie that depicted the assassination of president Bush while he was in office. Who do we see about that? There is no right wing version of Soros's "media matters" or "move-on" but I bet the Secret Service was busy with thousands of threats against Bush.
Hollywood promoted a freaking movie that depicted the assassination of president Bush while he was in office. Who do we see about that? There is no right wing version of Soros's "media matters" or "move-on" but I bet the Secret Service was busy with thousands of threats against Bush.


That was an English film..made by the brits.

Take it up with them.


Death of a President is a 2006 British high concept motion picture about the fictional assassination of George W. Bush, the 43rd U.S. President, on 19 October 2007 in Chicago, Illinois.
Hollywood promoted a freaking movie that depicted the assassination of president Bush while he was in office. Who do we see about that? There is no right wing version of Soros's "media matters" or "move-on" but I bet the Secret Service was busy with thousands of threats against Bush.

But that was the left, so they get treated with kid gloves for this sort of thing. Jules Manson (any relation to Charles?) is a nut case and I doubt anyone seriously planning something like that would broadcast it in public the way he did. He sounds like an angry, irrational individual who in no way represents the majority of tea party members.

The same ones who will try and paint the entire GOP in the same light as Jules also ask us to ignore the hundreds of OWS flea party members who have been arrested, pooped in the streets, did drugs and committed serious crimes, including rapes, assaults and murders.

Even with the few radicals that have latched onto the tea parties, I'd still feel far safer at any tea party than I would within 2 blocks of any flea parties.
Hollywood promoted a freaking movie that depicted the assassination of president Bush while he was in office. Who do we see about that? There is no right wing version of Soros's "media matters" or "move-on" but I bet the Secret Service was busy with thousands of threats against Bush.


That was an English film..made by the brits.

Take it up with them.


Death of a President is a 2006 British high concept motion picture about the fictional assassination of George W. Bush, the 43rd U.S. President, on 19 October 2007 in Chicago, Illinois.
These CON$ervative assholes are programmed to blame everything on Hollywood! :cuckoo:
The film was made in Britain, but got a lot of attention from the left and some movie critics here in the U.S. Hillary Clinton, much to her credit, thought it was in poor taste. Some gave it a thumbs up and their only objection seemed to be that it made Bush look good.

I've seen protesters with signs that stated they were there to kill or shoot Bush, so this business of making death threats isn't unique to any one group, least of all the tea party. I suspect that after years of peaceful demonstrations, where no tea party members got violent or trashed the area, some are overjoyed to have found something to throw at them. Gee, it took long enough. We had to wait like an hour before one of the OWS members acted up and I've lost track of all the violence over the past few months.
Hollywood promoted a freaking movie that depicted the assassination of president Bush while he was in office. Who do we see about that? There is no right wing version of Soros's "media matters" or "move-on" but I bet the Secret Service was busy with thousands of threats against Bush.

Oh really? Gimme a fuckin' break. Freedomworks and Heritage.org ring a fuckin' bell? how about all those right wing websites that your side is always pulling out of their asses? I'd be willing to wager that there's a hell of a lot more right wing sites than left wing sites... after all, you got virtually all the corporate sponsors wrapped up.
For one thing...Ron Paul is NOT a TEA PARTY pioneer..

this article is full of shit.

the guy who did this, did it all ON HIS OWN and wouldn't be condoned by anybody in the Tea Party. so give us a break.
Talk about spin.

What exactly is he a candidate for?

How do you propose that he is the tea party candidate? The only mention of the tea party is indirectly when it says this man is a Ron Paul supporter.

I agree with the posts saying that if this man committed a crime he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If not, than that's fine too.

However, this spin is bullcrap. You want people to accept your positions but you need to lie like this?






WTF is wrong with these people:cuckoo:
I don't know... but I'd keep quiet about it... Otherwise we'll have another fucking disgusting "appeal to the lowest denominator" Reality show on our hands.
Thanks to the parnership between liberal republican John McCain and liberal democrat Russ Feingold with their abomination called "campaign finance reform" (signed into law by George Bush) we have a tax exempt left wing political propaganda machine (financed by George Soros) who's stated mission is to research conservative speech. Media Matters picks up obscure stories like this and turns them over to left wing blogs like Huffington who rewrites them. There is no right wing venue for this type of propaganda and nobody on the right really wants it.
The film was made in Britain, but got a lot of attention from the left and some movie critics here in the U.S. Hillary Clinton, much to her credit, thought it was in poor taste. Some gave it a thumbs up and their only objection seemed to be that it made Bush look good.

I've seen protesters with signs that stated they were there to kill or shoot Bush, so this business of making death threats isn't unique to any one group, least of all the tea party. I suspect that after years of peaceful demonstrations, where no tea party members got violent or trashed the area, some are overjoyed to have found something to throw at them. Gee, it took long enough. We had to wait like an hour before one of the OWS members acted up and I've lost track of all the violence over the past few months.

Don't worry, the TP has done plenty to be criticized for. Racist signs at rallies, spitting at Democrat congressmen, turning the House of Reps into 3 ring circus, veering the US gov't towards - what is it now - 4, 5 shutdowns? :eusa_clap: Good job, guys. BTW, what does OWS have to do with a TP nut calling for the assassination of Obama?

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