Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

M Catharine Evans

The Democrats are obsessed with the Tea Party movement. Just last week Washington Post columnist E.J.Dionne declared "Tea Party thinking..dead." What's so hilarious is the inherent contradiction in Dionne's argument? So close to the election no Obama media minion will waste time on a supposedly defunct, irrelevant group of people whose time has come and gone. Yet the media driven lies about the Tea Party Movement abound in Dionne's op-ed.


In playing the Tea Party card at the last minute the desperate Dems have not only demonstrated their ignorance of how deeply the spirit of the movement has become ingrained in America's consciousness, but they have managed to validate the power of that movement.

So despite conflicting reports of their demise Tea Party patriots are not going away. A future Romney-Ryan administration would do well to get the rubber stamp out.

Read more: Blog: Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared
Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

M Catharine Evans

The Democrats are obsessed with the Tea Party movement. Just last week Washington Post columnist E.J.Dionne declared "Tea Party thinking..dead." What's so hilarious is the inherent contradiction in Dionne's argument? So close to the election no Obama media minion will waste time on a supposedly defunct, irrelevant group of people whose time has come and gone. Yet the media driven lies about the Tea Party Movement abound in Dionne's op-ed.


In playing the Tea Party card at the last minute the desperate Dems have not only demonstrated their ignorance of how deeply the spirit of the movement has become ingrained in America's consciousness, but they have managed to validate the power of that movement.

So despite conflicting reports of their demise Tea Party patriots are not going away. A future Romney-Ryan administration would do well to get the rubber stamp out.

Read more: Blog: Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared
Dimwits are always obsessed with what scares them.
the left is already gearing up to trash the Tea Party as soon as Romney is elected....to try to fracture the GOP...

maybe we should rename the Tea Party to something like "Old-fashioned Constitutional God-fearing Flag-waving Hard-working Everyday Americans"....with a name like that how could anyone trash the movement and not be outed as the ANTI-Americans they are....? :D
Has it gotten better since the 2010 shellacking ?

Magic 8-Ball sayz: Don't think so.

Everyone knew this was a two part movement. Step one was to shut obama down and that was done. Step two is get rid of him and complete the taking of the Senate.
The Tea Party has been behind the drive for tomorrow's HUGE groundswell in getting out the vote.All of us have been making calls and knocking on doors for months now.. Over 20,000 Poll Watchers for Romney will spread out tomorrow ..and bring this thing home for our guy! HUGE numbers tomorrow. It's going to be a great day.. :) Everyone hang in there!! We're almost there.
The Tea Party has been behind the drive for tomorrow's HUGE groundswell in getting out the vote.All of us have been making calls and knocking on doors for months now.. Over 20,000 Poll Watchers for Romney will spread out tomorrow ..and bring this thing home for our guy! HUGE numbers tomorrow. It's going to be a great day.. :) Everyone hang in there!! We're almost there.

the TIDAL WAVE is about to hit......! :eusa_clap:
The Tea Party has been behind the drive for tomorrow's HUGE groundswell in getting out the vote.All of us have been making calls and knocking on doors for months now.. Over 20,000 Poll Watchers for Romney will spread out tomorrow ..and bring this thing home for our guy! HUGE numbers tomorrow. It's going to be a great day.. :) Everyone hang in there!! We're almost there.
Yep, we haven't gone anywhere. Just working like conservatives do.
The Tea Party has been behind the drive for tomorrow's HUGE groundswell in getting out the vote.All of us have been making calls and knocking on doors for months now.. Over 20,000 Poll Watchers for Romney will spread out tomorrow ..and bring this thing home for our guy! HUGE numbers tomorrow. It's going to be a great day.. :) Everyone hang in there!! We're almost there.

the TIDAL WAVE is about to hit......! :eusa_clap:

Yes it is and I can't wait to see the looks on the faces of the liberal media tomorrow night.. LOL

What's even sweeter is some of the nastiest libs made bets here to leave forevah when Romney wins.. Say GOODBYE!!
If you think the tea parties are a thing of the past, your right, rallies and recruiting over the last 4 years have gotten people elected at virtually every level of government. The future looks bright and we are still involved, after tomorrow, new candidates will be sought for the midterms and new political organizations formed. We are here to stay and we will continue to change the political landscape.
If you think the tea parties are a thing of the past, your right, rallies and recruiting over the last 4 years have gotten people elected at virtually every level of government. The future looks bright and we are still involved, after tomorrow, new candidates will be sought for the midterms and new political organizations formed. We are here to stay and we will continue to change the political landscape.

Awesome post and yes we are!
Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

M Catharine Evans

The Democrats are obsessed with the Tea Party movement. Just last week Washington Post columnist E.J.Dionne declared "Tea Party thinking..dead." What's so hilarious is the inherent contradiction in Dionne's argument? So close to the election no Obama media minion will waste time on a supposedly defunct, irrelevant group of people whose time has come and gone. Yet the media driven lies about the Tea Party Movement abound in Dionne's op-ed.


In playing the Tea Party card at the last minute the desperate Dems have not only demonstrated their ignorance of how deeply the spirit of the movement has become ingrained in America's consciousness, but they have managed to validate the power of that movement.

So despite conflicting reports of their demise Tea Party patriots are not going away. A future Romney-Ryan administration would do well to get the rubber stamp out.

Read more: Blog: Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

The TEA party is the best thing that has happened to the Democratic Party. Seriously. Look at your Presidential candidate. He is being rejected because a plurality of Americans aren't buying his transformation from right-wing kook to moderate Mitt. And he will lose handily tomorrow.

Usually parties fight tooth and nail for the middle. That the GOP is giving it up without a battle is bewildering to independents but gleeful to democrats.
Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

M Catharine Evans

The Democrats are obsessed with the Tea Party movement. Just last week Washington Post columnist E.J.Dionne declared "Tea Party thinking..dead." What's so hilarious is the inherent contradiction in Dionne's argument? So close to the election no Obama media minion will waste time on a supposedly defunct, irrelevant group of people whose time has come and gone. Yet the media driven lies about the Tea Party Movement abound in Dionne's op-ed.


In playing the Tea Party card at the last minute the desperate Dems have not only demonstrated their ignorance of how deeply the spirit of the movement has become ingrained in America's consciousness, but they have managed to validate the power of that movement.

So despite conflicting reports of their demise Tea Party patriots are not going away. A future Romney-Ryan administration would do well to get the rubber stamp out.

Read more: Blog: Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

The TEA party is the best thing that has happened to the Democratic Party. Seriously. Look at your Presidential candidate. He is being rejected because a plurality of Americans aren't buying his transformation from right-wing kook to moderate Mitt. And he will lose handily tomorrow.

Usually parties fight tooth and nail for the middle. That the GOP is giving it up without a battle is bewildering to independents but gleeful to democrats.

Hope you like crow, a major helping is on it's way.
Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

M Catharine Evans

The Democrats are obsessed with the Tea Party movement. Just last week Washington Post columnist E.J.Dionne declared "Tea Party thinking..dead." What's so hilarious is the inherent contradiction in Dionne's argument? So close to the election no Obama media minion will waste time on a supposedly defunct, irrelevant group of people whose time has come and gone. Yet the media driven lies about the Tea Party Movement abound in Dionne's op-ed.


In playing the Tea Party card at the last minute the desperate Dems have not only demonstrated their ignorance of how deeply the spirit of the movement has become ingrained in America's consciousness, but they have managed to validate the power of that movement.

So despite conflicting reports of their demise Tea Party patriots are not going away. A future Romney-Ryan administration would do well to get the rubber stamp out.

Read more: Blog: Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

The TEA party is the best thing that has happened to the Democratic Party. Seriously. Look at your Presidential candidate. He is being rejected because a plurality of Americans aren't buying his transformation from right-wing kook to moderate Mitt. And he will lose handily tomorrow.

Usually parties fight tooth and nail for the middle. That the GOP is giving it up without a battle is bewildering to independents but gleeful to democrats.

Yea sure, right.. whatever you say Sparky.
Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

M Catharine Evans

The Democrats are obsessed with the Tea Party movement. Just last week Washington Post columnist E.J.Dionne declared "Tea Party thinking..dead." What's so hilarious is the inherent contradiction in Dionne's argument? So close to the election no Obama media minion will waste time on a supposedly defunct, irrelevant group of people whose time has come and gone. Yet the media driven lies about the Tea Party Movement abound in Dionne's op-ed.


In playing the Tea Party card at the last minute the desperate Dems have not only demonstrated their ignorance of how deeply the spirit of the movement has become ingrained in America's consciousness, but they have managed to validate the power of that movement.

So despite conflicting reports of their demise Tea Party patriots are not going away. A future Romney-Ryan administration would do well to get the rubber stamp out.

Read more: Blog: Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

The TEA party is the best thing that has happened to the Democratic Party. Seriously. Look at your Presidential candidate. He is being rejected because a plurality of Americans aren't buying his transformation from right-wing kook to moderate Mitt. And he will lose handily tomorrow.

Usually parties fight tooth and nail for the middle. That the GOP is giving it up without a battle is bewildering to independents but gleeful to democrats.

Yea sure, right.. whatever you say Sparky.

Well, I have the added benefit of being right. I know you're not familiar with that.
The TEA party is the best thing that has happened to the Democratic Party. Seriously. Look at your Presidential candidate. He is being rejected because a plurality of Americans aren't buying his transformation from right-wing kook to moderate Mitt. And he will lose handily tomorrow.

Usually parties fight tooth and nail for the middle. That the GOP is giving it up without a battle is bewildering to independents but gleeful to democrats.

Yea sure, right.. whatever you say Sparky.

Well, I have the added benefit of being right. I know you're not familiar with that.

You're a legend in your own mind.. Who the fuck cares?!
Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

M Catharine Evans

The Democrats are obsessed with the Tea Party movement. Just last week Washington Post columnist E.J.Dionne declared "Tea Party thinking..dead." What's so hilarious is the inherent contradiction in Dionne's argument? So close to the election no Obama media minion will waste time on a supposedly defunct, irrelevant group of people whose time has come and gone. Yet the media driven lies about the Tea Party Movement abound in Dionne's op-ed.


In playing the Tea Party card at the last minute the desperate Dems have not only demonstrated their ignorance of how deeply the spirit of the movement has become ingrained in America's consciousness, but they have managed to validate the power of that movement.

So despite conflicting reports of their demise Tea Party patriots are not going away. A future Romney-Ryan administration would do well to get the rubber stamp out.

Read more: Blog: Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared
Dimwits are always obsessed with what scares them.

In the crowd of poorly educated rubes there are a few mouth-foaming wingnuts with guns...

Everyone is concerned with this fact.

In the extreme, the Tea Party is the American Taliban.

Misinformed masses filled with impotent rage is not good for business.
Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared

M Catharine Evans

The Democrats are obsessed with the Tea Party movement. Just last week Washington Post columnist E.J.Dionne declared "Tea Party thinking..dead." What's so hilarious is the inherent contradiction in Dionne's argument? So close to the election no Obama media minion will waste time on a supposedly defunct, irrelevant group of people whose time has come and gone. Yet the media driven lies about the Tea Party Movement abound in Dionne's op-ed.


In playing the Tea Party card at the last minute the desperate Dems have not only demonstrated their ignorance of how deeply the spirit of the movement has become ingrained in America's consciousness, but they have managed to validate the power of that movement.

So despite conflicting reports of their demise Tea Party patriots are not going away. A future Romney-Ryan administration would do well to get the rubber stamp out.

Read more: Blog: Tea Party Alive and Well - Democrats Scared
Dimwits are always obsessed with what scares them.

In the crowd of poorly educated rubes there are a few mouth-foaming wingnuts with guns...

Everyone is concerned with this fact.

In the extreme, the Tea Party is the American Taliban.

Misinformed masses filled with impotent rage is not good for business.

SQUAWK SQUAWK, RACIST RACIST.. Old HazuNutz has to be PissyPants Matthews.. He screams out racism every other thread here.

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