TDS is spreading.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There is a disease running rampant through American society with symptoms very similar to the onset of a virulent form of cognitive dementia. It strikes young and old, rich and poor and makes no distinction between Republicans and Democrats. There have been no reports issued yet from the CDC but the contagion appears to have begun on American college campuses on the eve of the last presidential election. Students with snowflake personalities had to be consoled with safe spaces and hot chocolate because apparently they were demonstrating behavior similar to British children being carpet bombed by the Third Reich. It also appears to have infested certain circles of conservative ideology stuck in the quicksand of a past that no longer exists. While medical authorities have yet to chime in, the disorder is commonly referred to as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

There is much consternation and alarm among the public because the infectious agent looks to be on the rise and spreading quickly. It appears to be striking citizens with locked worldviews who lack the ability to adapt to new ways of thinking. The resulting brain disorder is likely far more dangerous than a genetically inherited malady as it appears to be a fatal consequence of long term ideological indoctrination and a failure to relate to average, everyday people.

Of late, two high profile figures are showing symptoms of this disease-Chuck Schumer, a Democrat and the senior US Senator from New York along with George Will, a Republican and a Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and conservative commentator. Schumer has been falling all over himself with absurd allegations that the Trump administration is in cahoots with the Russians and conspired with them to overthrow the Campaign of Hillary Clinton. Wild accusations in the face of bitter disappointment are classic indications of TDS and sadly, to date there is no cure. It’s a heartbreaking sight to watch Schumer spitting on a microphone and waving his arms while he utters bedridden clichés like demanding proof beyond a “shadow of a doubt” that his laughable accusations will be investigated fairly.

George Will is more toxically affected. He is on the verge of hallucinations that Trump has marched on the sacred territory of conservative politics and is in the act of defacing shrines to Ronald Reagan and Bill Buckley. Will is under delusions that Trump is a vulgarization of the chaste purity of the conservative orthodoxy that feeds the well blessing the Republican Party with superior political thinking. According to Will, Trump is poisoning the holy water. The disease of TDS has produced such an impending, plague-like sense of doom in the brain of Will that he has left the party.

It’s probably too late for victims of TDS like Schumer and Will and they could eventually end up shuffling past each other in opposite directions as they haunt the corridors of a nursing home salivating and talking to themselves. But the rest of us can take steps to protect ourselves. We can do this simply by keeping a clear head and understanding what’s going on.

A populist now sits in the White House because the people finally concluded that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. They are really just bookends on an embedded political establishment that has become a parasitic fixture in American politics. They both love big government and they have both abandoned the interests of average Americans. Most of us are neither Republicans nor Democrats; we are just people who want to live a dignified existence with as much freedom as possible.

When we observe that both sides are in the process of attempting to undermine the new administration we must understand that the new president is very likely onto something and that makes him a threat to the political establishment that has been the source of our misery for generations. Do not allow yourself to be infected with TDS. Your best protection is just to be aware of your surroundings and exercise basic common sense. We can get through this and we can rebuild our society to make it better for our children and grandchildren. The old political establishment has to go because it is the source of the disease.
Will and Schumer have the right of it, Trump the wrong of it, and impeachment or Amendment XXV now will be Trump's inevitable political demise.
"Hillary will win by a landslide"
Can you really believe that the demented resident in the white house believe that his trump tower phones are being tapped? he needs a mental health check up
No I don't believe it at all. It's total garbage. No president would ever do anything like that!
Did he ever investigate his claim that millions of illegal voted? Or the claim that the turnout for in auguration was the largest ever? He is just a lying piece of garbage.
"Hillary will win by a landslide"
Can you really believe that the demented resident in the white house believe that his trump tower phones are being tapped? he needs a mental health check up
No I don't believe it at all. It's total garbage. No president would ever do anything like that!
Did he ever investigate his claim that millions of illegal voted? Or the claim that the turnout for in auguration was the largest ever? He is just a lying piece of garbage.
He's got something in common with you then.
Actually Trump Derangement Syndrome affects Trump supporters as well. No matter what Trump does they worship everything he does no matter how low and mean it is. Bad behavior is okay and attacking people personally is okay. The only thing it takes to be a conservative is have liberals hate you. That is why we nearly had a schlock artist like Milo as keynote at CPAC. Trump talking about big government ideas like infrastructure and paid leave requirements by the government. Republicans cheered. We know have the cult of Trump or as another writer calls it, the Trump Davidians.

The fact is that Ronald Reagan faced a vicious media who went after his wife mercilessly and called him stupid. Reagan was always gracious. He was not afraid to attend the WH Correspondents' Dinner. He was willing to talk directly to the American people and talk about ideas. His approval ratings were much higher than Trump. Yet we have people telling us this is not the party of Ronald Reagan. He defeated the Soviet Union and brought us the longest peacetime expansion.

Populism is a euphemism for government management of the economy and is based on falsehoods. The fact is that we produce as many goods in this country as we did 5-6 years ago yet we do it with fewer people. There is no such thing as American made or foreign made merchandise. The iPhone is the perfect example. It is assembled in China however some parts are made in the US and the intellect behind the iPhone is in the US. We need to prepare people for the new economy rather than dead end jobs that will be replaced robots eventually.

Trump won not because they were for him but because he was not Clinton. That is why Trump's approval ratings have been low. Those voters who voted for him because he was not Clinton are peeling away. In addition, we see a regime that is as bad as Obama's regime. Obama over-regulated and Republicans believe in no regulation. Clearly the global warming regulations should be done away with as they have no basis in law. However some regulation is necessary. Apparently Republicans are okay with coal waste in rivers. They don't think that companies should make public payments to foreign governments which might be bribes. They seem to be comfortable with big airlines who pull a bait and switch by advertising a low fare and then tacking on numerous fees. Apparently they don't think the public has a right to know.

The bottom line is this. Holding Trump accountable is not wrong. If you are truly a conservative then you should support this.
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ctually Trump Derangement Syndrome affects Trump supporters as well. No matter what Trump does they worship everything he does no matter how low and mean it is. Bad behavior is okay and attacking people personally is okay. The only thing it takes to be a conservative is have liberals hate you. That is why we nearly had a schlock artist like Milo as keynote at CPAC. Trump talking about big government ideas like infrastructure and paid leave requirements by the government. Republicans cheered. We know have the cult of Trump or as another writer calls it, the Trump Davidians.
Actually, you are lying. Why do libstains have to make up stuff?
"Hillary will win by a landslide"
Can you really believe that the demented resident in the white house believe that his trump tower phones are being tapped? he needs a mental health check up
No I don't believe it at all. It's total garbage. No president would ever do anything like that!
Did he ever investigate his claim that millions of illegal voted? Or the claim that the turnout for in auguration was the largest ever? He is just a lying piece of garbage.
He's got something in common with you then.
Thanks for agreeing that Trump lies every time he opens his mouth
You're welcome. You see, I don't care if Trump lies all the time. Just so long as he does what I want, he can do whatever he wants. He can do coke in the oval office, he can shoot someone standing on the street, he can deport all the bad people, He can start throwing people off the top of Trump tower. It's all good.
You're welcome. You see, I don't care if Trump lies all the time. Just so long as he does what I want, he can do whatever he wants. he do coke on the oval office, he can shoot someone standing on the street, he can deport all the bad people, he can start throwing people off the top of Trump tower. It's all good.
Clue, he hasn't done shyte yet
You lie when the truth sounds better. Just winning the election has started to help out the country.
There is a disease running rampant through American society with symptoms very similar to the onset of a virulent form of cognitive dementia. It strikes young and old, rich and poor and makes no distinction between Republicans and Democrats. There have been no reports issued yet from the CDC but the contagion appears to have begun on American college campuses on the eve of the last presidential election. Students with snowflake personalities had to be consoled with safe spaces and hot chocolate because apparently they were demonstrating behavior similar to British children being carpet bombed by the Third Reich. It also appears to have infested certain circles of conservative ideology stuck in the quicksand of a past that no longer exists. While medical authorities have yet to chime in, the disorder is commonly referred to as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

There is much consternation and alarm among the public because the infectious agent looks to be on the rise and spreading quickly. It appears to be striking citizens with locked worldviews who lack the ability to adapt to new ways of thinking. The resulting brain disorder is likely far more dangerous than a genetically inherited malady as it appears to be a fatal consequence of long term ideological indoctrination and a failure to relate to average, everyday people.

Of late, two high profile figures are showing symptoms of this disease-Chuck Schumer, a Democrat and the senior US Senator from New York along with George Will, a Republican and a Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and conservative commentator. Schumer has been falling all over himself with absurd allegations that the Trump administration is in cahoots with the Russians and conspired with them to overthrow the Campaign of Hillary Clinton. Wild accusations in the face of bitter disappointment are classic indications of TDS and sadly, to date there is no cure. It’s a heartbreaking sight to watch Schumer spitting on a microphone and waving his arms while he utters bedridden clichés like demanding proof beyond a “shadow of a doubt” that his laughable accusations will be investigated fairly.

George Will is more toxically affected. He is on the verge of hallucinations that Trump has marched on the sacred territory of conservative politics and is in the act of defacing shrines to Ronald Reagan and Bill Buckley. Will is under delusions that Trump is a vulgarization of the chaste purity of the conservative orthodoxy that feeds the well blessing the Republican Party with superior political thinking. According to Will, Trump is poisoning the holy water. The disease of TDS has produced such an impending, plague-like sense of doom in the brain of Will that he has left the party.

It’s probably too late for victims of TDS like Schumer and Will and they could eventually end up shuffling past each other in opposite directions as they haunt the corridors of a nursing home salivating and talking to themselves. But the rest of us can take steps to protect ourselves. We can do this simply by keeping a clear head and understanding what’s going on.

A populist now sits in the White House because the people finally concluded that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. They are really just bookends on an embedded political establishment that has become a parasitic fixture in American politics. They both love big government and they have both abandoned the interests of average Americans. Most of us are neither Republicans nor Democrats; we are just people who want to live a dignified existence with as much freedom as possible.

When we observe that both sides are in the process of attempting to undermine the new administration we must understand that the new president is very likely onto something and that makes him a threat to the political establishment that has been the source of our misery for generations. Do not allow yourself to be infected with TDS. Your best protection is just to be aware of your surroundings and exercise basic common sense. We can get through this and we can rebuild our society to make it better for our children and grandchildren. The old political establishment has to go because it is the source of the disease.

Looks like a cut and paste job to me. What was your source?
ctually Trump Derangement Syndrome affects Trump supporters as well. No matter what Trump does they worship everything he does no matter how low and mean it is. Bad behavior is okay and attacking people personally is okay. The only thing it takes to be a conservative is have liberals hate you. That is why we nearly had a schlock artist like Milo as keynote at CPAC. Trump talking about big government ideas like infrastructure and paid leave requirements by the government. Republicans cheered. We know have the cult of Trump or as another writer calls it, the Trump Davidians.
Actually, you are lying. Why do libstains have to make up stuff?

Thank you for proving my point. Infrastructure and government mandated paid leave is a liberal idea. You are the libstain. I am actually disgusted with both sides and I am a Reagan conservative.
You lie when the truth sounds better. Just winning the election has started to help out the country.

You are the liar sir. Trump's approval ratings are the lowest of any President at this point in their Presidency. Trump has not had time to do anything so anything that has happened is the result of Obama and the last Congress.
You lie when the truth sounds better. Just winning the election has started to help out the country.

You are the liar sir. Trump's approval ratings are the lowest of any President at this point in their Presidency. Trump has not had time to do anything so anything that has happened is the result of Obama and the last Congress.

Wait, everything that happened under Obama was Bush's fault.
You lie when the truth sounds better. Just winning the election has started to help out the country.

You are the liar sir. Trump's approval ratings are the lowest of any President at this point in their Presidency. Trump has not had time to do anything so anything that has happened is the result of Obama and the last Congress.
NO, just winning the election freed people up to expand business with out having to fear Nobama's reign of terror. As it helped the stock market.

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