Taxpayer Dollars Diverted to Care for Illegal Aliens


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois said last week that his state has diverted some taxpayer funds from citizens to illegal immigrants.

“We have taken some of the programs that have pre-existed the crisis and adjusted them to help with the migrant crisis,” Pritzker said.

So U.S. citizens in Illinois who need help paying rent will instead help pay for the care of illegal immigrants.

Democrat message: U.S. citizens to the back of the line.

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker Says Taxpayer Dollars Have Been Diverted to Care for Illegal Aliens
"Of course, rich liberals who love illegal immigrants will gladly absorb the full cost, right?"

Not only is the Western Journal bias inhumane hacks, but also liars. Asylum seekers are not illegal.
"Of course, rich liberals who love illegal immigrants will gladly absorb the full cost, right?"

Not only is the Western Journal bias inhumane hacks, but also liars. Asylum seekers are not illegal.

Define 'asylum seeker', what criteria do they have to meet to get that label, and how many should we be taking in every month?
“I am confident that we can handle it. But again, it will require help from the federal government, and someone needs to work in Texas with these border politicians to have them stop sending people only to blue cities and blue states,” the Democratic governor said.

I agree, they should also send them to any red cities/states that have sanctuary policies in place.
Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois said last week that his state has diverted some taxpayer funds from citizens to illegal immigrants.

“We have taken some of the programs that have pre-existed the crisis and adjusted them to help with the migrant crisis,” Pritzker said.

So U.S. citizens in Illinois who need help paying rent will instead help pay for the care of illegal immigrants.

Democrat message: U.S. citizens to the back of the line.

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker Says Taxpayer Dollars Have Been Diverted to Care for Illegal Aliens
If our fucking government cared half as much about American citizens as it does everyone else just imagine how great the country would be.
Asylum seekers are not illegal.

Living in a shithole was never legitimate grounds for asylum.
Illegal border crossing makes them illegal. As long as the law allows them in with papers they are legal. Why doesn't Congress send more immigration judges to the border and expediate the legal process before they are released into the country? Neither party wants to stop it.
Illegal aliens cost this country about $200 billion a year, depending upon how the money is calculated.

They don't pay that money themselves so it all comes from real Americans.

Anybody that allows Illegals Aliens to come into this country is an idiot.

Anybody that votes for a candidate that would allow Illegal Aliens to come in is a moron.
"Of course, rich liberals who love illegal immigrants will gladly absorb the full cost, right?"

Not only is the Western Journal bias inhumane hacks, but also liars. Asylum seekers are not illegal.
According to The Center Square, Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois said last week that his state has diverted some taxpayer funds from citizens to illegal immigrants.

“We have taken some of the programs that have pre-existed the crisis and adjusted them to help with the migrant crisis,” Pritzker said.

Illegal border crossing makes them illegal. As long as the law allows them in with papers they are legal. Why doesn't Congress send more immigration judges to the border and expediate the legal process before they are released into the country? Neither party wants to stop it.
Do you know for a fact that the money is going to those with papers, yeah neither does the Illinois Governor
Do you know for a fact that the money is going to those with papers, yeah neither does the Illinois Governor
Omg you mean they might be feeding illegal people? God forbid! But the Governors of Texas and Florida damn sure know their status before they get stuck on the bus or the planes.
"Of course, rich liberals who love illegal immigrants will gladly absorb the full cost, right?"

Not only is the Western Journal bias inhumane hacks, but also liars. Asylum seekers are not illegal.

They are "illegals" when they know they are declaring false claims.

These people know that claiming "asylum" will buy them time, so they automatically claim it whether they qualify for it or not!
According to The Center Square, Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois said last week that his state has diverted some taxpayer funds from citizens to illegal immigrants.

“We have taken some of the programs that have pre-existed the crisis and adjusted them to help with the migrant crisis,” Pritzker said.

Hahahahaha. Migrant <> Illegal immigrant.

Have you been groomed by the rabid right or what?

Omg you mean they might be feeding illegal people? God forbid! But the Governors of Texas and Florida damn sure know their status before they get stuck on the bus or the planes.
Yep, they sent them to sanctuary cities, changes nothing about the fact that taxpayers should not be feeding them, when so many of our own, many vets, don't eat you troll! Let the liberals in those cities open up their wallet, and pay a little more, as they are all for open borders, of course liberals are the least charitable people on Earth with their own money, so do not expect much!
They are "illegals" when they know they are declaring false claims.

These people know that claiming "asylum" will buy them time, so they automatically claim it whether they qualify for it or not!
Which method of time travel would you recommend for the authorities to use to determine the migrants future status? Maybe Congress should have compromised and passed some kind of substantial reform since 1986 to expedite the process and not leave it up to shifting EO's

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