Taxes are Good


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Taxes are Good
"Oliver Wendell Holmes once said:
'I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization.'"

Most conservative criticisms about the ill-effects of taxes are exaggerated or untrue. Taxes are in fact good – they are dues we pay to enjoy the numerous vital benefits that government provides for our society.
Government is Good - Taxes are Good
Taxes are Good
"Oliver Wendell Holmes once said:
'I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization.'"

Most conservative criticisms about the ill-effects of taxes are exaggerated or untrue. Taxes are in fact good – they are dues we pay to enjoy the numerous vital benefits that government provides for our society.
Government is Good - Taxes are Good

Oliver Wendal Holmes is the fascist who put the rubber stamp on Woodrow Wilson's police state.

This is the first election in which I recall seeing so much effort put into the value of government and taxes. Looks like the Democrats have decided that it was time to make this defense, for whatever reason. I wonder what triggered this.

Anyway, good. It's about time we had a national discussion about the value, role, size and cost of government.

And by the way, nothing would force a serious and substantive debate about government faster than a Balanced Budget Amendment. It would force both parties to get serious about explaining, promoting and defending their agendas.

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Some taxes are required, agreed. Excessive taxes directed at one group, the useful, are not.

America has a spending problem, not a revenue problem, regardless how often the fuckup in chief states otherwise.
Some taxes are required, agreed. Excessive taxes directed at one group, the useful, are not.

America has a spending problem, not a revenue problem, regardless how often the fuckup in chief states otherwise.

Yup. Congress controls the pursestrings. Not the Prez.

The idiots think money grows on a tree and they can spend, spend and spend some more.

They take in Billions every year and waste loads of our hardearned dollars.

They themselves are taken care of for life so they don't really seem to give a shit about those of us who provide the money for their golden parachutes.

Perhaps the perks they voted for themselves should be taken away. Who serves four years in a job and gets retirement for life??

They have a cushy set up and I won't hold my breath for any of them to vote themselves out of it.

Taxes are necessary to keep the country running. Its just to bad that the minders of the money aren't more careful on how its spent.
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Some taxes are required, agreed. Excessive taxes directed at one group, the useful, are not.

America has a spending problem, not a revenue problem, regardless how often the fuckup in chief states otherwise.

When you divide Americans using terms like "useful" and "useless", you exhibit shortsightedness.
You hear that folks, taxes are GOOD and our Federal Government is the ALMIGHTY sugar daddy who only CARES about YOU, after all you DIDN'T BUILD THAT and we can all now strive to be JULIAS
Some taxes are required, agreed. Excessive taxes directed at one group, the useful, are not.

America has a spending problem, not a revenue problem, regardless how often the fuckup in chief states otherwise.

When you divide Americans using terms like "useful" and "useless", you exhibit shortsightedness.

Well, the useless always seem to know who they are.

I shouldn't need to, but with the way progressives spin shit, I need to put a disclaimer that when I refer to the "useless", I'm referring to those whom have their health but refuse to work, and/or won't take a job they feel is beneath them and would rather stick their hand out and be reliant on government to look out for them.
Libs love taxes...
They love to spend...
Better when they get their way and raise taxes on the rich.
Because they love to spend other peoples money on all their feel good programs.
Some taxes are required, agreed. Excessive taxes directed at one group, the useful, are not.

America has a spending problem, not a revenue problem, regardless how often the fuckup in chief states otherwise.

When you divide Americans using terms like "useful" and "useless", you exhibit shortsightedness.

Well, the useless always seem to know who they are.

I shouldn't need to, but with the way progressives spin shit, I need to put a disclaimer that when I refer to the "useless", I'm referring to those whom have their health but refuse to work, and/or won't take a job they feel is beneath them and would rather stick their hand out and be reliant on government to look out for them.

Oh....I see. By your definition, HOW MANY Americans are useless?

Answer that and we might just get somewhere.

This is the first election in which I recall seeing so much effort put into the value of government and taxes. Looks like the Democrats have decided that it was time to make this defense, for whatever reason. I wonder what triggered this.

Anyway, good. It's about time we had a national discussion about the value, role, size and cost of government.

And by the way, nothing would force a serious and substantive debate about government faster than a Balanced Budget Amendment. It would force both parties to get serious about explaining, promoting and defending their agendas.


Taxes are Good
"Oliver Wendell Holmes once said:
'I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization.'"

Most conservative criticisms about the ill-effects of taxes are exaggerated or untrue. Taxes are in fact good – they are dues we pay to enjoy the numerous vital benefits that government provides for our society.
Government is Good - Taxes are Good

Well posted.

Taxes are good.


This is the first election in which I recall seeing so much effort put into the value of government and taxes. Looks like the Democrats have decided that it was time to make this defense, for whatever reason. I wonder what triggered this.

Anyway, good. It's about time we had a national discussion about the value, role, size and cost of government.

And by the way, nothing would force a serious and substantive debate about government faster than a Balanced Budget Amendment. It would force both parties to get serious about explaining, promoting and defending their agendas.



What do you have in mind? As long as it isn't anything like Cuba, North Korea or Mao's China we can talk. :eusa_boohoo:

This is the first election in which I recall seeing so much effort put into the value of government and taxes. Looks like the Democrats have decided that it was time to make this defense, for whatever reason. I wonder what triggered this.

Anyway, good. It's about time we had a national discussion about the value, role, size and cost of government.

And by the way, nothing would force a serious and substantive debate about government faster than a Balanced Budget Amendment. It would force both parties to get serious about explaining, promoting and defending their agendas.



What do you have in mind? As long as it isn't anything like Cuba, North Korea or Mao's China we can talk. :eusa_boohoo:



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