Taxcuts don’t pay the gov’t bills


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The Government don’t run without revenue and when you cut taxes you cut revenue and parts of the government don’t work and you create a debt that creates a recession or a depression. Spending money we did not have on two wars plus cutting taxes (revenue) created a recession and a debt. Continued tax cuts with more spending trying to get us out of the recession created more debt and Obama did not create this recession and he cannot get us out by cutting taxes. (revenue) The money Obama is spending that we don’t have is on necessary running of the government caused by Bush’s wild spending spree, tax cuts and jobs loss and jobs leaving the country while the Right was sleeping on the job for 8 years, that continued into the Obama’s administration. Obama is a fool if he folds on cutting taxes on those making more the $250,000. Plus he is talking about cutting my COLA? And then I will get more in food stamps and more in section 8 housing grant. . When government cut entitlements in one area it raise entitlements in other areas and end up spending more trying to cut spending on entitlements. And the Right want to cut benefits for my children and hope they die before the collect on Social Security and Medicare
We could've guaranteed health care for every child for the cost of the Bush tax cuts.

Permanently Extending Bush Tax Cuts to Cost $5 Trillion.
CRS: Permanently Extending Bush Tax Cuts to Cost $5 Trillion | OMB Watch

Boehner and the Right don’t know their *** from a hole in the ground when it comes to the economy
You realize the government bills can be cut, right?

Of course she doesn't want spending cuts. Her daughter or grandaughter makes a good living off those Federal grants. You know. Tax dollars. I'm sure she doesn't want her relatives to get a real job where they actually have to work.

Of course she wants the rich taxed more. She doesn't get it that taking every dime the rich have will run the Govt for what, eight days?? Mayby.

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