Tax Revenues Jump 13% To Record High In April — When Will Dems Admit They Were Wrong?

Now when will Republicans actually become fiscally responsible and control spending like they've lying been about for years?

By the end of his second term, Trump will be the first President since Coolidge to pay down debt

Some do. Some don't. The bottom line is that your claim that the extra revenues come from people filing their taxes is obvious bullshit. People filed their taxes in April of 2017 as well. Revenue in April 2018 was 13% greater than revenue in April 2017. When you can show some actual numbers showing the source of the additional revenue, you might have an argument.
Fuckng moron...

So how many of them were getting refunds and how many were paying? You have no way of knowing, do you fuckstick?

You failed to disprove anything I posted. Did you believe I wouldn't notice?
Many people don’t even file by April unless they owe taxes. What no one fails to notice is that you’re a fucking moron.
ROFL! You still haven't proved your claim. Everyone has noticed that.

Ok dumbass, straight from the data source:

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

Here is what the CBO report says:

Receipts collected in April were $30 billion to $40 billion larger than CBO expected when it prepared the estimates reported in The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2018 to 2028, which it issued on April 9. The bulk of that difference stems from larger-than-anticipated payments of individual income taxes. Those payments were mostly related to economic activity in 2017 and may reflect stronger-than-expected income growth in that year.

OTHER THAN APRIL, we have been bleeding about 30 BILLION REVENUE ON A MONTHLY BASIS compared to what it should've been if pre-tax-cut revenue growth continued.
Trust me, bripat slapped his hands over his eyes when 'reading' this post.
As soon as you admit that cutting tax rates, can and routinely does result in increased tax revenue, from an increase in the economy.
You might want to sit down before I tell you what your propagandists who fed you that stupid meme didn't tell you.


Tax revenues have also increased after tax rates were increased.

Go ahead. See for yourself. Look at federal revenues after Clinton hiked tax rates. And then look at federal revenues after Obama hiked tax rates.

I'm sure this knowledge won't stop you from repeating your idiotic half-lie meme, though.

I have no doubt of that whatsoever.

Here is a history of tax rates:

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP:

  • FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion
  • FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
  • FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
  • FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
  • FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
  • FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
  • FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
  • FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
  • FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
  • FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate during the Obama regime, federal revenues continued to increase:

  • FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.
  • FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
  • FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
  • FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.

Ain't that a BITCH?
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

Obama Recovery.

Just say thank you President Obama, then hope and pray that in five years we still have a country after Trump finishes tearing it all down.
Poll: Two-Thirds of Americans Give Trump Credit for Economy | Breitbart
As soon as you admit that cutting tax rates, can and routinely does result in increased tax revenue, from an increase in the economy.
You might want to sit down before I tell you what your propagandists who fed you that stupid meme didn't tell you.


Tax revenues have also increased after tax rates were increased.

Go ahead. See for yourself. Look at federal revenues after Clinton hiked tax rates. And then look at federal revenues after Obama hiked tax rates.

I'm sure this knowledge won't stop you from repeating your idiotic half-lie meme, though.

I have no doubt of that whatsoever.

Here is a history of tax rates:

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP:

  • FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion
  • FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
  • FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
  • FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
  • FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
  • FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
  • FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
  • FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
  • FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
  • FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate during the Obama regime, federal revenues continued to increase:

  • FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.
  • FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
  • FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
  • FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.

Ain't that a BITCH?

As I have posted on this forum many times, the 10 years prior to Reagan's tax cuts, revenue increased at an average of 12.41%, the 10 years after it increased only at a 5.68% average per year.

The 10 years prior to the Bush II tax cuts revenue increased at an average rate of 6.1%, the 10 after it was down to 1.87%.

Tax cuts always slow revenue growth.

There is not one example of tax revenue growing faster after a tax cut than before.
Last edited:
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.
Fuckng moron... most of the revenue collected in April was from last years taxes — before Trump’s tax cut went into effect.


Yup the eternally moronic, like crypat will never understand it.
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

*Partially* pay for themselves, huh?

We’rent they supposed to completely pay for themselves? And if the tax cuts are the cause of the increases, why has the rate of increase slowed compared to 2012 through 2016?


And of course, the deficit is exploding. didn’t actually believe that Republicans gave a fiddlers fuck about fiscal responsibility, did you?
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

*Partially* pay for themselves, huh?

We’rent they supposed to completely pay for themselves? And if the tax cuts are the cause of the increases, why has the rate of increase slowed compared to 2012 through 2016?

View attachment 205808

And of course, the deficit is exploding. didn’t actually believe that Republicans gave a fiddlers fuck about fiscal responsibility, did you?
The deficit is exploding because of spending, most of which the Dims demanded.

All you snowflakes claimed revenue would decrease if we cut taxes. When are you going to admit that you were wrong?
With all that money pouring in, maybe we should be looking forward to some of those George Bush style rebate checks!
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

*Partially* pay for themselves, huh?

We’rent they supposed to completely pay for themselves? And if the tax cuts are the cause of the increases, why has the rate of increase slowed compared to 2012 through 2016?

View attachment 205808

And of course, the deficit is exploding. didn’t actually believe that Republicans gave a fiddlers fuck about fiscal responsibility, did you?
The deficit is exploding because of spending, most of which the Dims demanded.

All you snowflakes claimed revenue would decrease if we cut taxes. When are you going to admit that you were wrong?

We claimed that tax cuts wouldn’t pay for themselves. And the exploding deficit demonstrates this. With the rate of growth SLOWER after the tax cuts than they were from 2012 to 2016.

Wasn’t Trump supposed to run the government like a business? How is exploding the deficit running the government like a business?
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

*Partially* pay for themselves, huh?

We’rent they supposed to completely pay for themselves? And if the tax cuts are the cause of the increases, why has the rate of increase slowed compared to 2012 through 2016?

View attachment 205808

And of course, the deficit is exploding. didn’t actually believe that Republicans gave a fiddlers fuck about fiscal responsibility, did you?
The deficit is exploding because of spending, most of which the Dims demanded.

All you snowflakes claimed revenue would decrease if we cut taxes. When are you going to admit that you were wrong?

We claimed that tax cuts wouldn’t pay for themselves. And the exploding deficit demonstrates this. With the rate of growth SLOWER after the tax cuts than they were from 2012 to 2016.

Wasn’t Trump supposed to run the government like a business? How is exploding the deficit running the government like a business?

Well it kinda is how he ran his businesses, remember the 6 bankruptcies!
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

*Partially* pay for themselves, huh?

We’rent they supposed to completely pay for themselves? And if the tax cuts are the cause of the increases, why has the rate of increase slowed compared to 2012 through 2016?

View attachment 205808

And of course, the deficit is exploding. didn’t actually believe that Republicans gave a fiddlers fuck about fiscal responsibility, did you?
The deficit is exploding because of spending, most of which the Dims demanded.

All you snowflakes claimed revenue would decrease if we cut taxes. When are you going to admit that you were wrong?

We claimed that tax cuts wouldn’t pay for themselves. And the exploding deficit demonstrates this. With the rate of growth SLOWER after the tax cuts than they were from 2012 to 2016.

Wasn’t Trump supposed to run the government like a business? How is exploding the deficit running the government like a business?

No one claimed the tax cuts would entirely pay for themselves. You're advancing a strawman argument. The deficit demonstrates nothing of the sort.

As usual, you're a stupid ying douchebag.
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

*Partially* pay for themselves, huh?

We’rent they supposed to completely pay for themselves? And if the tax cuts are the cause of the increases, why has the rate of increase slowed compared to 2012 through 2016?

View attachment 205808

And of course, the deficit is exploding. didn’t actually believe that Republicans gave a fiddlers fuck about fiscal responsibility, did you?
The deficit is exploding because of spending, most of which the Dims demanded.

All you snowflakes claimed revenue would decrease if we cut taxes. When are you going to admit that you were wrong?
Fucking moron, Republican control the government. Blaming Democrats now only exposes your ignorance and your weakness.

I have no doubt there could be 534 Republicans in Congress and you would still blame the one and only Democrat for the fuckups on the right.
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

*Partially* pay for themselves, huh?

We’rent they supposed to completely pay for themselves? And if the tax cuts are the cause of the increases, why has the rate of increase slowed compared to 2012 through 2016?

View attachment 205808

And of course, the deficit is exploding. didn’t actually believe that Republicans gave a fiddlers fuck about fiscal responsibility, did you?
The deficit is exploding because of spending, most of which the Dims demanded.

All you snowflakes claimed revenue would decrease if we cut taxes. When are you going to admit that you were wrong?

We claimed that tax cuts wouldn’t pay for themselves. And the exploding deficit demonstrates this. With the rate of growth SLOWER after the tax cuts than they were from 2012 to 2016.

Wasn’t Trump supposed to run the government like a business? How is exploding the deficit running the government like a business?

Well it kinda is how he ran his businesses, remember the 6 bankruptcies!

Remember all those businesses Obama had? . . . . . . .
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

*Partially* pay for themselves, huh?

We’rent they supposed to completely pay for themselves? And if the tax cuts are the cause of the increases, why has the rate of increase slowed compared to 2012 through 2016?

View attachment 205808

And of course, the deficit is exploding. didn’t actually believe that Republicans gave a fiddlers fuck about fiscal responsibility, did you?
The deficit is exploding because of spending, most of which the Dims demanded.

All you snowflakes claimed revenue would decrease if we cut taxes. When are you going to admit that you were wrong?

We claimed that tax cuts wouldn’t pay for themselves. And the exploding deficit demonstrates this. With the rate of growth SLOWER after the tax cuts than they were from 2012 to 2016.

Wasn’t Trump supposed to run the government like a business? How is exploding the deficit running the government like a business?

No one claimed the tax cuts would entirely pay for themselves. You're advancing a strawman argument. The deficit demonstrates nothing of the sort.

As usual, you're a stupid ying douchebag.
Fucking moron, the deficit is growing at a faster rate since the tax cuts went into effect than it was before the tax cuts.

You’re astoundingly brain-dead. <smh>
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

*Partially* pay for themselves, huh?

We’rent they supposed to completely pay for themselves? And if the tax cuts are the cause of the increases, why has the rate of increase slowed compared to 2012 through 2016?

View attachment 205808

And of course, the deficit is exploding. didn’t actually believe that Republicans gave a fiddlers fuck about fiscal responsibility, did you?
The deficit is exploding because of spending, most of which the Dims demanded.

All you snowflakes claimed revenue would decrease if we cut taxes. When are you going to admit that you were wrong?

We claimed that tax cuts wouldn’t pay for themselves. And the exploding deficit demonstrates this. With the rate of growth SLOWER after the tax cuts than they were from 2012 to 2016.

Wasn’t Trump supposed to run the government like a business? How is exploding the deficit running the government like a business?

Well it kinda is how he ran his businesses, remember the 6 bankruptcies!

Remember all those businesses Obama had? . . . . . . .
He had none and didn't screw 1000's like your leader has
Some snowflakes in this forum are claiming government revenues are down since the tax cut. Then why does the CBO say they are up 13%?

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.

Fucking WOW!!!!!

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