Tax cuts for the rich, destroy Medicare- The Romney/Ryan Plan -LOL


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
It has come to my attention many dupes aren't told ANYTHING LOL

The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal was presented as the Republican budget proposal for 2013 in March 2012.[6] The proposal focuses includes plans to reform Medicare, cap discretionary federal spending at $1.029 trillion and cut the highest individual tax rates.[7]

Just how we got our first Dem rep here EVER last year. You're fegged! LOL!:badgrin:
In 30 years of voodoo the rich have tripled their wealth while the non rich and the country suffer. The Pubcrappe is getting too obvious. The T and and whosis hadn't heard about their cuts(???).....
You're right franco lets tax em at %100, that'll work out well. Quit being a moron, if you dont understand economics, get off the subject. But I wish democrats did pay their taxes and not use every loophole they made for themselves. I think we agree on that point
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You're right franco lets tax em at %100, that'll work out well. Quit being a moron, if you dont understand economics, get off the subject

I don't even have the heart to tell the dumb fuck that the 'Buffet Rule' law has been projected to pay for a whopping 11 hours of government.
Awesome statistic!

Did that factor in the hundreds more man-hours it would take to enforce it?
You're right franco lets tax em at %100, that'll work out well. Quit being a moron, if you dont understand economics, get off the subject

I don't even have the heart to tell the dumb fuck that the 'Buffet Rule' law has been projected to pay for a whopping 11 hours of government.
Awesome statistic!

Did that factor in the hundreds more man-hours it would take to enforce it?

It has come to my attention many dupes aren't told ANYTHING LOL

The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal was presented as the Republican budget proposal for 2013 in March 2012.[6] The proposal focuses includes plans to reform Medicare, cap discretionary federal spending at $1.029 trillion and cut the highest individual tax rates.[7]

Just how we got our first Dem rep here EVER last year. You're fegged! LOL!:badgrin:

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Obama cut 500 BILLION out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare. So you want to try that one again---:badgrin:
It has come to my attention many dupes aren't told ANYTHING LOL

The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal was presented as the Republican budget proposal for 2013 in March 2012.[6] The proposal focuses includes plans to reform Medicare, cap discretionary federal spending at $1.029 trillion and cut the highest individual tax rates.[7]

Just how we got our first Dem rep here EVER last year. You're fegged! LOL!:badgrin:

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Obama cut 500 BILLION out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare. So you want to try that one again---:badgrin:

They took it out of Medicare PLUS- a Pub POS scam that nobody needs, Pub Dupe LOL

You people are ignorant tools of greedy lying propagandist azzholes. How dumb can you get? lol Change the channel dittoheads...:badgrin:
You're right franco lets tax em at %100, that'll work out well. Quit being a moron, if you dont understand economics, get off the subject

I don't even have the heart to tell the dumb fuck that the 'Buffet Rule' law has been projected to pay for a whopping 11 hours of government.

30%, azzhole- it's a start.

In 30 years of voodoo the rich have tripled their wealth while the non rich and the country suffer. The Pubcrappe is getting too obvious. The T and and whosis hadn't heard about their cuts on the ridh in the Ryan/Romney BS plan(???).....

Read the sig and shove it up your azz, Fox/Rush bots. You're so brainwashed you're BAD CITIZENS...hoping for your recovery...Idiots.:cuckoo: :badgrin:
Medicare's problems come the fact the whole health system is out of control...18% of GDP, doubled just under Booosh the total incompetent. AND it has 86% approval- run on destroying it, greedy azzholes and chumps- ie YOU. You're fegged.
Romney is promising to balance the budget.

He's also promising a huge tax cut for the rich, and increased defense spending.

So, while first decreasing revenues and increasing government spending on defense, he's then going to find enough cuts elsewhere not only to make up for that increase in the deficit but for also getting rid of the current deficit.

How do you suppose he's going to accomplish that? The biggest expenditures outside defense are Medicaid and Medicare... wonder Romney is keeping his spending cuts a secret.

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