TAX BREAKS WORK: Boeings donates millions to local childrens hospital; Obama sues.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Tax breaks work folks. Boeing brought it's new plant to non-union, low tax Charleston, SC, and has done many great things, including their newest good deed: Donating a huge amount of money to the local Charlest children's hospital:

I won't go into the other educational donations Boeing has made to Charleston, the thousands of good jobs they are bringing, the overall economic boom they'll bring, and the countless new opportunities Boeing helped found and fund at the local Trident Technical College (2nd largest college in SC). All I know is Boeing is here, and their positive local impact is massive. And the Obama NLRB is filing a lawsuit to try to reverse it all and force Boeing back into union heavy Seattle.

Why? Well easy. With the money Boeing saves on lower taxes, they can do things like donate millions to schools and hospitals.

Why does left wing government hate this? Well, because THEY want to be the ones donating that money. See, here is a quick lesson:

Non-union, low tax Boeing: Give $1,000,000 straight to a hospital.

Unionized, high tax Boeing: Give $1,000,000 straight to the government in higher taxes, where the government pays it's beaurocrats, then sends the leftover $200,000 to the hospital.

See, the government demands it be the middle man. It will take the donations of Boeing and other companies, pool them, and then disperse them as they see fit. They cannot and will not allow Boeing to simply give straight to the source. The gov't MUST be the source of the handout. Otherwise, who can decide where it goes?

Thank you to all the companies and businessmen out there who graciously donate your money.
So...can any libtard explain to me just why in the above scenario the government should become the leech/middle man in that transaction of funds from Boeing to the kids hospital? Why should the gov't be in the middle of that money flow?
As nationwide budget protests continue this week, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is prepared to unveil the Obama administration’s plan to lower the top corporate tax rate from the current 35 percent to less than 30 percent, and as low as 26 percent.


Meanwhile, the number of people who filed new applications for jobless benefits leaped 43,000 last week to 474,000, the highest level in almost nine months.

The surge in unemployment comes at a time when US corporations are more profitable than ever. The end of 2010 saw some of the biggest gains in the business world, according to data from the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis. Corporations reported an annualized profit of $1.68 trillion in the fourth quarter, up from the previous record of $1.65 trillion in the third quarter of 2006.


Exxon also happens to be one of US Uncut&#8217;s top targets. The oil giant uses offshore subsidiaries in the Caribbean to avoid paying taxes in the United States. The company paid zero US income tax in 2009, while enjoying billions in taxpayer-funded subsidies and its CEO&#8217;s total compensation reached over $29 million.

The Obama administration is considering these corporate tax cuts during a time when almost every state is experiencing some kind of budget cut protest. Teachers, police, fire-fighters, unions, students, and their supporters have occupied state Capitols and campuses to demand a one-tier America where everyone (citizens and corporations, alike) sacrifice during times of fiscal crisis.

Why should the gov't be in the middle of that money flow?

doesn't appear it is...
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Really? Because Obama's NLRB filed suit to force Boeing to not locate in low tax, non union SC. They want to force business to locate in a state where the company's extra cash flows to the gov't and unions first, charities second.

That $1,000,000 Boeing donated to the children's hospital in SC? If they were in Seattle, or Chicago, or NY, only about $400,000 of that would be available for charity after the gov't and unions got their chunk.
well Bucs, ,it appears that Barry O's legislation will enable corporatism to readily dole out social gifts where ever they land in the USA

and they'll probably write them off too
well Bucs, ,it appears that Barry O's legislation will enable corporatism to readily dole out social gifts where ever they land in the USA

and they'll probably write them off too

Liberals are amazing. Taxes are levied on corporate PROFITS. With no profits, there is no tax revenue. Higher profits mean higher tax revenues.

Profits. Good.

Losses. Bad.

Reducing profits means reducing taxes. Reducing the costs of doing business, which means increasing profits, all else remaining equal, is intended to draw more corporations to the area where the taxes have been reduced. Getting more sources of revenue witrh all sources contributing should increase the tax revenue flowing to government.

Obama, according to you, is reducing the tax burden on the corporations to enhance the possiblitlity that they will generate profits and improve both the economy and the tax revenue stream.

There is a name for this approach. It was coined by Democrats. It's called Trickle Down Economics.
Obama, according to you, is reducing the tax burden on the corporations to enhance the possiblitlity that they will generate profits and improve both the economy and the tax revenue stream.

i beg to differ code, that is the Obama administration according to the Obama administration

not yours truly......

There is a name for this approach. It was coined by Democrats. It's called Trickle Down Economics.

yeah, well how's that workin' out?

you figure all the social accolades are going to follow suit, and float from the coffers of our corporate captains down upon a grateful populace like manna from on high?

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Obama, according to you, is reducing the tax burden on the corporations to enhance the possiblitlity that they will generate profits and improve both the economy and the tax revenue stream.

i beg to differ code, that is the Obama administration according to the Obama administration

not yours truly......

There is a name for this approach. It was coined by Democrats. It's called Trickle Down Economics.

yeah, well how's that workin' out?

you figure all the social accolades are going to follow suit, and float from the coffers of our corporate captains down upin the populace like manna from on high?

A rising tide lifts all yachts.
So...can any libtard explain to me just why in the above scenario the government should become the leech/middle man in that transaction of funds from Boeing to the kids hospital? Why should the gov't be in the middle of that money flow?
Why aren't you "conservatives" more-concerned about

"The Republicans in the Senate have thrown down the gauntlet: 44 Republican senators have signed a letter saying they won't confirm anyone -- anyone at all -- to be the director of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unless the new agency is made toothless.

When you are so clearly willing to do everything the Wall Street bankers could ever ask, you paint a very big target on your back."

[ame=]YouTube - The Usury States of America (Prof. Warren and Bill Maher)[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Real Time with Bill Maher - 10/9/09 -Scary facts on the economy[/ame]

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
What is incomprehensible is the nomination of radical Craig Becker to NLRB.
One has only to read his 1987 Harvard Law Review article to know that he stands for all interpretations of The Wagner Act as a guaranteed outcome for unions every time.
Anyone that owns a business and stands for an open society and free economy should be very concerned about this. Becker openly writes in favor of limiting the flow of commerce because he believes it will hurt Big Labor Bosses.
As nationwide budget protests continue this week, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is prepared to unveil the Obama administration’s plan to lower the top corporate tax rate from the current 35 percent to less than 30 percent, and as low as 26 percent.

Why don't you mention that that also involves removing many features of the tax code so the effective rate is much higher for many companies? Which is why they are fighting it.
But that would be too honest for you.

Yes, the Obama Administration is the lap dog of unions. Preventing a company from moving from one state to another is just another brick in the road to socialism. 2o12 cannot come soon enough to get that incompetent prick out of the White House.
What is incomprehensible is the nomination of radical Craig Becker to NLRB.
One has only to read his 1987 Harvard Law Review article to know that he stands for all interpretations of The Wagner Act as a guaranteed outcome for unions every time.
Anyone that owns a business and stands for an open society and free economy should be very concerned about this.
.....Especially, for-profit warehousing-facilities (for those misguided-folks who'd, right??


How can you possibly pack those facilitie$ (more-commonly-referred-to as nursing-homes)....if there's a financial-incentive to provide know....A FAIRLY-PAID PROVIDOR!!!

[ame=]YouTube - Fair Home Health Care Hearing: Craig Becker[/ame]

"George Orwell never wrote about health insurance, but his ghost hovers over the current health-care debate, providing inspiration for all manner of fears about Big Brother-like intrusions by the government into the lives of ordinary Americans.

First was the rumor—promoted by high-profile Republicans like Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and Iowa Senator Charles Grassley—that Democratic health care plans would create "death panels" which would pass judgment on which citizens deserved to live. Next, a White House suggestion that people who have received e-mails with questionable information about health reform forward those to get clarification was reported by Fox News as a trap to collect the names and e-mail addresses of health reform opponents for an "enemies list."

Now conservative opponents of health reform have found a new threat: home nurse visits to low-income parents. "We are setting up a situation where Obama will be invading parent's [sic] homes and taking away their children," one columnist warned on That something as harmless as home nurse visits has become a target of conservative ire is surprising because of its longstanding popularity with both Republican and Democratic lawmakers."

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Tax breaks work folks. Boeing brought it's new plant to non-union, low tax Charleston, SC, and has done many great things, including their newest good deed: Donating a huge amount of money to the local Charlest children's hospital:

I won't go into the other educational donations Boeing has made to Charleston, the thousands of good jobs they are bringing, the overall economic boom they'll bring, and the countless new opportunities Boeing helped found and fund at the local Trident Technical College (2nd largest college in SC). All I know is Boeing is here, and their positive local impact is massive. And the Obama NLRB is filing a lawsuit to try to reverse it all and force Boeing back into union heavy Seattle.

Why? Well easy. With the money Boeing saves on lower taxes, they can do things like donate millions to schools and hospitals.

Why does left wing government hate this? Well, because THEY want to be the ones donating that money. See, here is a quick lesson:

Non-union, low tax Boeing: Give $1,000,000 straight to a hospital.

Unionized, high tax Boeing: Give $1,000,000 straight to the government in higher taxes, where the government pays it's beaurocrats, then sends the leftover $200,000 to the hospital.

See, the government demands it be the middle man. It will take the donations of Boeing and other companies, pool them, and then disperse them as they see fit. They cannot and will not allow Boeing to simply give straight to the source. The gov't MUST be the source of the handout. Otherwise, who can decide where it goes?

Thank you to all the companies and businessmen out there who graciously donate your money.

You are aware that is against the law for any corporation to donate a single penny, unless they can justify to their shareholders that it will create more revenue and increase the bottom line.
As nationwide budget protests continue this week, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is prepared to unveil the Obama administration’s plan to lower the top corporate tax rate from the current 35 percent to less than 30 percent, and as low as 26 percent.

Why don't you mention that that also involves removing many features of the tax code so the effective rate is much higher for many companies? Which is why they are fighting it.
But that would be too honest for you.

Yes, the Obama Administration is the lap dog of unions. Preventing a company from moving from one state to another is just another brick in the road to socialism. 2o12 cannot come soon enough to get that incompetent prick out of the White House.

It closes loophole that have allowed corporations like Exxon and GE to pay ZERO taxes.
You are aware that is against the law for any corporation to donate a single penny, unless they can justify to their shareholders that it will create more revenue and increase the bottom line.

I was NOT aware of that. Perhaps you will enlighten me and tell me what LAW that is.
Tax breaks work folks. Boeing brought it's new plant to non-union, low tax Charleston, SC, and has done many great things, including their newest good deed: Donating a huge amount of money to the local Charlest children's hospital:

I won't go into the other educational donations Boeing has made to Charleston, the thousands of good jobs they are bringing, the overall economic boom they'll bring, and the countless new opportunities Boeing helped found and fund at the local Trident Technical College (2nd largest college in SC). All I know is Boeing is here, and their positive local impact is massive. And the Obama NLRB is filing a lawsuit to try to reverse it all and force Boeing back into union heavy Seattle.

Why? Well easy. With the money Boeing saves on lower taxes, they can do things like donate millions to schools and hospitals.

Why does left wing government hate this? Well, because THEY want to be the ones donating that money. See, here is a quick lesson:

Non-union, low tax Boeing: Give $1,000,000 straight to a hospital.

Unionized, high tax Boeing: Give $1,000,000 straight to the government in higher taxes, where the government pays it's beaurocrats, then sends the leftover $200,000 to the hospital.

See, the government demands it be the middle man. It will take the donations of Boeing and other companies, pool them, and then disperse them as they see fit. They cannot and will not allow Boeing to simply give straight to the source. The gov't MUST be the source of the handout. Otherwise, who can decide where it goes?

Thank you to all the companies and businessmen out there who graciously donate your money.

The government wouldn't even be sending 200k to a hospital. It sends it to welfare recepients.
Tax breaks work folks. Boeing brought it's new plant to non-union, low tax Charleston, SC, and has done many great things, including their newest good deed: Donating a huge amount of money to the local Charlest children's hospital:

I won't go into the other educational donations Boeing has made to Charleston, the thousands of good jobs they are bringing, the overall economic boom they'll bring, and the countless new opportunities Boeing helped found and fund at the local Trident Technical College (2nd largest college in SC). All I know is Boeing is here, and their positive local impact is massive. And the Obama NLRB is filing a lawsuit to try to reverse it all and force Boeing back into union heavy Seattle.

Why? Well easy. With the money Boeing saves on lower taxes, they can do things like donate millions to schools and hospitals.

Why does left wing government hate this? Well, because THEY want to be the ones donating that money. See, here is a quick lesson:

Non-union, low tax Boeing: Give $1,000,000 straight to a hospital.

Unionized, high tax Boeing: Give $1,000,000 straight to the government in higher taxes, where the government pays it's beaurocrats, then sends the leftover $200,000 to the hospital.

See, the government demands it be the middle man. It will take the donations of Boeing and other companies, pool them, and then disperse them as they see fit. They cannot and will not allow Boeing to simply give straight to the source. The gov't MUST be the source of the handout. Otherwise, who can decide where it goes?

Thank you to all the companies and businessmen out there who graciously donate your money.

Another REPUBLICAN who doesn't have their facts straight.

Boeing has money because it just received a government contract worth 35 billion.

Boeing will deliver 18 of the planes by 2017. Industry experts believe the value of the first stage of the contract is about $35 billion.

Boeing Lands $35 Billion Tanker Contract -- and a New Lease on Life - DailyFinance

In fact, I wrote about the contract a couple of years ago.

John McCain tried to outsource part of our Air Force to the French.

WASHINGTON &#8212; Angry Boeing supporters are vowing revenge against Republican presidential candidate John McCain over Chicago-based Boeing's loss of a $35 billion Air Force tanker contract to the parent company of European plane maker Airbus.

Boeing backers angry with McCain over tanker deal -

Eventually, when Democrats won back the house, they blocked a huge portion of our air force being OUTSOURCED to the French. What helped was the 22 executives under investigation at EADS, the parent company of AirBus. Wonder how much money they gave to McCain. In Fact, McCain was the FIRST American presidential candidate EADS EVER gave money to.

I know all about this because it was part of a seminar I gave at the Rosemont Convention Center during a trade show a few years back.

Don't worry Republicans. I'm keeping track of your lies and the way your leaders are trying to fuck this country royally. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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Tax breaks work folks. Boeing brought it's new plant to non-union, low tax Charleston, SC, and has done many great things, including their newest good deed: Donating a huge amount of money to the local Charlest children's hospital:

I won't go into the other educational donations Boeing has made to Charleston, the thousands of good jobs they are bringing, the overall economic boom they'll bring, and the countless new opportunities Boeing helped found and fund at the local Trident Technical College (2nd largest college in SC). All I know is Boeing is here, and their positive local impact is massive. And the Obama NLRB is filing a lawsuit to try to reverse it all and force Boeing back into union heavy Seattle.

Why? Well easy. With the money Boeing saves on lower taxes, they can do things like donate millions to schools and hospitals.

Why does left wing government hate this? Well, because THEY want to be the ones donating that money. See, here is a quick lesson:

Non-union, low tax Boeing: Give $1,000,000 straight to a hospital.

Unionized, high tax Boeing: Give $1,000,000 straight to the government in higher taxes, where the government pays it's beaurocrats, then sends the leftover $200,000 to the hospital.

See, the government demands it be the middle man. It will take the donations of Boeing and other companies, pool them, and then disperse them as they see fit. They cannot and will not allow Boeing to simply give straight to the source. The gov't MUST be the source of the handout. Otherwise, who can decide where it goes?

Thank you to all the companies and businessmen out there who graciously donate your money.

You are aware that is against the law for any corporation to donate a single penny, unless they can justify to their shareholders that it will create more revenue and increase the bottom line.

Should you not be asking bucs a question instead of making a statement?

Also, which law are you referring to?
As nationwide budget protests continue this week, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is prepared to unveil the Obama administration’s plan to lower the top corporate tax rate from the current 35 percent to less than 30 percent, and as low as 26 percent.

Why don't you mention that that also involves removing many features of the tax code so the effective rate is much higher for many companies? Which is why they are fighting it.
But that would be too honest for you.

Yes, the Obama Administration is the lap dog of unions. Preventing a company from moving from one state to another is just another brick in the road to socialism. 2o12 cannot come soon enough to get that incompetent prick out of the White House.

you sir, are free to howl about tax codes on the 'net until the cows come home

i would suggest that, short of reading the federal register, a superhuman feat of incomprehensible patience interpeting them, not to mention the risk of running out of ascii posting it all, that you are no less 'opinionated' than i

that said, you'll kindly respect my opinion(s), be them of my own hand, or that which is harvested on the issue if you're truly here for sanguine exchange

thank you

As nationwide budget protests continue this week, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is prepared to unveil the Obama administration’s plan to lower the top corporate tax rate from the current 35 percent to less than 30 percent, and as low as 26 percent.

Why don't you mention that that also involves removing many features of the tax code so the effective rate is much higher for many companies? Which is why they are fighting it.
But that would be too honest for you.

Yes, the Obama Administration is the lap dog of unions. Preventing a company from moving from one state to another is just another brick in the road to socialism. 2o12 cannot come soon enough to get that incompetent prick out of the White House.

you sir, are free to howl about tax codes on the 'net until the cows come home

i would suggest that, short of reading the federal register, a superhuman feat of incomprehensible patience interpeting them, not to mention the risk of running out of ascii posting it all, that you are no less 'opinionated' than i

that said, you'll kindly respect my opinion(s), be them of my own hand, or that which is harvested on the issue if you're truly here for sanguine exchange

thank you


You don't need to read the federal register to figure this out, jerk off. A simple reading of any in depth article on the subject would be sufficient. But if you get all your news from CNBC headlines and watching Rachel Maddow what do you expect?

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