tax and blame... hope and cha ching...


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
"magic and miracles" could be the o'bombus campaign slogan if he runs for a second term (scandal?). i'm embarrassed that peter welch is from my home state and i laughed my ass off at tim giethner blaming republicans for everything on the sunday shows. the dims have supplied us with the rich irony of opposite talk, and they're counting on voters to be even more anesthetized than they were last time.

this promises to be the nastiest campaign in u.s. history and that's saying something. one thing our side will do better is to vet the president. questions will be answered, we've got lots of time and money to make sure that the president is really well known, as something other than flowery speeches and spiffy telepromter work.

starting with his past, this mysterious figure will be no mystery at all by the time we are through. his character is weak, and we'll show that to the rest that don't already know. you think we're radical mister p....? so be it, we're just at the beginning again.
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How much in Taxes did his good buds over at GE pay? I swear to God Hopey Changey sycophants are so bleepin dumb. This President is completely owned by a Corporation that doesn't even pay Taxes. Top GE Exec Jeffrey Immelt his "Jobs Czar?" What a joke. Top Corporate Fat Cats from GE,Facebook,and Google meet regularly with this White House. Why is that? It doesn't matter though because in the end we don't have a Tax Payer problem. We have a Government problem. They spent us into Debt Hell. The Tax Payers are not to blame for this mess. This President should at least get his buddies at GE to pay some Taxes though. He should start there.
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How much in Taxes did his good buds over at GE pay? I swear to God Hopey Changey sycophants are so bleepin dumb. This President is completely owned by a Corporation that doesn't even pay Taxes. Top GE Exec Jeffrey Immelt his "Jobs Czar?" What a joke. Top Corporate Fat Cats from GE,Facebook,and Google meet regularly with this White House. Why is that? It doesn't matter though because in the end we don't have a Tax Payer problem. We have a Government problem. They spent us into Debt Hell. The Tax Payers are not to blame for this mess. This President should at least get his buddies at GE to pay some Taxes though. He should start there.

after spending so much time in chicago, you would think that obama would have learned enough about corruption to be able to cover his tracks better.
When you say our side, I am assuming you mean all taxpayers, or just Republicans. This country is so divided, and with rhetoric such as that I wonder if we can ever understand each other. Social issues are not number one in importance right now. What is important is getting down the debt, getting people to work, and our economy growing. To do that both Dems and Reps need to meet in the middle. I can safely say that our legislators will not do that, because their livelihood depends on getting votes as the most important goal. To do that they have to spend our money, to do that they will go into more debt. To make the hard choices is political suicide, even though they got us into this and it happened over time. We are to blame, as we do not hold them accountable. Instead of calling each other names, let's start to write and call our legislators and demand that they make choices that take from all, including Wall Street and large corporations. As far as meeting with Google, Google is hiring thousands of people. Could be it is working, talking to each other. We have to take our country back.
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When you say our side, I am assuming you mean all taxpayers, or just Republicans. This country is so divided, and with rhetoric such as that I wonder if we can ever understand each other. Social issues are not number one in importance right now. What is important is getting down the debt, getting people to work, and our economy growing. To do that both Dems and Reps need to meet in the middle. I can safely say that our legislators will not do that, because their livelihood depends on getting votes as the most important goal. To do that they have to spend our money, to do that they will go into more debt. To make the hard choices is political suicide, even though they got us into this and it happened over time. We are to blame, as we do not hold them accountable. Instead of calling each other names, let's start to write and call our legislators and demand that they make choices that take from all, including Wall Street and large corporations. As far as meeting with Google, Google is hiring thousands of people. Could be it is working, talking to each other. We have to take our country back.

well said. think of the accolade "uniter". obama has touted himself as being "a uniter" regan was a uniter, look at the difference. you are right a bout the nations checkbook. democrats don't seem to get the spending part of it. hard choices can cost re-election. i heard a house member say "our contract is up every two years", so true, but it is equally for every member. with the advent of people like paul ryan, the issues are being addressed. if you think back a couple of years to reid pelosi and obama, the only mention of spending, was more more more. (which is easy to do if it's not your money) that was the most irresponsible congress in u.s. history.

obviously the stimulus plan to "kick start" the economy is a fail. "we did it so unemployment would'nt go above eight percent". seems like a long time ago.

the other thing is the truth about unemployment. you can't just leave out the five percent that have stopped looking for work, it's intellectually dishonest to tout the unemp numbers has having dropped greatly from 9.8 to 8.8, it's bullshit. trump flagged that the other day, we know it's closer to twent percent, in some areas.

the question is "how long are we going to let daffy duck drive the bus" ?? jobs saved ?? gimme a break. and who stops looking for work ? is that even an option ? with a family to feed ? these obama trends and names are obomninable.
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