‪Tariffs lead to the loss of more than 100 TV-manufacturing jobs in South Carolina as plant closes

One of the largest employers in Fairfield County, South Carolina, has decided to lay off 126 workers. due to the increased price of TV components that resulted from Trump’s tariffs.
Let us pray for the families of those affected.
Fairfield losing another 126 jobs after TV-maker closes plant, citing Trump tariffs

Wonder when they will wake up and say "Why are blue states keeping jobs and red states are losing"? Trump states are now and will be in the near future be the hardest hit, but they will vote for him in 2020.
Wonder when they will wake up and say "Why are blue states keeping jobs and red states are losing"? Trump states are now and will be in the near future be the hardest hit, but they will vote for him in 2020.
Stupid is, as stupid does. They'll never snap out of their stupor, not until way after the fact and everything's completely FUBAR.
Losers generally don't take responsibility for their own stupid mistakes. It's easy to point fingers when things go wrong. Another business will come along and take up the slack caused by these slacker companies who can't exist without imported parts from slave labor countries. Companies like this are the problem.
Losers generally don't take responsibility for their own stupid mistakes. It's easy to point fingers when things go wrong. Another business will come along and take up the slack caused by these slacker companies who can't exist without imported parts from slave labor countries. Companies like this are the problem.

says the guy accessing the internet on a device filled with parts from slave labor countries! :21::21:

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