Taliban (gruesome) executions have begun…

1st post
It is to be expected that taliban executions will expand expotentially; especially after all American troops have left.

As of now for the most part they are holding back trying to put forth a decent image to the world.

You read Arabic or Pashtun?
5th post
100% on Biden.

That blood is on Bidens hands.

Anyone else find it strange that Trump is banned from Twitter but these execution videos are allowed?
10th post
What's with all the dodging? Your "president" just doomed millions to rape, torture, and murder at the hands of terrorist savages. No comment on that, just lame dodges about language and military service?
I am afraid that yes, Trump did make a peace treaty to remove US troops there which put all people in danger, but hey, you were fine with it when Trump signed the agreement to withdraw, are you having buyers remorse now?
I am afraid that yes, Trump did make a peace treaty to remove US troops there which put all people in danger, but hey, you were fine with it when Trump signed the agreement to withdraw, are you having buyers remorse now?

You should be having buyer's remorse given how badly your dementia ridden fool has fckd up

Hint druggie, Trump isn't POTUS

Sober up
You should be having buyer's remorse given how badly your dementia ridden fool has fckd up

Hint druggie, Trump isn't POTUS

Sober up
I didn't vote for Biden or Trump, I voted for Howie Hawkins my cousin. You feel the need to pigeonhole from yer desperation I know, but you are amiss.

Hey kunt, Trump and company signed the agreement to withdraw and cease fir and put a timeline for NATO and the US to be gone, go fuck yourself with your stupid references that is old and ineffective.

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