Take Sides - Israel or Hamas Terrorists - Choose ONLY ONE!

The USofA sanctioned it via UN (the one you now disagree with) , re> Truman , & we've been their big stick ever since rylah

We're the only reason the rest of the muslim world hasn't eaten them alive , and the only reason they crossed the line from defense to annihilation


Do words have any meaning in your post?

If you need to twist the nerrative as to equate a UN vote to a military intervention,
then you've already lost any appearance of credibility to engage in a rational discourse.

From 1948-1967, Israel alone defeated Arab imperialism,
ever since the US admin tries to dictate Israelis to fight
with one hand behind the back...


The US aid to Israel is less than 1% of it's GDP,

does less dependence on the US make sense,

when you want to see Israel win less?
Do words have any meaning in your post?

If you need to twist the nerrative as to equate a UN vote to a military intervention,
then you've already lost any appearance of credibility to engage in a rational discourse.

From 1948-1967, Israel alone defeated Arab imperialism,
ever since the US admin tries to dictate Israelis to fight
with one hand behind the back...


The US aid to Israel is less than 1% of it's GDP,

does less dependence on the US make sense,

when you want to see Israel win less?
Military intervention to consider rylah>


and that does not include what goes on behind the scenes.

The USofA sanctioned it via UN (the one you now disagree with) , re> Truman , & we've been their big stick ever since rylah

We're the only reason the rest of the muslim world hasn't eaten them alive , and the only reason they crossed the line from defense to annihilation


annihilation? Is that the new word the antisemites are using now that people are learning what “genocide” means?

Annihilation is what the Muslim terrorists would do to all of Israel - if they could. They are threatening it. In the meantime, Israel is using restraint - especially considering what the savages just did to them - and thus only 1% of Palestinians have died as collateral damage.

It would be even less if the savages weren’t using Palestinians as body armor, but they want to drive the body count as high as possible to give people like you a way to spread antisemitism.
Yeah Go Team…kill those damn subhumans.

Continue to hammer those who elected, funded, staffed, supported and cheered-on Hamas on October 7, 2023.

Gazans can end this in a single day.

Stop embedding military assets in schools and hospitals and mosques and generally amongst civilian noncombatants.

Run up the White Flag of Unconditional Surrender.

Turn-over all weapons and disclose all weapons caches.

Disclose the location of all tunnels.

Turn over all hostages, alive, and account for those who died.

Turn-over Hamas leadership and all Hamas cadre that participated in the attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

Israel must never again allow another October 7, 2023, and the IDF now acts to ensure that Hamas is eviscerated.


Or die.

The choice is theirs.

Otherwise... phukk 'em.

Death to Hamas.

Go Team Israel.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever EVER believed, in any way shape or form, what you said in your second to last sentence, that I don't even want to dignify by repeating. That is a disgusting, evil, asinine accusation.

In fact, I'd say I am more for the people of Israel than you are. You know why? Because I care about TRUTH. And I seek truth, as opposed to being manipulated by the MSM and the corrupt globalist powers-that-shouldn't-be, which is precisely the case with you.

What's unbelievable to me is that based on your reply above, you don't even seem to understand my take on this whole thing, if you think I'm against the Israeli people?? That is the most idiotic, dense and completely false belief that you have concocted in your own head.

Unlike you, I care about ALL people. I don't judge people or hate people based on race, religion, nationality or any other shallow reasons.

You are so over-the-top emotional and hysterical when it comes to the topic of Oct. 7, that you can't even think rationally. And that's the reason why I've told you many times that I don't even want to discuss this topic with you.

And despite how many times I've told you that, you have not even respected that, you just continue with your extremely emotional, blind, evil attacks on my character.... Why? because unless someone marches in lockstep with your "Israel can do no wrong" MSM view, you can't even think rationally or act in a normal, decent way.

So for the upteempth time, if you're only going to foam at the mouth and attack my character, then just don't post to me on this topic. I will talk with people who are capable of having a civil discussion and aren't as thoroughly duped by the PTSB and the controlled MSM.
I absolutely DO understand your take on this. We all do. You're not "misunderstood". Half agree with you. That's what's so sad.
Easter is a big deal in León, the ancient city in northwest Spain, where a 10-day celebration often features music, sermons and more than two dozen processions.

One fixture of these frenzied days is a Leonese cocktail, which locals call "limonada," made from red wine, lemons, cinnamon and sugar, sometimes with oranges and figs.

It’s also a centuries-old tradition for revelers seeking limonadas to say they are going out to “kill Jews.”

“It’s an expression here,” Margarita Torres Sevilla, a professor of medieval history at the University of León, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “For example, you tell me, ‘Have a drink with me? Okay, let’s go kill Jews.’ Another typical sentence of Holy Week is, ‘How many Jews have you killed? Three, four, five [limonadas]? Oh, you have killed a lot.’”

Learn more about the tradition that locals say isn’t antisemitic in our story reported this week from Leon.

NEITHER. It’s none of our damn business, just like Ukraine, Taiwan, etc…

I agree, there's no reason to sacrifice additional young American lives and resources soaking distant soil with American blood.

Unfortunately, "we" have little control over America's Middle East policy.

It is AIPAC and the other right wing Israeli lobbies that control where young American G.I.s go to die. (1), (2)

Additionally, there are thousands of US troops in the immediate region for the sole purpose of defending the belligerent and expansionist Netanyahu regime and its internationally condemned Gaza genocide.

With ISIS driven from its strongholds years ago, there is no reason for Americans to remain in the region except to do AIPAC's bidding.

There is no defending Netanyahu's criminal genocide yet aiding and abetting his genocide is precisely what AIPAC etc have achieved.
Once again, America is wasting American lives and $ Trillions in order to defend a bellicose and provocative regime whose treachery is rivaled only by its Parasitism.(3)

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” - Benjamin Netanyahu

It is clearly against America's best interest to be complicit in Israel's provocative criminality just as a majority of Americans oppose Netanyahu's genocidal agenda(4)

Since most Americans oppose sacrificing even more American lives and resources for a treacherous, parasitic and expansionist foreign government's genocide, loyal Americans who care more for their own borders and own security must confront America's destructive and traitorous Israeli spies, Zionist shills and parasitic lobbies.

Briefly put, we must take control over the lives of young American G.I.s away from AIPAC and their hirelings and return that control to loyal Americans.


AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

(2). "Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war"

"Douglas Macgregor blamed pro-Israel policy for driving the United States into the Iraq conflict after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,"

EXCERPT "Douglas Macgregor, a top adviser to President Donald Trump’s new acting defense secretary, routinely blames “the Israeli lobby” and “neocons” for pushing the United States into wars.

CNN’s KFile uncovered interviews in which Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who appears frequently on Fox News and other conservative media, says “pro-Israel” donors and the pro-Israel lobby are behind efforts to drive the United States into war." CONTINUED


EXCERPT "While the documents do not suggest that U.S. military ground involvement in the war is forthcoming, the January memo is the latest intimation of the Pentagon’s preparations to support Israel in the wake of Hamas’s October 7 attack. Days after the attack, the U.S. military reportedly put 2,000 troops on prepare-to-deploy orders for potential support to Israel,..." CONTINUED

(4). "Israel faces growing U.S. ire on war in Gaza"

EXCERPT "Sheline's decision to follow suit came as a Gallup poll released Wednesday found that growing numbers of Americans now oppose Israel’s military action in Gaza, an apparent shift in U.S. views." CONTINUED
I absolutely DO understand your take on this. We all do. You're not "misunderstood". Half agree with you. That's what's so sad.
What’s really sad is the enormous level of ignorance required for supporting a genocide, but there is an historical equivalence. Many Germans supported the Holocaust. Ironic.
that reality turned into an open air concentration camp post RFK rylah

most folks dogs are more 'free'

So why are the Arabs in Egypt confining them to the “prison”? Makes sense that Israel doesn’t want Jew-haters intent on wiping Israel off the roaming free, but the Jew-haters aren’t out to destroy Egypt and massacre their people. Why won’t Egypt let their own people into the country?
What’s really sad is the enormous level of ignorance required for supporting a genocide, but there is an historical equivalence. Many Germans supported the Holocaust. Ironic.
What’s your avatar supposed to be? It looks like a Jewish boy the Muslim savages intentionally burned to death.
So why are the Arabs in Egypt confining them to the “prison”? Makes sense that Israel doesn’t want Jew-haters intent on wiping Israel off the roaming free, but the Jew-haters aren’t out to destroy Egypt and massacre their people. Why won’t Egypt let their own people into the country?
People like Sparky never apply the same standard to the Arab world that they apply to Israel.

The soft bigotry of low expectations
"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Elie Wiesel accepting the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize

Why is it that no Muslim nation will take Gaza residents into their country? The question is purely rhetorical. Because they side with Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists. When terrorists attack, Gaza women cluck their tongues loudly and celebrate, passing out candy.
I telephoned the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C. this morning and called them all "evil cowards" for supporting Hamas.
In the United (sic) Nations, South Africa condemned the "genocide" of Israel against residents of Gaza Strip.
The number is (240) 937-5760. Call them and make your voice heard.

There's a third option. Who is the leader of the opposition party that Netanyahu beat? Perhaps Bibi should step down. Yes, that is what I think.

Jewish Conservatives will defend Bibi. Time for him to step down. Corrupt!!!
I agree, there's no reason to sacrifice additional young American lives and resources soaking distant soil with American blood
We shouldn’t be involved in ANY way. These aren’t our problems. Let these folks work their disagreements out between themselves. I’m an ISOLATIONIST by ideology.

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