Taiwan urges Canada to join global coalition against China- “Many people here in Taiwan are saying the invasion [by China] may have started already,”


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Check out what the world is dealing with as China looks to strangle Taiwan and take control.

Remember when some laughed at the prospect. We saw what they did to HK, Taiwan is next. An open attack. What consequences will they face? Obama tossed Russia out of the G8, will the world demand China is thrown out of the WTO or the UN?

They should already face serious consequences for the pandemic and their activities in HK. We have a feckless group of Western leaders though. The weakest in our history.

The Foreign Affairs Minister of Taiwan says Beijing has already begun what military strategists call a “grey-zone” assault on the self-governing island of 24 million, and urges Canada and other like-minded democracies to use sanctions and increased trade ties to dissuade China from a full-scale takeover.

Grey-zone warfare falls short of outright armed conflict, and employs cyber-attacks, infiltration, disinformation, and other tactics to sap an enemy’s will.

“Many people here in Taiwan are saying the invasion [by China] may have started already,” Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Wu said in an interview.


“Look at their infiltration activities into Taiwan. They set up their cronies in Taiwan and they are also trying to wage a disinformation campaign against Taiwan,” Mr. Wu said.

“We are seeing all kinds of disinformation surface in Taiwan’s internet or social media or even to be taken [up] by the formal media, so this is something we are very concerned about.”

He noted that cyber attacks have intensified in the past few years, and that People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft are stepping up flights, sometimes several a day, headed towards Taiwan airspace. Each foray by fighters or bombers requires Taiwan to send out its own jets.
There is no doubt in my mind that China will invade Taiwan. It's just a matter of time. The industrial world has pretty much signaled they care more about the money they can make from the Chinese economy than human rights.
Taiwan is an affront to those old dictators in Beijing.

Taiwan shows that the Chinese people ARE capable of democracy and do not have to tolerate a bunch of old tyrants who should be passing their days on park benches instead of thinking of ways to cause trouble in the world.

P.S. If China does take Taiwan, the democracies won't do anything. Did they do anything when Russia took a slice of Ukraine?
Taiwan is an affront to those old dictators in Beijing.

Taiwan shows that the Chinese people ARE capable of democracy and do not have to tolerate a bunch of old tyrants who should be passing their days on park benches instead of thinking of ways to cause trouble in the world.

We should all do our part to help the Taiwanese. If we can't be there, then we should apply pressure to our governments to defend their independence and capitalist system. We should speak boldly in defense of their nation to choose their own course.

If the world signals, as suggested above, that it's "all about the money". Expect more traitors and counter-spies in the highest ranks of government who can say "hey, I'm no different than you" as they sell out ones nation, maybe even the lives of their own country.

As it were, I refuse to believe that Good Men won't be there when the chips are down.
Check out what the world is dealing with as China looks to strangle Taiwan and take control.

Remember when some laughed at the prospect. We saw what they did to HK, Taiwan is next. An open attack. What consequences will they face? Obama tossed Russia out of the G8, will the world demand China is thrown out of the WTO or the UN?

They should already face serious consequences for the pandemic and their activities in HK. We have a feckless group of Western leaders though. The weakest in our history.

The Foreign Affairs Minister of Taiwan says Beijing has already begun what military strategists call a “grey-zone” assault on the self-governing island of 24 million, and urges Canada and other like-minded democracies to use sanctions and increased trade ties to dissuade China from a full-scale takeover.

Grey-zone warfare falls short of outright armed conflict, and employs cyber-attacks, infiltration, disinformation, and other tactics to sap an enemy’s will.

“Many people here in Taiwan are saying the invasion [by China] may have started already,” Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Wu said in an interview.


“Look at their infiltration activities into Taiwan. They set up their cronies in Taiwan and they are also trying to wage a disinformation campaign against Taiwan,” Mr. Wu said.

“We are seeing all kinds of disinformation surface in Taiwan’s internet or social media or even to be taken [up] by the formal media, so this is something we are very concerned about.”

He noted that cyber attacks have intensified in the past few years, and that People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft are stepping up flights, sometimes several a day, headed towards Taiwan airspace. Each foray by fighters or bombers requires Taiwan to send out its own jets.
I fear its to late for canada due to the fact they have already sided with china to the point they allow chinese troops in canada and are even training them,,
Taiwan is an affront to those old dictators in Beijing.

Taiwan shows that the Chinese people ARE capable of democracy and do not have to tolerate a bunch of old tyrants who should be passing their days on park benches instead of thinking of ways to cause trouble in the world.

We should all do our part to help the Taiwanese. If we can't be there, then we should apply pressure to our governments to defend their independence and capitalist system. We should speak boldly in defense of their nation to choose their own course.

If the world signals, as suggested above, that it's "all about the money". Expect more traitors and counter-spies in the highest ranks of government who can say "hey, I'm no different than you" as they sell out ones nation, maybe even the lives of their own country.

As it were, I refuse to believe that Good Men won't be there when the chips are down.

I think that you are being too optimistic.

Where were the "good men" when the Russians shot that passenger plane out of the sky over Ukraine (with bodies dropping out of the skies, including a baby's)?

If the Reds attack Taiwan, they will win, but I hope that some Taiwanese planes are able to reach Beijing and bomb the [self-censored] out of that city & Shanghai.

When I was a child in the 1940s, everyone loved poor, weak, defenseless China. No one ever thought it would become Bully #1 in the world.
You can be sure if Taiwan falls, the impact on America will be FAR more profound than most imagine. it would be a signal that in fact, China is the de-facto global leader and Americas time, and maybe capitalism, individual liberty, has passed.

The world saw what happened in Hong Kong, they've heard the silence. Taiwan saw first hand how leaders sheepishly backed down to the WTO when Taiwan wanted entry, as they were the best at dealing with the virus. They saw Crimea and they've heard the Communist Party members speak openly about their successes and desire to dominate the planet on their own. This all ramped up, as soon as America decided that Harris/Biden would be the next president.

If America has gone full Elitist and it means embracing China as being Big Brother and America as a wealthy, obedient colony, God help us all. Canadians would be in a horrible, helpless spot.
I doubt that the Biden administration will do anything substantial if China does takeover Taiwan. It's gonna happen, just like Russia did to Ukraine and the Chinese did to Hong Kong. I don't think they'd do anything even if there was a military coup. Trump might've, but not Biden. Had Trump been re-elected, the Chinese might've waited until he was out of office and merely continued their insurgency. They play the long game, we play this week.
Why are we already talking about Chinese/Russian expansion?


Congratulations, Demwits.
If the world signals, as suggested above, that it's "all about the money". Expect more traitors and counter-spies in the highest ranks of government who can say "hey, I'm no different than you" as they sell out ones nation, maybe even the lives of their own country.
Many of the globalist mindset are eager to give china what it wants

But appeasement will not satisfy the communist dictator in Peking

It will just wet his thirst for more
I doubt that the Biden administration will do anything substantial if China does takeover Taiwan. It's gonna happen, just like Russia did to Ukraine and the Chinese did to Hong Kong. I don't think they'd do anything even if there was a military coup. Trump might've, but not Biden. Had Trump been re-elected, the Chinese might've waited until he was out of office and merely continued their insurgency. They play the long game, we play this week.
You are not entirely wrong about what biden might or might do

I’m pretty sure that biden has no long term strategy

But neither did Truman the day before N Korea invaded the South

And I’m sure the Chinese remember that fiasco
I doubt that the Biden administration will do anything substantial if China does takeover Taiwan. It's gonna happen, just like Russia did to Ukraine and the Chinese did to Hong Kong. I don't think they'd do anything even if there was a military coup. Trump might've, but not Biden. Had Trump been re-elected, the Chinese might've waited until he was out of office and merely continued their insurgency. They play the long game, we play this week.
You are not entirely wrong about what biden might or might do

I’m pretty sure that biden has no long term strategy

But neither did Truman the day before N Korea invaded the South

And I’m sure the Chinese remember that fiasco

Yeah, but on the other hand, Joe Biden is NOT Harry Truman and that invasion was 70 years ago. The Chinese might thinking that times have changed and the military imbalance that existed then isn't quite so one-sided now.
Taiwan has historically been China's. We should not meddle in these matters.

No. Taiwan was the REAL Republic government of China, they lost the Mainland to the Communists in the civil war of 1945.

They now wish to be independent, capitalism and free. Like Hong Kong used to be.
I doubt that the Biden administration will do anything substantial if China does takeover Taiwan. It's gonna happen, just like Russia did to Ukraine and the Chinese did to Hong Kong. I don't think they'd do anything even if there was a military coup. Trump might've, but not Biden. Had Trump been re-elected, the Chinese might've waited until he was out of office and merely continued their insurgency. They play the long game, we play this week.
You are not entirely wrong about what biden might or might do

I’m pretty sure that biden has no long term strategy

But neither did Truman the day before N Korea invaded the South

And I’m sure the Chinese remember that fiasco

Yeah, but on the other hand, Joe Biden is NOT Harry Truman and that invasion was 70 years ago. The Chinese might thinking that times have changed and the military imbalance that existed then isn't quite so one-sided now.
Nobody had much respect for Truman in 1950 either

Biden is a man slipping into the waning years of his life

But I think he could manage to do one thing before he goes
It's NONE of our business.
If street thugs are beating your neighbor to death next door is that none of your business too?
But that's just it...we ain't neighbors. We aren't even in the same state. We don't share the same language...culture...value set...history...traditions...for the most part...even religion...nothin.
Yet you would risk potentially Billions being vaporized in a nuclear conflict, cause "muh Democracy...n Capitalism"

It's time America ditched this boomer horseshit where we are compelled (by WTF knows) to send our young people, and our money overseas to DIE for other people.

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