Systemic Police Brutality Against Black People


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Eugene Williams, a 17-year-old black boy, was stoned to death by white people in 1919 after he swam into what they deemed the wrong part of Lake Michigan.

In response, black people in Chicago rose up in protest, and white people attacked them. More than 500 people were injured and 38 were killed. Afterward, the city convened a commission to study the causes of the violence.

The commission found “systemic participation in mob violence by the police,” Khalil Muhammad, a professor of history, race, and public policy at Harvard Kennedy School and author of the book The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America, told Vox. “When police officers had the choice to protect black people from white mob violence, they chose to either aid and abet white mobs or to disarm black people or to arrest them.”

In the process of compiling the report, white experts also testified that “the police are systematically engaging in racial bias when they’re targeting black suspects,” Muhammad said. The report “should have been the death of systemic police racism and discrimination in America.”

That was in 1922.

Ingrained in the psyche would be a good way to put it.
Randy Weaver was (is) a White veteran who was targeted by federal cops during the George H Bush administration. Weaver failed to appear in court on a technical federal charge of cutting the barrel of a shotgun 1/2 inch too short but instead of sending him a summons or making a phone call or sending the local Sheriff, federal government sent a little army of agents. During the ensuing siege, Weaver's 12 year old son was shot in the back and a camouflaged FBI sniper got the O.K from somebody to shoot Mrs. Weaver in the head while she stood in the doorway holding a 18 month baby in her arms. Flushed with victory after the Ruby Ridge siege and with little or no outrage shown in the media, the Feds recommended themselves for meritorious awards and went to Waco during the Clinton administration and killed about 80 (white) men, women and children with tanks and poison gas.
What do you think the average person in 1922 would have said if you had asked them if America would ever have a black president, dozens of black police chiefs, numerous black mayors, and dozens of black members of Congress? We have come a long, long way since 1922, although we still have a ways to go.
Eugene Williams, a 17-year-old black boy, was stoned to death by white people in 1919 after he swam into what they deemed the wrong part of Lake Michigan.

In response, black people in Chicago rose up in protest, and white people attacked them. More than 500 people were injured and 38 were killed. Afterward, the city convened a commission to study the causes of the violence.

The commission found “systemic participation in mob violence by the police,” Khalil Muhammad, a professor of history, race, and public policy at Harvard Kennedy School and author of the book The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America, told Vox. “When police officers had the choice to protect black people from white mob violence, they chose to either aid and abet white mobs or to disarm black people or to arrest them.”

In the process of compiling the report, white experts also testified that “the police are systematically engaging in racial bias when they’re targeting black suspects,” Muhammad said. The report “should have been the death of systemic police racism and discrimination in America.”

That was in 1922.

Ingrained in the psyche would be a good way to put it.
Did you know the states that have the biggest problem with police killing blacks are Democrat states?

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Did you know the states that have the biggest problem with police killing blacks are Democrat states?
Did you know IDGAF about political or religious affiliation? Dead is dead. Under the color of law is disgusting.
Did you know Republicans agree with asset forfeiture? They don't care about the race either. Theft is theft, backed by a politician or or voter is disgusting.
Eugene Williams, a 17-year-old black boy, was stoned to death by white people in 1919 after he swam into what they deemed the wrong part of Lake Michigan.

In response, black people in Chicago rose up in protest, and white people attacked them. More than 500 people were injured and 38 were killed. Afterward, the city convened a commission to study the causes of the violence.

The commission found “systemic participation in mob violence by the police,” Khalil Muhammad, a professor of history, race, and public policy at Harvard Kennedy School and author of the book The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America, told Vox. “When police officers had the choice to protect black people from white mob violence, they chose to either aid and abet white mobs or to disarm black people or to arrest them.”

In the process of compiling the report, white experts also testified that “the police are systematically engaging in racial bias when they’re targeting black suspects,” Muhammad said. The report “should have been the death of systemic police racism and discrimination in America.”

That was in 1922.

Ingrained in the psyche would be a good way to put it.
Where is that happening today?
You do know that more unarmed white men are killed by cops than unarmed black men don't you?.....the guy in WI had a knife and reached into his car out of view of the officer....I would have shot him too....
That's immaterial- anecdotal- shooting a person in the back is chicken shit. ONE, under the color of law, is too many. It doesn't matter what color they are. ALL lives count or none do. Pretty simple concept.
You do know that more unarmed white men are killed by cops than unarmed black men don't you?.....the guy in WI had a knife and reached into his car out of view of the officer....I would have shot him too....
That's immaterial- anecdotal- shooting a person in the back is chicken shit. ONE, under the color of law, is too many. It doesn't matter what color they are. ALL lives count or none do. Pretty simple concept.
Shooting a person in the back when he is digging through his car out of view is ensuring that you will go home to see your family after your shift....why don't you and BLM hold a forum telling black men how to obey orders from a cop?....maybe you could show them how to respond and not resist...tell them that they will get their day in court...What do you want us to do?...allow black men to walk away?...allow them to commit crimes and just resist arrest?....I'd really like to know what you and BLM want cops to this short video...look how fast a cop can be killed...and then you can do some thinking...
Shooting a person in the back when he is digging through his car out of view is ensuring that you will go home to see your family after your shift....why don't you and BLM hold a forum telling black men how to obey orders from a cop?....maybe you could show them how to respond and not resist...tell them that they will get their day in court...What do you want us to do?...allow black men to walk away?...allow them to commit crimes and just resist arrest?....I'd really like to know what you and BLM want cops to this short video...look how fast a cop can be killed...and then you can do some thinking...
I don't do videos- thanks anyway- and trying to make me feel bad about what I know to be true won't work. Just a friendly FYI-

ONE, killed under the color of law is too many- I don't care what color they are! What part of that do you not comprehend?
My brother was a deputy sheriff when I got out of the Navy. He tried to get me to join him- I allowed as how it wouldn't be a good idea to give me a badge and gun- I realized my potential- think about that when you're trying to tell others how to think.
Shooting a person in the back when he is digging through his car out of view is ensuring that you will go home to see your family after your shift....why don't you and BLM hold a forum telling black men how to obey orders from a cop?....maybe you could show them how to respond and not resist...tell them that they will get their day in court...What do you want us to do?...allow black men to walk away?...allow them to commit crimes and just resist arrest?....I'd really like to know what you and BLM want cops to this short video...look how fast a cop can be killed...and then you can do some thinking...
I don't do videos- thanks anyway- and trying to make me feel bad about what I know to be true won't work. Just a friendly FYI-

ONE, killed under the color of law is too many- I don't care what color they are! What part of that do you not comprehend?
My brother was a deputy sheriff when I got out of the Navy. He tried to get me to join him- I allowed as how it wouldn't be a good idea to give me a badge and gun- I realized my potential- think about that when you're trying to tell others how to think.
You really should watch shows a former BLM activist going through police gun safety training...or you can just keep sounding uneducated...that's up to you....the man in the video after one day changed his mind about cops and I have more respect for him than I do for someone that doesn't want to learn...someone like you that is so unsure of their beliefs that you don't dare be challenged to think differently about an issue...stagnated thinking is not thinking....its emotional based thinking....
Did you know the states that have the biggest problem with police killing blacks are Democrat states?
Did you know IDGAF about political or religious affiliation? Dead is dead. Under the color of law is disgusting.
Did you know Republicans agree with asset forfeiture? They don't care about the race either. Theft is theft, backed by a politician or or voter is disgusting.
Kamala Harris & asset forfeiture:
It seems like Democrats oscillate between the anarchic & the authoritarian depending upon their view of a given law.

For Democrats authoritarian measures to protect the abortion industry are okay while the police are not allowed to protect minority communities from Marxist agitators.
someone like you that is so unsure of their beliefs that you don't dare be challenged
I hate to inform you, but, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried- FYI, I am a FORMER Republican, red eyed, died in the wool, pick up driving, gun toting, law and order person- UNTIL I "educated myself" about Liberty, specifically the Declaration of Independence words and the bumper sticker slogan, LIBERTY and Justice for ALL.
There are no caveats in the DoI or the bumper sticker slogan some refer to as the Pledge of Allegiance- to the flag, not some fucking empty suit or uniform pretending to be omnipotent.

I am quite sure of my beliefs- your projection has no effect on me. You can challenge all you like. I'm all eyes- that's how I "educated myself"- and no matter how you slice it or dice it- ALL count or none do. Killing, except in self defense, is immoral. Period. Under the color of law is not only immoral its reprehensible and vile. Law and Order. Law is supposed to be blind. Not blinded by. Law and Moral rarely meet. Adhering to the law brings order. BOTH sides have to adhere. Hiding behind a badge and/or a gun is cowardly. Hiding behind authority is cowardly.
someone like you that is so unsure of their beliefs that you don't dare be challenged
I hate to inform you, but, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried- FYI, I am a FORMER Republican, red eyed, died in the wool, pick up driving, gun toting, law and order person- UNTIL I "educated myself" about Liberty, specifically the Declaration of Independence words and the bumper sticker slogan, LIBERTY and Justice for ALL.
There are no caveats in the DoI or the bumper sticker slogan some refer to as the Pledge of Allegiance- to the flag, not some fucking empty suit or uniform pretending to be omnipotent.

I am quite sure of my beliefs- your projection has no effect on me. You can challenge all you like. I'm all eyes- that's how I "educated myself"- and no matter how you slice it or dice it- ALL count or none do. Killing, except in self defense, is immoral. Period. Under the color of law is not only immoral its reprehensible and vile. Law and Order. Law is supposed to be blind. Not blinded by. Law and Moral rarely meet. Adhering to the law brings order. BOTH sides have to adhere. Hiding behind a badge and/or a gun is cowardly. Hiding behind authority is cowardly.
Anyone that can turn away from the GOP at a time like this was never a republican......maybe you were like Paul Ryan but you were never a pure you want the nation to look like Portland?...or DC...or NY...or Chicago?...wake up...don't allow your dislike for Trump to ruin this nation forever.....

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