Syria: The rise of the Assads


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
A little history of the Assads from the BBC.

Syria: The rise of the Assads
By Neil QuilliamChatham House
Image copyrightAP
Image captionBashar al-Assad came to power after the death of his father, Hafez, in 2000
Syria's war

The conflict in Syria has drawn in major global powers, some supporting and some opposing President Bashar al-Assad. The Assad family has ruled Syria for more than four decades, but how did they rise to power?

Hafez al-Assad was the architect of modern Syria. Following decades of coups and counter-coups in Syria, Hafez used the network he had built in the posts of Commander of the Syrian air force and Minister of Defence to seize power in 1970.

To maintain his position, Hafez created a system of divide and rule and personalised his power to such an extent that it was he alone who held the state together. His successor would inherit a weak government and state institutions.

It was Hafez's eldest son, Bassel, that was groomed for power. But Bassel's death in a car accident in 1994 thrust his brother Bashar to the fore. When Bashar al-Assad assumed the presidency in 2000 following Hafez's death, many expected him to be a chip off the old block, but this has not proved to be the case.

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Syria: The rise of the Assads - BBC News
Haf.Ass. Kill many of the opposition in parliament when he came to power. As head of defense he was in the position to take power. I wish he had been kept in Lebanese jail, but hind sight is 20/20.
His ties with Russia go back to his fight training.

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