Syria: Nationwide ceasefire to begin on 29th December


Nov 14, 2012
The ceasefire applies for all areas that do not have ISIS or Nusra presence. This means, there will be no ceasefire under the real terms.
However, the deal was negotiated by Russia and Turkey, which means no actual "rebel" forces agreed to anything. It is another stupid ceasefire and there will be tens of thousands of "moderates" going to strike the army when it prepares to focus on ISIS like the last time and the West will not complain and the Russians will look like morons like they did when the last "nationwide ceasefire" was actually one of the bloodiest times in the war.

Details of Russo-Turk ceasefire plan in Syria
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The army agreed to the ceasefire. Which will begin on 30th December. As one can see, you just need a "moderate" rebel in a Nusra position and the army can´t attack. The Russians are very proud of this stupid shit and consider to partly withdraw assets from Syria while mysterious non-jihadist rebels cannot agree as they don´t exist. Time for the Syrian leadership to analyze the prospects of a war without anymore direct military support.

Syrian Army agrees to halt military operations and adhere to nationwide ceasefire
Russia considers withdrawing forces from Syria
Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov is leaving Syria. The Defense Ministry has begun to reduce the forces in Syria, and the first ones to leave will be the ships of the aircraft carrier group. According to the Ministry, the ships have successfully fulfilled their mission. The leaving is set to begin on 6 January. They are expected to reach Russian ports in 10 days.

The article (in Russian)
Прощай, сирийский берег
Bleipriester, et al,

I do not see a real set of characteristics of an Armistice.

The ceasefire applies for all areas that do not have ISIS or Nusra presence. This means, there will be no ceasefire under the real terms.
However, the deal was negotiated by Russia and Turkey, which means no actual "rebel" forces agreed to anything. It is another stupid ceasefire and there will be tens of thousands of "moderates" going to strike the army when it prepares to focus on ISIS like the last time and the West will not complain and the Russians will look like morons like they did when the last "nationwide ceasefire" was actually one of the bloodiest times in the war.

Details of Russo-Turk ceasefire plan in Syria

From what it appears, the Russo-Turk Ceasefire Plan is really a disengagement plan and a way of saving face. They cannot afford and do not want to expend their resources in an otherwise loosing proposition.

Most Respectfully,
Bleipriester, et al,

I do not see a real set of characteristics of an Armistice.

The ceasefire applies for all areas that do not have ISIS or Nusra presence. This means, there will be no ceasefire under the real terms.
However, the deal was negotiated by Russia and Turkey, which means no actual "rebel" forces agreed to anything. It is another stupid ceasefire and there will be tens of thousands of "moderates" going to strike the army when it prepares to focus on ISIS like the last time and the West will not complain and the Russians will look like morons like they did when the last "nationwide ceasefire" was actually one of the bloodiest times in the war.

Details of Russo-Turk ceasefire plan in Syria

From what it appears, the Russo-Turk Ceasefire Plan is really a disengagement plan and a way of saving face. They cannot afford and do not want to expend their resources in an otherwise loosing proposition.

Most Respectfully,
To me, it is another joke. I don´t see any effect. All surrenders and agreements are the result of military pressure and it is a big mistake to lift that pressure and hope those madmen will end their jihad.

Breaking: Agreement in Wadi Barada reached amid hopes of ending water crisis

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