Syria: Humiliated for a Bag of Bread


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It's interesting to read stories like this because you can really get to see how the people were and are still suffering.

Syria: Humiliated for a Bag of Bread

Caught while smuggling food past government soldiers.

Until Syrian government forces placed Ghouta under siege towards the end of 2013, it was still possible to travel there by bus from Damascus. It was a journey of just a few kilometres, but it took a whole day.

I used to divide my week between my small house in Damascus and a cultural centre I helped establish in Ghouta. I travelled there as often as I could. The work took a great deal of commitment and a lot of my time. It was difficult, because I also needed to find a way to earn a living through my writing.

I never liked setting out on these journeys, in either direction.

In Damascus, there was food, electricity and transport, and I could wear my normal clothes, but I lived in constant fear of the regime. In Ghouta, there was safety from possible arrest, but no food, no communications, and no going out after dark; and I had to wear clothing that didn’t reflect the real me in any way.

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