Swamp draining continuing apace at the Dept. of Interior...right where we need it most.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Oh happy day.
Trump and Zinke are gutting and re-structuring the Dept. of the Interior, and it's about time.

"Shifting 50 general-officer-equivalents is not a small undertaking. It represents an intention to totally demolish the existing power structure. By separating these long serving SES officials from the organizations they have run for perhaps decades means that there will be a lot less resistance to reorganization. Many of these people will resign rather than accept the reassignment. That is a feature, not a bug. By making this move before he has his own appointees in place, Zinke is signaling to the agency and to Senate Democrats that he will not be deterred by intransigence.

"The transfers that struck me were the Bureau of Indian Affairs positions. If there is a more corrupt, inept, and apathetic federal agency than BIA I really wish someone would point it out to me. BIA has resisted change of all types for decades, failing to serve either the Indians or the nation but doing quite well for themselves. Taking two of the top people out of there certainly clears the decks for action."

Ryan Zinke Shakes Department of the Interior Like a Terrier Shaking a Rat

"One federal bureaucrat being reassigned is Joel Clement, the director of the Office of Policy Analysis, where he advises on issues relating to the Arctic, among other topics.

"His biography says he attended Evergreen State College in Washington state, and is a forest canopy biologist who has worked on climate change adaptation strategies.

"Evergreen is the site where last week a gang of masked “Antifa” protestors confronted a pro-free speech rally and slashed the tires of Trump supporters. The college has been embroiled in controversy after white professors were ordered off campus for a “Day Without Whites” event. The taxpayer-supported college is a center of leftist radicalism.

It is from this intellectual and political framework that Clement launched his environmental career.

"In 2012 Clement was assigned to lead a federal interagency initiative to develop an “Arctic landscape-scale management framework that will more effectively integrate cultural, ecological, and economic objectives in the face of rapid climate change.” More of his Integrated Arctic Management work here.

"Clement has been providing advice and analysis for the Obama White House and two past Interior Secretaries — Sally Jewell and Ken Salazar. Clement is being reassigned to the Office of Natural Resources Revenue, which receives royalty payments from resource extraction."

That is a stroke of genius...moving the left wing sociopath to the office that manages royalties payments hahahaha. He'll just rob them blind, but meh. Then he'll get caught and thrown in the nuthatch or prison, where he belongs.
Shake-up at Department of Interior includes Arctic, BIA - Must Read Alaska
It's too bad they can't just fire them and be rid of the lot.
They can do that, and they should. They should fire all the current employees of all those agencies, and just keep one or two carefully chosen local representatives in each state.

But they won't.
Oh happy day.
Trump and Zinke are gutting and re-structuring the Dept. of the Interior, and it's about time.

"Shifting 50 general-officer-equivalents is not a small undertaking. It represents an intention to totally demolish the existing power structure. By separating these long serving SES officials from the organizations they have run for perhaps decades means that there will be a lot less resistance to reorganization. Many of these people will resign rather than accept the reassignment. That is a feature, not a bug. By making this move before he has his own appointees in place, Zinke is signaling to the agency and to Senate Democrats that he will not be deterred by intransigence.

"The transfers that struck me were the Bureau of Indian Affairs positions. If there is a more corrupt, inept, and apathetic federal agency than BIA I really wish someone would point it out to me. BIA has resisted change of all types for decades, failing to serve either the Indians or the nation but doing quite well for themselves. Taking two of the top people out of there certainly clears the decks for action."

Ryan Zinke Shakes Department of the Interior Like a Terrier Shaking a Rat

"One federal bureaucrat being reassigned is Joel Clement, the director of the Office of Policy Analysis, where he advises on issues relating to the Arctic, among other topics.

"His biography says he attended Evergreen State College in Washington state, and is a forest canopy biologist who has worked on climate change adaptation strategies.

"Evergreen is the site where last week a gang of masked “Antifa” protestors confronted a pro-free speech rally and slashed the tires of Trump supporters. The college has been embroiled in controversy after white professors were ordered off campus for a “Day Without Whites” event. The taxpayer-supported college is a center of leftist radicalism.

It is from this intellectual and political framework that Clement launched his environmental career.

"In 2012 Clement was assigned to lead a federal interagency initiative to develop an “Arctic landscape-scale management framework that will more effectively integrate cultural, ecological, and economic objectives in the face of rapid climate change.” More of his Integrated Arctic Management work here.

"Clement has been providing advice and analysis for the Obama White House and two past Interior Secretaries — Sally Jewell and Ken Salazar. Clement is being reassigned to the Office of Natural Resources Revenue, which receives royalty payments from resource extraction."

That is a stroke of genius...moving the left wing sociopath to the office that manages royalties payments hahahaha. He'll just rob them blind, but meh. Then he'll get caught and thrown in the nuthatch or prison, where he belongs.
Shake-up at Department of Interior includes Arctic, BIA - Must Read Alaska

From "Eco-Fascists," by Nickson
  1. Private foundations have been largely captured by a subset of grim zealots seeking to remake the world. And these are joined by fervent true believers in federal and state agencies like the Department of the Interior, the Forest Service, the EPA, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and a proliferation of others.
  2. And if the bureaucrats aren’t strenuous enough, they are spurred, litigated against, and prodded by nongovernmental busybodies (NGO’s) which marshal and mobilize tens of billions of dollars to promote their agenda.
  3. The complexity they have created is almost impossible to grasp in its entirety; it is a suffocating wed of lies, distortions, fear mongering, and bad science married to the top-of-the-line strategic planning, which as triggered an error cascasde wreaking destruction everywhere prosecuted.

  1. The delusion has led to the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the continent! http://rcalfusa.com/Trade/property_rights/100900BLMLeakedMemo.pdf
The more he gets rid of, the more danger he will be in. Trump that is.

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