Susan Rice Pulls Out Of Her Running For US Secretary of State

Are the Republicans happy now?

Susan Rice takes her name out of running for Secretary of State – This Just In - Blogs

Immediately we're drawn to the last instance similar to this...Condeleeza Rice who shilled for the Bush Administration...knowingly giving false information.

Hypocrisy isn't even the word here.


She took one for the boss who came in her mouth and didn't respect her in the morning. She's probably waiting for the check in the mail.

Yup! She is now silenced and the cover up will stay covered up. Harkens back to the days of Susan MacDougal. Under the bus for you Ms. Rice!
Question #1:
Will Oblamer now use Rice as the scapegoat for Benghazi?

Question #2:
When will the Lame Stream Media begin reporting honestly and completely on Benghazi-Gate?

Wow. I have been off the board for a couple of days now. Benghazi still around. Well I have news for you 'no one else cares'. Main stream is not carrying it nor will they again. Bye, bye.
Are the Republicans happy now?

Susan Rice takes her name out of running for Secretary of State – This Just In - Blogs

Immediately we're drawn to the last instance similar to this...Condeleeza Rice who shilled for the Bush Administration...knowingly giving false information.

Hypocrisy isn't even the word here.


She took one for the boss who came in her mouth and didn't respect her in the morning. She's probably waiting for the check in the mail.

Yup! She is now silenced and the cover up will stay covered up. Harkens back to the days of Susan MacDougal. Under the bus for you Ms. Rice!

How the Hell is that throwing Rice under the bus? :eusa_eh:
She took one for the boss who came in her mouth and didn't respect her in the morning. She's probably waiting for the check in the mail.

Yup! She is now silenced and the cover up will stay covered up. Harkens back to the days of Susan MacDougal. Under the bus for you Ms. Rice!

How the Hell is that throwing Rice under the bus? :eusa_eh:

Is she innocent of telling lies?
Question #1:
Will Oblamer now use Rice as the scapegoat for Benghazi?

Question #2:
When will the Lame Stream Media begin reporting honestly and completely on Benghazi-Gate?

Wow. I have been off the board for a couple of days now. Benghazi still around. Well I have news for you 'no one else cares'. Main stream is not carrying it nor will they again. Bye, bye.

CBS is as "MSM" as it gets:

Hillary Clinton to testify on Benghazi - CBS News
She was disgraceful and woefully underqulaified as a statesperson to adequately do the job with any degree of success.

You're crazy.

She went out and peddled a story about something she claimed... no one had all the facts on at that moment.

So sheer common sense would dictate not to say anything definitive that might have to be reversed later.

That's what a savvy and seasoned politician would have done. Notice how Hillary kept her nose clean when in fact this should be at her doorstep. Leave no room for controversy.

If you don't know, say it. No one made them concoct stories and keep changing them.

" we know the rest of the story."
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Question #1:
Will Oblamer now use Rice as the scapegoat for Benghazi?

Question #2:
When will the Lame Stream Media begin reporting honestly and completely on Benghazi-Gate?

Wow. I have been off the board for a couple of days now. Benghazi still around. Well I have news for you 'no one else cares'. Main stream is not carrying it nor will they again. Bye, bye.

CBS is as "MSM" as it gets:

Hillary Clinton to testify on Benghazi - CBS News

Well zang. I go internet/news silent for a couple of days and I miss everything. Benghazi is one of the half dozen best conspiracies in U.S. history. I want a t-shirt.
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Wow. I have been off the board for a couple of days now. Benghazi still around. Well I have news for you 'no one else cares'. Main stream is not carrying it nor will they again. Bye, bye.

CBS is as "MSM" as it gets:

Hillary Clinton to testify on Benghazi - CBS News

Well zang. I got internet/news silent for a couple of days and I miss everything. Benghazi is one of the half dozen best conspiracies in U.S. history. I want a t-shirt.

As much as you WISH it would go away, it won't. The pressing matter right now is Obama holding America hostage to get a tax rate increase on over $250k families and businesses, to satisfy his voter base of angry Julias.

Once that's over, Benghazi will be back on the front burner.

Well zang. I got internet/news silent for a couple of days and I miss everything. Benghazi is one of the half dozen best conspiracies in U.S. history. I want a t-shirt.

As much as you WISH it would go away, it won't. The pressing matter right now is Obama holding America hostage to get a tax rate increase on over $250k families and businesses, to satisfy his voter base of angry Julias.

Once that's over, Benghazi will be back on the front burner.

I don't think we have been on the same thread before. So let's see. "Where do you stand on the 9/11 truthers?
Glad she pulled out. She'd be even worse at the job than Hillary Clinton if that's possible.
Neither happy or sad. She pulled out to avoid the questioning she knew was coming. The secrets safe with her.

And actually it was primarily the Left, that criticized her the most:

"As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, Republicans on the Hill had basically limited their critique of Rice to her misleading statements following the Benghazi attack.

"Liberals, on the other hand, made it personal. Dana Milbank suggested Rice had an attitude problem.

"Maureen Dowd said Rice was too ambitious and unprincipled for her own good–or the country’s.

"Yesterday at the Daily Beast, Lloyd Grove launched a bizarre attack on Rice that accused her of having a personality disorder. The left has also been driving the less personal attacks as well.

"Howard French said Rice’s Africa legacy is the further empowerment of dictators. Human Rights Watch’s Tom Malinowski knocked Rice for essentially enabling atrocities in Congo.

"Meanwhile, it should not go unnoticed that Hillary--------

much more: The Left vs. Susan Rice « Commentary Magazine
Neither happy or sad. She pulled out to avoid the questioning she knew was coming. The secrets safe with her.

And actually it was primarily the Left, that criticized her the most:

"As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, Republicans on the Hill had basically limited their critique of Rice to her misleading statements following the Benghazi attack.

"Liberals, on the other hand, made it personal. Dana Milbank suggested Rice had an attitude problem.

"Maureen Dowd said Rice was too ambitious and unprincipled for her own good–or the country’s.

"Yesterday at the Daily Beast, Lloyd Grove launched a bizarre attack on Rice that accused her of having a personality disorder. The left has also been driving the less personal attacks as well.

"Howard French said Rice’s Africa legacy is the further empowerment of dictators. Human Rights Watch’s Tom Malinowski knocked Rice for essentially enabling atrocities in Congo.

"Meanwhile, it should not go unnoticed that Hillary--------

much more: The Left vs. Susan Rice « Commentary Magazine

Why would they do that unless they wanted to have more questions asked about Benghazi?
Obamination's handlers got through his dense head that she would spill the beans on Libya as well as look like an idiot in the hearings.

Mr. Ketchup will bore everyone at the hearings and will get rubber stamped to leave the Senate.....opening his seat.

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