Susan Rice makes claim Russians could be behind violent George Floyd demonstrations


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I knew it was Putin! The cop who committed the crime was probably on the payroll too, and don't forget the person with the camera. Remember, this is the former National Security advisor of the United States! No wonder Putin rolled into Ukraine without resistance, they think he's Jesus.


He doesn't need to worry about a ban on flights into America, he will activate his entire cadre of Russian assets in America within hours, risk it all, to make the alt-left and ANTIFA look bad.

Susan Rice makes claim Russians could be behind violent George Floyd demonstrations

Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice bizarrely suggested in a televised interview Sunday that the Russians could be behind the violent nationwide demonstrations following the in-custody death of George Floyd, although she offered no evidence for the incendiary claim.

Rice's made the claim after top Democrats insisted for years that the White House had conspired with Russia, although Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence to support any conspiracy with Russia by any U.S. actor to influence the 2016 election. Her remarks also came amid efforts by Democrats to pin the blame on outside white supremacist agitators, even though data suggests the vast majority of arrested protesters in recent days are local.

"To designate Antifa a terrorist organization, fine, but let's also focus on the right-wing terrorist organizations," Rice told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, referring to President Trump's decision earlier in the day to brand the left-wing militant group as a terrorist organization. "The white supremacists that he's called, in the past, very fine people."

Rice's claim that Trump praised white supremacists has been debunked. Like Rice, Trump specifically made a distinction between peaceful protesters taking an ideological approach ("very fine people") and white supremacists, whom Trump said he condemned "totally."

Rice continued: "We have peaceful protesters focused on the very real pain and disparities that we're all wrestling with that have to be addressed, and then we have extremists who've come to try to hijack those protests and turn them into something very different. And they're probably also, I would bet based on my experience, I'm not reading the intelligence these days, but based on my experience this is right out of the Russian playbook as well."
I knew it was Putin! The cop who committed the crime was probably on the payroll too, and don't forget the person with the camera. Remember, this is the former National Security advisor of the United States! No wonder Putin rolled into Ukraine without resistance, they think he's Jesus.

View attachment 343545

He doesn't need to worry about a ban on flights into America, he will activate his entire cadre of Russian assets in America within hours, risk it all, to make the alt-left and ANTIFA look bad.

Susan Rice makes claim Russians could be behind violent George Floyd demonstrations

Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice bizarrely suggested in a televised interview Sunday that the Russians could be behind the violent nationwide demonstrations following the in-custody death of George Floyd, although she offered no evidence for the incendiary claim.

Rice's made the claim after top Democrats insisted for years that the White House had conspired with Russia, although Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence to support any conspiracy with Russia by any U.S. actor to influence the 2016 election. Her remarks also came amid efforts by Democrats to pin the blame on outside white supremacist agitators, even though data suggests the vast majority of arrested protesters in recent days are local.

"To designate Antifa a terrorist organization, fine, but let's also focus on the right-wing terrorist organizations," Rice told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, referring to President Trump's decision earlier in the day to brand the left-wing militant group as a terrorist organization. "The white supremacists that he's called, in the past, very fine people."

Rice's claim that Trump praised white supremacists has been debunked. Like Rice, Trump specifically made a distinction between peaceful protesters taking an ideological approach ("very fine people") and white supremacists, whom Trump said he condemned "totally."

Rice continued: "We have peaceful protesters focused on the very real pain and disparities that we're all wrestling with that have to be addressed, and then we have extremists who've come to try to hijack those protests and turn them into something very different. And they're probably also, I would bet based on my experience, I'm not reading the intelligence these days, but based on my experience this is right out of the Russian playbook as well."
Think you need to more closely investigate the nation of islam. Putin's a Saudi vassal too (order of abdulaziz).
In the era of Trump, anything is possible, including Russians in on our protesting....they'll do just about anything to keep the brain dead racist moron in office. They're still reeling over his suggesting we all drink bleach, that he read their memo wrong.
In the era of Trump, anything is possible, including Russians in on our protesting....they'll do just about anything to keep the brain dead racist moron in office. They're still reeling over his suggesting we all drink bleach, that he read their memo wrong.

The alt-left who demands free stuff for everyone and spits on capitalism and personal ambitions are responsible for this. Ideology that tells people that application of talent, hard work, drive and innovation is not "fair", who spit on capitalism and individual liberty, and often your constitution, are FAR more responsible than Russia or any other foreign country.

I can't even blame the filthy communist Party of China directly for this (though indirectly, they have definitely not helped the average American), and I blame them for almost everything.

Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink and ensuring capitalism succeeds again is the best antidote for those who want a centralized system that will destroy capitalism.
In the era of Trump, anything is possible, including Russians in on our protesting....they'll do just about anything to keep the brain dead racist moron in office. They're still reeling over his suggesting we all drink bleach, that he read their memo wrong.

The alt-left who demands free stuff for everyone and spits on capitalism and personal ambitions are responsible for this. Ideology that tells people that application of talent, hard work, drive and innovation is not "fair", who spit on capitalism and individual liberty, and often your constitution, are FAR more responsible than Russia or any other foreign country.

I can't even blame the filthy communist Party of China directly for this (though indirectly, they have definitely not helped the average American), and I blame them for almost everything.

Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink and ensuring capitalism succeeds again is the best antidote for those who want a centralized system that will destroy capitalism.
"Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink ..."

Hell no. 4 more years of Drumpf and we will be over run by the Russians.
In the era of Trump, anything is possible, including Russians in on our protesting....they'll do just about anything to keep the brain dead racist moron in office. They're still reeling over his suggesting we all drink bleach, that he read their memo wrong.

The alt-left who demands free stuff for everyone and spits on capitalism and personal ambitions are responsible for this. Ideology that tells people that application of talent, hard work, drive and innovation is not "fair", who spit on capitalism and individual liberty, and often your constitution, are FAR more responsible than Russia or any other foreign country.

I can't even blame the filthy communist Party of China directly for this (though indirectly, they have definitely not helped the average American), and I blame them for almost everything.

Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink and ensuring capitalism succeeds again is the best antidote for those who want a centralized system that will destroy capitalism.
"Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink ..."

Hell no. 4 more years of Drumpf and we will be over run by the Russians.

You're confusing the two presidents. It was Obama that told Russia he would be more flexible after his reeelection.
In the era of Trump, anything is possible, including Russians in on our protesting....they'll do just about anything to keep the brain dead racist moron in office. They're still reeling over his suggesting we all drink bleach, that he read their memo wrong.

The alt-left who demands free stuff for everyone and spits on capitalism and personal ambitions are responsible for this. Ideology that tells people that application of talent, hard work, drive and innovation is not "fair", who spit on capitalism and individual liberty, and often your constitution, are FAR more responsible than Russia or any other foreign country.

I can't even blame the filthy communist Party of China directly for this (though indirectly, they have definitely not helped the average American), and I blame them for almost everything.

Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink and ensuring capitalism succeeds again is the best antidote for those who want a centralized system that will destroy capitalism.
"Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink ..."

Hell no. 4 more years of Drumpf and we will be over run by the Russians.

You're confusing the two presidents. It was Obama that told Russia he would be more flexible after his reeelection.
No. I'm not confusing them. Drumpf is the guy that asked Russia to release Hillarys emails and he fawns in the presence of Putin.
In the era of Trump, anything is possible, including Russians in on our protesting....they'll do just about anything to keep the brain dead racist moron in office. They're still reeling over his suggesting we all drink bleach, that he read their memo wrong.

The alt-left who demands free stuff for everyone and spits on capitalism and personal ambitions are responsible for this. Ideology that tells people that application of talent, hard work, drive and innovation is not "fair", who spit on capitalism and individual liberty, and often your constitution, are FAR more responsible than Russia or any other foreign country.

I can't even blame the filthy communist Party of China directly for this (though indirectly, they have definitely not helped the average American), and I blame them for almost everything.

Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink and ensuring capitalism succeeds again is the best antidote for those who want a centralized system that will destroy capitalism.
"Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink ..."

Hell no. 4 more years of Drumpf and we will be over run by the Russians.

You're confusing the two presidents. It was Obama that told Russia he would be more flexible after his reeelection.
No. I'm not confusing them. Drumpf is the guy that asked Russia to release Hillarys emails and he fawns in the presence of Putin.

And Obama is the one who told Russia over a hot mic that he would be more flexible after the election.

Trump told Russia that in jest, it was a joke. He said it in a public speech. Why did Obama feel the need to whisper to the Russians about being "flexible"?
"Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink ..."

Hell no. 4 more years of Drumpf and we will be over run by the Russians.

They are ALL this stupid folks, at least this stupid. A good majority of them are actually way more stupid than this, which is why I encourage liberals to get abortions.

In the era of Trump, anything is possible, including Russians in on our protesting....they'll do just about anything to keep the brain dead racist moron in office. They're still reeling over his suggesting we all drink bleach, that he read their memo wrong.

The alt-left who demands free stuff for everyone and spits on capitalism and personal ambitions are responsible for this. Ideology that tells people that application of talent, hard work, drive and innovation is not "fair", who spit on capitalism and individual liberty, and often your constitution, are FAR more responsible than Russia or any other foreign country.

I can't even blame the filthy communist Party of China directly for this (though indirectly, they have definitely not helped the average American), and I blame them for almost everything.

Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink and ensuring capitalism succeeds again is the best antidote for those who want a centralized system that will destroy capitalism.
"Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink ..."

Hell no. 4 more years of Drumpf and we will be over run by the Russians.

You're confusing the two presidents. It was Obama that told Russia he would be more flexible after his reeelection.
No. I'm not confusing them. Drumpf is the guy that asked Russia to release Hillarys emails and he fawns in the presence of Putin.

And Obama is the one who told Russia over a hot mic that he would be more flexible after the election.

Trump told Russia that in jest, it was a joke. He said it in a public speech. Why did Obama feel the need to whisper to the Russians about being "flexible"?
"Trump told Russia that in jest, it was a joke. "

So did Obama. He said it in jest. it was a joke. :)
In the era of Trump, anything is possible, including Russians in on our protesting....they'll do just about anything to keep the brain dead racist moron in office. They're still reeling over his suggesting we all drink bleach, that he read their memo wrong.
Yep. I've been seeing a lot of dark skinned "Russians" destroying property
In the era of Trump, anything is possible, including Russians in on our protesting....they'll do just about anything to keep the brain dead racist moron in office. They're still reeling over his suggesting we all drink bleach, that he read their memo wrong.

The alt-left who demands free stuff for everyone and spits on capitalism and personal ambitions are responsible for this. Ideology that tells people that application of talent, hard work, drive and innovation is not "fair", who spit on capitalism and individual liberty, and often your constitution, are FAR more responsible than Russia or any other foreign country.

I can't even blame the filthy communist Party of China directly for this (though indirectly, they have definitely not helped the average American), and I blame them for almost everything.

Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink and ensuring capitalism succeeds again is the best antidote for those who want a centralized system that will destroy capitalism.
"Trump needs another 4 years of bringing America back from the brink ..."

Hell no. 4 more years of Drumpf and we will be over run by the Russians.
So, more white people?
Susan Rice is selling what no one wants to buy. She needs to go away.
And of course it's CNN that keeps sticking a mic in front of her face. CNN is poison.
I knew it was Putin! The cop who committed the crime was probably on the payroll too, and don't forget the person with the camera. Remember, this is the former National Security advisor of the United States! No wonder Putin rolled into Ukraine without resistance, they think he's Jesus.

View attachment 343545

He doesn't need to worry about a ban on flights into America, he will activate his entire cadre of Russian assets in America within hours, risk it all, to make the alt-left and ANTIFA look bad.

Susan Rice makes claim Russians could be behind violent George Floyd demonstrations

Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice bizarrely suggested in a televised interview Sunday that the Russians could be behind the violent nationwide demonstrations following the in-custody death of George Floyd, although she offered no evidence for the incendiary claim.

Rice's made the claim after top Democrats insisted for years that the White House had conspired with Russia, although Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence to support any conspiracy with Russia by any U.S. actor to influence the 2016 election. Her remarks also came amid efforts by Democrats to pin the blame on outside white supremacist agitators, even though data suggests the vast majority of arrested protesters in recent days are local.

"To designate Antifa a terrorist organization, fine, but let's also focus on the right-wing terrorist organizations," Rice told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, referring to President Trump's decision earlier in the day to brand the left-wing militant group as a terrorist organization. "The white supremacists that he's called, in the past, very fine people."

Rice's claim that Trump praised white supremacists has been debunked. Like Rice, Trump specifically made a distinction between peaceful protesters taking an ideological approach ("very fine people") and white supremacists, whom Trump said he condemned "totally."

Rice continued: "We have peaceful protesters focused on the very real pain and disparities that we're all wrestling with that have to be addressed, and then we have extremists who've come to try to hijack those protests and turn them into something very different. And they're probably also, I would bet based on my experience, I'm not reading the intelligence these days, but based on my experience this is right out of the Russian playbook as well."
The Russians are also secretly planting crab grass in people's yards...….those bassturds

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