Surprise Surprise the foiled Attack was by an Arab Muslim Immigrant! - American Who Recently Visited Pakistan Eyed in Times Square Bomb Plot

He originated from Pakistan and was naturalized as a citizen. Another attempted terrorist attack by a Muslim, yet racial profiling Muslims is wrong! :confused:

See, like I said earlier today, all the wingnut protestations about Arizona's law not being racial profiling is irrelevant, to them.

Conservatives want racial profiling.

Ah Democrats.. the irony of it all. On one hand they think it's perfectly fine for the Government to force and fine innocent Americans to have insurance and on the other care didly squat that potential illegal aliens, (law breakers) have to prove citizenship under prescribed legal conditions...

What's racial about mandatory car insurance?
People from Pakistan aren't "Arabs". :lol:
I meant just Muslim!

Moreover, he was named as a person of interest. I guess "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't apply to Muslims in the eyes of Zionists. Surprise, surprise.
PLEASE!!! The taliban has already taken credit. The douche bag terrorist, who you support, was caught on tape. The douche bag terrorist was just in Pakistan, when he was telling everyone he knew they were going to KS. The douche bag terrorist told everyone he was stockbroker, when he had NO JOB!
People from Pakistan aren't "Arabs". :lol:

Moreover, he was named as a person of interest. I guess "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't apply to Muslims in the eyes of Zionists. Surprise, surprise.

Very interesting that Kalam, a terrorist supporter, doesn't come out and attack and denounce a terrorist attempt on America. In fact he comes out and stands up for a terrorist caught on tape! This is similar to his silence after Hasan and the Fort Hood terrorist rampage and the underwear bomber!

Its a disgrace that he has American citizenship when he so clearly supports our enemies!
The guy under arrest is from Pakistan, he's not an Arab. He is a Muslim. He has not been charged, tried or found guilty..... therefore your title is just gibberish.

I addressed that! My mistake, I meant Muslim. I guess catching a guy on tape isn't enough for ya? :confused:
He is a naturalized American citizen . . . will he be read his Miranda rights?

What defines an act of terror vs. a crime?

If you're white and non-Muslim, its a crime, if you're brown and muslim its an act of terror. Simple as that.

If you Black and not doing a crime, your thinking about doing one, therefore we should be allowed to arrest you! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Also I am pretty sure we call IRA bombings terrorims. I am sure we call Basque rebels terrorist. Lastly I am pretty sure we call attacks and bombings by White Supremacists terrorist.

And in this case, a Muslim terrorist drove a car packed with explosives into time square with the intent to murder and terrorize many innocent Americans, what do you call that?
And of course we have the idiot mayor of NYC, before the arrest...

“If I had to guess, twenty five cents, this would be exactly that,” Bloomberg said. “Homegrown maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something."

Hot Air Bloomberg: Hey, maybe the Times Square bomber was upset about the health-care bill

Another piece of shit politician that has to go
And of course we have the idiot mayor of NYC, before the arrest...

“If I had to guess, twenty five cents, this would be exactly that,” Bloomberg said. “Homegrown maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something."

Hot Air Bloomberg: Hey, maybe the Times Square bomber was upset about the health-care bill

Another piece of shit politician that has to go

In some ways I wished it had been home grown.
yep honey,, u izz a racist pig,, but bear in mind the FBI racially profiles serial killers and they be white guys.. :eusa_whistle:

No they don't.

They sure do. Serial killers have certain traits... and one of them is white. I am white and I know this and it doesn't bother me... cause it is a fact. Doesn't really bother me cause I am not a serial killer.
Terror and crime are one in the same. Terror constitutes crime; crime constitutes terror.
If we did start profiling Muslims, they would still figure away around it.
They would bleach their hair blonde.
He is a naturalized American citizen . . . will he be read his Miranda rights?

What defines an act of terror vs. a crime?

This terrorist does not have to be given his Miranda Rights immediately, under special circumstances, US citizen or not. If there is an immediate danger (which there is since we do not have all of the facts, i.e. is he working alone in the US), the Miranda may be delayed.

Call it what one likes, I am all for profiling. It saves lives. Period.
If we did start profiling Muslims, they would still figure away around it.
They would bleach their hair blonde.

Maybe we should get rid of security at airports also. Hell why have border guards and the FBI. I mean won't they figure away around security, border guards and the FBI! :cuckoo:
Fox is breaking a story: Pakistani Authorities Say They've Arrested a Man in Karachi in Connection With Failed Times Square Car Bombing

can you smell islamic terrorists????
If we did start profiling Muslims, they would still figure away around it.
They would bleach their hair blonde.

:lol: Yeah...that wouldn't draw any attention to them....:lol:

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