Surgeon who exposed Clinton foundation corrupton in Haiti found dead in apartment with stab wound ..


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Surgeon who exposed Clinton Foundation corruption in Haiti found dead in apartment with stab wound to the chest
Well-known doctor who exposed the non-existence of Clinton Foundation-promised medical care in Haiti found dead with knife in chest

Oh the body counts keep getting bigger and bigger what better way to shut someone up than to kill someone. Oh but her cult followers won't ever see the truth of course not their cult followers are sl fkd up in the head they would be easy to command acts of well Charles Manson. You see how his iditos did as he commanded you see how he could do no wrong in their eyes. Well you loons are the same way when it comes to Obama and Clintons............
Why do people related somehow to the Clinton's keep getting murdered?

How many people do you know that has been murdered? I think the Clinton's ought to be in the Guinness book of world records...

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