Support the Cops: Lefties now call them "mercenaries"; Video; Not joke.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Below is the iconic liberal Kieth Olberdork, who is now referring to local police as "mercenaries". You know....mercenaries, the type of un-uniformed armed men globally who take money to go into other places to kill others when the government wants to deny involvement.

How American of the left wing. The cops are enforcing laws, often times at the direction of a freakin liberal mayor, like in Berkeley, San Fran, Oakland, Portland, Atlanta. The cops are financially among the sacred "99%". The protestors have threatened cops. They purposely go out intending to get arrested (yeah, thats gonna help them getting a job when their resume includes OWS-arrestee).

And now they're calling our police officers "mercenaries". The filth that flows through the minds of these left wingers never stops shocking me. I suppor the cops 100% in all these childish OWS rallies. Those morons in the rallies KNOW they are in the wrong. They cannot trespass on private property. They cannot block the flow of traffic. They cannot defy orders of a sanitation official to clear an area for public safety cleaning (BTW, I thought they were "green" and for a clean environment, why oppose cleaning the park???)

Just sick. I fear violence towards cops will only escalate. Those men and women have been placed into a very shitty situation having to keep the peace at these movements full of morons who are dead set in provoking them, causing chaos and then trying to play the victim role.

[ame=]11-10-11 1a - Occupy Wall Street, with Marco Amaral - Countdown with Keith Olbermann - YouTube[/ame]
I thought Americans had Freedom of Speech and the Right to Assemble, but making them get a "permit" make that a "privilege" amirite?

Also, the Cops in Oakland aren't exactly taking time from their "busy day" to thump the heads of the OWS protesters. Oakland has a list of crimes they won't respond to that includes Armed Robbery.

You may not like what other people have to say, but you better start protecting their freedom to say it otherwise before you know it those same Cops are gonna' be thumpin' your head.

Laugh at these kids all you want, this is what's coming for you via gov't agencies like the TSA.

Also, "Olberdork" called Obama out on his XL Pipeline delay so you have to give him kudos for that.
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FRom what I've been reading and hearing on the news most of the OWS crowd are law abiding.

There are a few wingnuts fringe idiots in any gathering. Any movement has the same.

In fact many in the OWS movement have been trying to curb the idiots within their group. Lets hope they are successfull.

Its just stupid for folks on either side to get hurt.

But if Olberdouche called the police mercenaries then he's an idiot. Oh wait. Its Olberdouche and he IS an idiot. Never mind.
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Well if Olberboy said it,you know it can't possibly be true. He's not a very trustworthy source for News. So i have to go with the Cops on this one.
Below is the iconic liberal Kieth Olberdork, who is now referring to local police as "mercenaries". You know....mercenaries, the type of un-uniformed armed men globally who take money to go into other places to kill others when the government wants to deny involvement.

How American of the left wing. The cops are enforcing laws, often times at the direction of a freakin liberal mayor, like in Berkeley, San Fran, Oakland, Portland, Atlanta. The cops are financially among the sacred "99%". The protestors have threatened cops. They purposely go out intending to get arrested (yeah, thats gonna help them getting a job when their resume includes OWS-arrestee).

And now they're calling our police officers "mercenaries". The filth that flows through the minds of these left wingers never stops shocking me. I suppor the cops 100% in all these childish OWS rallies. Those morons in the rallies KNOW they are in the wrong. They cannot trespass on private property. They cannot block the flow of traffic. They cannot defy orders of a sanitation official to clear an area for public safety cleaning (BTW, I thought they were "green" and for a clean environment, why oppose cleaning the park???)

Just sick. I fear violence towards cops will only escalate. Those men and women have been placed into a very shitty situation having to keep the peace at these movements full of morons who are dead set in provoking them, causing chaos and then trying to play the victim role.
Doesn't he know the proper CON$ervative approved term of respect for the police is "THUG!"

April 24, 2008
RUSH: Mayor Daley's cops, his thugs went out there and were attacking Democrats, and the SDS was there and all the anti-war crowd -- the Jerry Reubens and the Tom Haydens -- they were starting fires and so forth, and the Democrats sent Mayor Daley's thugs out there to beat 'em upside the head!
I always consider the source with all information. Look at the source on this one. I have problems with the Police sometimes but this stuff is just way over the top hysteria. Looks like Olberboy is about to get fired from another Media Outlet. But why did they hire him in the first place? They lost all their credibility the day they hired him. It has only hurt their Network. I'll get a nice little chuckle the day they announce they're booting him. He's anything but legit.
I always consider the source with all information. Look at the source on this one. I have problems with the Police sometimes but this stuff is just way over the top hysteria. Looks like Olberboy is about to get fired from another Media Outlet. But why did they hire him in the first place? They lost all their credibility the day they hired him. It has only hurt their Network. I'll get a nice little chuckle the day they announce they're booting him. He's anything but legit.
Mercenary is a term of endearment!
That's right, if THUG and GOON are terms of endearment, so is mercenary!

October 11, 2011
RUSH: I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate. He who controls the language controls the debate.

April 24, 2008
CALLER: However, I'm one of those so-called thugs that you referred to. A Chicago policeman from '68 that was one of Daley so-called henchmen -- which we weren't, by the way, Rush.

RUSH: Wait, wait, wait just a second. You know, I understand why you called. You don't understand. I was proud of the cops. It was a term -- Daley's goons, Daley's thugs -- the point to me was that Daley had sent you guys out to beat up on his own people.

CALLER: A lot of us were very, very conservative.

RUSH: No, no, no. It was a term of endearment.
It's not the left the police need to worry about:

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) — The state's new collective bargaining law was defeated Tuesday after an expensive union-backed campaign that pitted firefighters, police officers and teachers against the Republican establishment.

Ohio Rejects Republican-Backed Union Limits - TIME

I stopped watching Current as soon as they hired Olbermann. I knew they were a Left Wing Al Gore-owned Network but i did enjoy some of their programming. I try to be fair-minded on things. They did have some interesting shows. Hiring Olbermann has only hurt their Network. They lost a lot of credibility. A big blunder for sure.

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