Support the Article V movement


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Dims, are you tired of Trump yet? Do you really think he will be made to resign? LOL. In fact, why was "W" not held accountable for lying about WMD's when he was President?

Repubes, what ever happened to the Trump claim that Hillary belongs behind bars? He changed his mind, no, in fact, he lied. Now all she does is mock him with her tweets and deservingly so.

What the federal government has shown us is that it is incapable of self rule. It has too much power, too much money, and an army of sycophants in both parties to ensure that it continues. No one is held accountable, all we have is the flinging of never ending poo, like monkeys in a cage with a $20 trillion debt to boot.

To Dims and Repubes, are you tired of every Presidential election one half of the country demands to secede?

It's time for states to rise up and have Dims and Repubes band together to overthrow the chains of a hand full of elitists who rule over all of us. It's time to return power to the states like it was originally designed by the Founding Fathers.
Dims, are you tired of Trump yet? Do you really think he will be made to resign? LOL. In fact, why was "W" not held accountable for lying about WMD's when he was President?

Repubes, what ever happened to the Trump claim that Hillary belongs behind bars? He changed his mind, no, in fact, he lied. Now all she does is mock him with her tweets and deservingly so.

What the federal government has shown us is that it is incapable of self rule. It has too much power, too much money, and an army of sycophants in both parties to ensure that it continues. No one is held accountable, all we have is the flinging of never ending poo, like monkeys in a cage with a $20 trillion debt to boot.

To Dims and Repubes, are you tired of every Presidential election one half of the country demands to secede?

It's time for states to rise up and have Dims and Repubes band together to overthrow the chains of a hand full of elitists who rule over all of us. It's time to return power to the states like it was originally designed by the Founding Fathers.
I suppose it least it shows you have a pulse.

Here is what the movement is about.

Or you can walk around with a vagina hat saying Trump has gone insane and needs to be removed.
Issue #1, term limits for Congress

About 75%, or more, of Americans favor term limits for Congress.

Americans Call for Term Limits, End to Electoral College

If term limits are good for the President, why not Congress? It's because Congress has the power to create term limits, and they will never do it to themselves.

In 1947, Congress passed term limit laws on the President after FDR was elected for more than 2 terms as President. They wrote, "too much power for too long is a corrupting influence" as the reason for their actions.

So I ask you, what makes Congress any better? The Article V movement is the ONLY way to get this done.

The majority of Americans support it in both parties, so why can't we "hook up" and get it done?
It's time for states to rise up and have Dims and Repubes band together to overthrow the chains of a hand full of elitists who rule over all of us. It's time to return power to the states like it was originally designed by the Founding Fathers.

The Founding Fodder Gave Us Oats, Not Votes

Those wags wearing wigs were agents of the very elitists you believe their own self-serving Constitution protects us from. No wonder some people inadvertently call them the "Framers"; they really framed us when they devised their anti-democratic manifesto behind closed doors in Philadelphia.

Don't you ever wonder why your misdirected accusations have never gotten us anywhere? It's about time you clear away the dogma you've been told to believe in by the very elitists who have power over you.
It's time for states to rise up and have Dims and Repubes band together to overthrow the chains of a hand full of elitists who rule over all of us. It's time to return power to the states like it was originally designed by the Founding Fathers.

The Founding Fodder Gave Us Oats, Not Votes

Those wags wearing wigs were agents of the very elitists you believe their own self-serving Constitution protects us from. No wonder some people inadvertently call them the "Framers"; they really framed us when they devised their anti-democratic manifesto behind closed doors in Philadelphia.

Don't you ever wonder why your misdirected accusations have never gotten us anywhere? It's about time you clear away the dogma you've been told to believe in by the very elitists who have power over you.

They had their issues like everyone does, but what they did do was introduce the notion of "limited government" and "natural rights".

This was a step away from the known history of mankind which witnessed the majority of its inhabitants either being slaves or those fighting wars for tyrants. What is sobering, however, is upon freeing themselves from the tyrants of Europe, they inexplicably passed the Alien and Sedition Acts that prevented people from speaking out against government. Luckily, Jefferson rose up and did away with most of it. What remained FDR used to lock up innocent Japanese Americans during WW2. Unfortunately, Jefferson compromised with the slave owners to withdraw freeing slaves in the original Declaration of Independence, a decision which cost the lives of over a million of Americans during the Civil War.

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