
Despite a resounding victory in New Hampshire and a virtual tie in Iowa, Clinton's massive superdelegate lead puts her ahead 481-55 in delegates to the Democratic National Convention.

How to you Sanders supporters feel about this crap?

How do you clinton supporters justify this shit?
The fix was in after the last presidential election, land of milk and honey...
Bernie was tied up in the starting gate from the onset of this election. The Dem super delegates are in the tank for Hillary. Bernie never had a chance....................It's all a show...........They should just skip the formalities and crown the Queen and save some time.
Bernie was tied up in the starting gate from the onset of this election. The Dem super delegates are in the tank for Hillary. Bernie never had a chance....................It's all a show...........They should just skip the formalities and crown the Queen and save some time.
Maybe he should go back to the future...
Bernie was tied up in the starting gate from the onset of this election. The Dem super delegates are in the tank for Hillary. Bernie never had a chance....................It's all a show...........They should just skip the formalities and crown the Queen and save some time.
Maybe he should go back to the future...

I don't care about Bernie.........I only care that the system is fucked up.

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