Super Tuesday Should Be the Start


Apr 22, 2007
Why make Iowa and NH so important. They are same and, be honest, not so important states. Yet they are made 2 of the most important states because that is where the contest kicks off. I think the contest should kick off with a bang on Super Tuesday. Followed up with fabulous Thursday (having and additional 15 contests). When the smoke clears top candidates will be clear.
Eleven states will vote on March 1, including delegate-heavy Texas, Virginia and Colorado. And while her aides say that Clinton can and will compete vigorously in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina, her fate will depend on dispatching challengers in March — something she critically failed to do last time around.

If it works, the former secretary of state will have wrapped up the party’s nomination before spring ends — with only 32 states and two territories having voted — thereby avoiding the kind of protracted battle that consumed much of 2008.

Read more: Hillary builds a Super Tuesday firewall

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